The best way to Administer CitizenVoice - Topic Drift, Disputes, and

I'm very glad you offered that insight S2 #60. It may be about the most constructive guidance I'll ever get about it.
I deduce you mean "here" at Citizen Voice, and not just this thread?

Is it that the logic / topic meander squelches your interest in the topic?

It's an excellent insight. But I don't quite get a full picture. You wouldn't vacation on the isle of Serendip? I perceive it as a matter of degree, but have long known I've been nearer the extreme casual end of the spectrum.

I'm now puzzling over a topic based on false premise. Correcting the false premise might seem a topic change. I count it a didactic victory.

ser·en·dip·i·ty (sĕr′ən-dĭpĭ-tē)
n. pl. ser·en·dip·i·ties
1. The faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident.
2. The fact or occurrence of such discoveries.
3. An instance of making such a discovery.

[From the characters in the Persian fairy tale The Three Princes of Serendip, who made such discoveries, from Persian Sarandīp, Sri Lanka, from Arabic Sarandīb, ultimately from Sanskrit Siṃhaladvīpaḥ : Siṃhalaḥ, Sri Lanka + dvīpaḥ, island; see DHIVEHI.]

ser′en·dipi·tous adj.
ser′en·dipi·tous·ly adv.

Word History: We are indebted to the English author Horace Walpole for the word serendipity, which he coined in one of the 3,000 or more letters on which (along with his novel The Castle of Otranto, considered the first Gothic novel) his literary reputation rests. In a letter of January 28, 1754, in which he discusses a certain painting, Walpole mentions a discovery about the significance of a Venetian coat of arms that he has made while looking at random into an old book—a method by which he had apparently made other worthwhile discoveries before: "This discovery I made by a talisman [a procedure achieving results like a charm] ... by which I find everything I want ... wherever I dip for it. This discovery, indeed, is almost of that kind which I call Serendipity, a very expressive word." Walpole formed the word on an old name for Sri Lanka, Serendip. He explained that this name was part of the title of "a silly fairy tale, called The Three Princes of Serendip: as their highnesses travelled, they were always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of...."
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.

Have to say that "thread drift" is one of the primary reasons I don't post here.
I've been puzzling over this a while S2 #60.

First, an irony?
I consider you a stalwart, unabashed champion of diversity within humanity. Thus an aversion to diversity in conversation among humanity, ironic? You and I share the commitment to cultural diversity. I wonder whether our opposition on topic drift may relates to being opposite in education. A formally educated person might well feel more comfortable with a more linear, more consistent topic progression.

I don't know enough about statistics to process this mathematically. The obvious question for an administrator:

Among the posting population, which approach supports, stimulates the most participation? Clearly there's more to it than achieving a word-count objective.
It varies among administrators. My standard is to promote a cyber-community within which it's both fun to write, and interesting to read.

Reductio ad absurdum: it's not easy for even a single human author to produce a Pulitzer Prize winning vector on a single topic.
Therefore to expect or presume to seek it from a hodgepodge of the population is unrealistic.

I don't know.
I've considered favoring a select group. Major contenders, seniors, or veterans. I don't mean to slight the young, our future, our posterity. But marketing to a young audience may increase the risk of pre-adult involvement. And that may involve additional legal liabilities.

And speaking of topic drift:
whatever shall I do with tapatalk The Round Table? Anyone interested in taking it over? If no volunteers I was thinking of offering it to Borg / Z.
Not because I think they could turn it around and have it thriving in time for Halloween. But I think it would be a good experience for them. I'd automatically give tenured posting members priority. Anyone interested?
b #58 & b #62
Fair-skinned people straddle a narrow path. Avoiding prolonged skin exposure to sun to avoid malignant melanoma, good idea. BUT !!
Vitamin D3 is important to the assimilation of Calcium. Calcium deficiency a factor in geriatric hip fracture, etc.

