The best way to Administer CitizenVoice - Topic Drift, Disputes, and

"I feel some responsibility" m #20
And for that I am grateful. I've been dismally incompetent at populating @CV. I've got a budget, would particularly like to advertise to retirement communities and veterans groups. But I don't have Google's phone number.
"- although Sear didnt help by telling Z that she was wrong" m #20
Was she wrong? If not I am eager to post a retraction or clarification.
"- although Sear didnt help by telling Z that she was wrong" m #20
Was she wrong? If not I am eager to post a retraction or clarification.

I was being humorous (failed) she was wrong she just didnt like being told she was wrong.
Momma taught me to not beat up girls.
No offense to Momma intended. I take a rather more post-Betty Friedan approach. If metaphorically she wants to play in the boys league, she's subject to me treating her like one.

"Every act of conscious learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to ones self-esteem." "Pride and vanity can thus be greater obstacle to learning than stupidity." Thomas Szasz MD

I'm not wild about being wrong. I sincerely try to avoid it, however unlikely that may seem to those that have read "sear" for a while. BUT !!
Ego-bruising though it may be, I'd rather be corrected than continue in error.
Z may not appreciate it. But in the long run I suspect it's best. Still haven't figured out the Soviet pencil thing, other than she was groping for a squabble? Got caught?

Knowledge is awesome. Pass it on.
being wrong is no biggie but it can be embarrassing if you are telling some one that they are wrong and it is you that is wrong
I hate it when that happens 900 times out of 1,000 !

I was composing a post here a day or two ago, and hideously butchered what should have been short and declarative. I caught it in editing, re-wrote it almost entirely,
and then found out my re-write wasn't much better. Merciful Heavens. It did take a 3rd re-write to approximate my original intent.
Not sure what to attribute it to, other than progressive age, and regressive IQ.
Extrapolate the curves, they seem to meet & cross around age 80 (if I live that long).
b2 #17 & #18
I can't quite complete the picture. Clearly the troll prioritizes trolling. Is it based on self-doubt? That whatever s/he has to contribute probably isn't interesting, or defensible, or ...
therefore go on offensive about fiction?

In any case psychologist Joy Browne NAILED this guy: "Children would rather be praised than punished. But they'd rather be punished than ignored." psychologist Joy Browne
This troll is desperately lonely, and too insecure to try to establish viable cyber-friendships.
he's been after me for months on different boards, and i wasn't the first. his whole goal is to try to convince other members that they should hate who they hate, and he's not above lying or twisting your words to try to do it. it gets him banned ALOT.
he can be very charming until he hits meltdown mode, roughly on the lunar cycle, sometimes more often. if you cross him, he'll trash you anywhere he can. i'm afraid for zhe, to be honest. but she has to do what she has to do.
I feel some responsibility for Oran, (which is what I have known as for a couple of years) I broke my own rule and sent a PM which he seems to have taken as some sort of disparagement (it certainly wasnt intended a such) he almost immediately changed user name (as though I would be struck down with amnesia) and went on the offensive - although Sear didnt help by telling Z that she was wrongo_O
that's one of his bully tactics though, he pretends to be the defender/savior of others. it's rather classic for his type of online troll.
and for the record, i don't deny that I'VE been banned from multiple boards for disagreeing with mods/admins. i managed a very successful board for over a decade, because i put the manager hat on and dropped all emotions and biases towards members. to the point of banning MYSELF for 3 days once, since as a poster, i broke the rules. my expectations for moderation are too high, i'm sure, but then i think" barri, YOU did it, so can they".
he's been after me for months on different boards, and i wasn't the first. his whole goal is to try to convince other members that they should hate who they hate, and he's not above lying or twisting your words to try to do it. it gets him banned ALOT.
he can be very charming until he hits meltdown mode, roughly on the lunar cycle, sometimes more often. if you cross him, he'll trash you anywhere he can. i'm afraid for zhe, to be honest. but she has to do what she has to do.
I'm not sure why the psychology so distracts me. Perhaps it's because most of his other posts are so devoid of content, not much else to concentrate on other than the mindset behind the troll.
But I consider it disturbed behavior, a conspicuous cry for help.
he pretends
Stiff-arming his true nature so that when he fails, it's the alter ego, not "really" him that accumulates the bruises?
i don't deny that I'VE been banned from multiple boards for disagreeing with mods/admins.
That's a HORRENDOUS reason to ban any contributing poster, PARTICULARLY at a current events BBS.
I've seen sites intended to cultivate a single world view (ie all Republicans). Shockingly dull.
I've had pre-adults as posting members here or there. I'd like CitizenVoice to be family friendly enough, though don't want to restrict the reading level to 2nd grade, the way many newspapers are