Bottom line, sun exposure has a narrow therapeutic index. Not enough, a problem. Too much, a problem. And not much time difference between the two. AND !!
Even narrowing it down to a number of minutes of exposure may not be optimal, because one minute of sun exposure at one time of year can impart much more affect than at a different time of year. Pick your poison.
Even narrowing it down to a number of minutes of exposure may not be optimal, because one minute of sun exposure at one time of year can impart much more affect than at a different time of year

there are charts which give minimum recommended exposure at various latitudes.
In UK in the winter with only the face and hands exposed the minimum exposure to midday sun to ensure sufficient vit D is something like 30 minutes - far less in the summer.
Only those with one of the rare light intolerances need weight up the risk of skin cancer against vit D deficiency
Thanks m #65,
I didn't know such chart existed, but can believe it should. Without that someone should be able to approximate appropriate exposure by noting the duration of their exposure, & examining their own exposed skin a day or two after exposure.
If it's sunburned, too much. If not tan, perhaps not enough. But I gather some sun is better than none.

Problem is, the human body NEEDS Calcium. And to metabolize Calcium it needs vitamin D, D3 I gather, though some of the other D's may also help. If the human body doesn't get the Calcium (& Vit D3) from the diet, it'll take the Calcium from the skeleton, promoting the risk of bone fracture in later life.
"She fell and broke a hip" a common layman's diagnosis. An as yet unanswered question, did the fall break her hip? Or did the hip break, and cause the fall?

Some may think this sunlight issue is trivial. Evidently it's important enough to have caused the former equatorial humans that chose to migrate Northward to lose much melanin. If it didn't matter, would evolution have selected for lighter skin, and even blonde hair?
Problem is, the human body NEEDS Calcium. And to metabolize Calcium it needs vitamin D, D3 I gather, though some of the other D's may also help. If the human body doesn't get the Calcium (& Vit D3) from the diet, it'll take the Calcium from the skeleton, promoting the risk of bone fracture in later life.
"She fell and broke a hip" a common layman's diagnosis

you know that you can get all the Vit D you need without sunlight - Eskimos/Inuit have up to six months of darkness and cover most of their bodies. and dont suffer from deficiency

Hip fractures (neck of femur) in older women isnt caused by vit D deficiency or lack of sunlight it is due to post menopausal hormone changes

dietary sources of vit D3
oily fish
fish liver oil
egg yolk
beef liver
Hip fractures (neck of femur) in older women isnt caused by vit D deficiency or lack of sunlight it is due to post menopausal hormone changes
Yes. But I thought the idea was women can compensate, and either avoid de-calcification, or retard it enough to minimize the risks.
Above a certain age a broken hip tends to be fatal. In a 28 year old woman she may make a full recovery.
In a 78 year old woman, she may never walk again.

"You gotta get in to get out." Genesis / The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway / Carpet Crawlers
I've been puzzling over this a while S2 #60.

First, an irony?
I consider you a stalwart, unabashed champion of diversity within humanity. Thus an aversion to diversity in conversation among humanity, ironic? You and I share the commitment to cultural diversity. I wonder whether our opposition on topic drift may relates to being opposite in education. A formally educated person might well feel more comfortable with a more linear, more consistent topic progression.

I don't know enough about statistics to process this mathematically. The obvious question for an administrator:

Among the posting population, which approach supports, stimulates the most participation? Clearly there's more to it than achieving a word-count objective.
It varies among administrators. My standard is to promote a cyber-community within which it's both fun to write, and interesting to read.

Reductio ad absurdum: it's not easy for even a single human author to produce a Pulitzer Prize winning vector on a single topic.
Therefore to expect or presume to seek it from a hodgepodge of the population is unrealistic.

I don't know.
I've considered favoring a select group. Major contenders, seniors, or veterans. I don't mean to slight the young, our future, our posterity. But marketing to a young audience may increase the risk of pre-adult involvement. And that may involve additional legal liabilities.

And speaking of topic drift:
whatever shall I do with tapatalk The Round Table? Anyone interested in taking it over? If no volunteers I was thinking of offering it to Borg / Z.
Not because I think they could turn it around and have it thriving in time for Halloween. But I think it would be a good experience for them. I'd automatically give tenured posting members priority. Anyone interested?
go for it. it's a spam pit, from what i saw at a glance, that fits eirini perfectly. and zhe rarely posts where he does other than to defend him from me, lol! maybe she would there, since he's there anyway, if you give him ownership.
and now i'm going to be as serious as i can be, sear. STOP with the vague and circular posting. say what you mean, or i'm out of here, because i'm tired of it already. i don't have time to go through convoluted BS to figure out that you mean something that takes a dozen words to say, at most.
and i'm not going to play that game, or math games , or you and i trying to out condescend each other either. we're both intelligent people, and i will speak plainly from here on in, because frankly, you're giving me headaches.
the same goes for MM, i will speak plainly about my thought on war,politics, etc, and i'd appreciate the same from you. ref does that, and i appreciate it. so does shifty, who probably doesn't remember me as mamasin or as any preceding id, but i've always appreciated his humor and his intelligence, but most of all, his clarity.
now, if these words mean i get tanked, so be it. i want real discussions without word games, okay?
Yes. But I thought the idea was women can compensate, and either avoid de-calcification, or retard it enough to minimize the risks.
Above a certain age a broken hip tends to be fatal. In a 28 year old woman she may make a full recovery.
In a 78 year old woman, she may never walk again.

"You gotta get in to get out." Genesis / The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway / Carpet Crawlers
GUESS WHAT GENTLEMAN??? THIS ISN'T TOPIC DRIFT!!! IT'S A COMPLETE CHANGE OF SUBJECT!! STOP IT!! this is SO freaking annoying!!! THIS thread should be kept on topic and taken seriously. yes, i made a joke too, and i meant it to to stop the topic change. i'll check back another day, this is too annoying for me right now.
Yes. But I thought the idea was women can compensate, and either avoid de-calcification, or retard it enough to minimize the risks.
Above a certain age a broken hip tends to be fatal. In a 28 year old woman she may make a full recovery.
In a 78 year old woman, she may never walk again.

certainly a diet rich in oily fish etc and alleviate the problem but to say that vitD deficiency is the problem is like saying that headaches are caused by Tylenol deficiency

I have had a couple of female relatives break their neck of femur all got appropriate treatment and regained full mobility (as much as a woman in her 90s can be said to have full mobility)
My wifes aunt was 92 when she fell out of bed and broke hers fixed within 12 hours and she was up on her feet withing 2 days - this is the sort of thing the NHS is moderately good at, if you just have an arthritic hip you may need to wait 18 months to get it fixed (these days probably longer as our routine surgery hasnt fully recovered from covid) but break your hip and its done almost immediately
and now i'm going to be as serious as i can be, sear. STOP with the vague and circular posting. say what you mean, or i'm out of here, because i'm tired of it already. i don't have time to go through convoluted BS to figure out that you mean something that takes a dozen words to say, at most.
and i'm not going to play that game, or math games , or you and i trying to out condescend each other either. we're both intelligent people, and i will speak plainly from here on in, because frankly, you're giving me headaches.
the same goes for MM, i will speak plainly about my thought on war,politics, etc, and i'd appreciate the same from you. ref does that, and i appreciate it. so does shifty, who probably doesn't remember me as mamasin or as any preceding id, but i've always appreciated his humor and his intelligence, but most of all, his clarity.
now, if these words mean i get tanked, so be it. i want real discussions without word games, okay?
i apologize if my words are harsh, guys. but i meant them as the constructive criticism asked for. i like you all, but i want to have clear discussions, okay?
i want to have clear discussions, okay?

"What I value more than all things is good humor." Thomas Jefferson

T.J. might have been farming a little too much hemp?

I consider candor a precious commodity, all too rare in the Trump era.
If I didn't value both the guidance / insight, and the sources, why would it matter?

Problem is, for decades I've been self-indulgently, recklessly casual about topic drift. Now my challenge is how to proceed. Still not sure. My sincere thanks to those that have helped shed light here, past, present, & future.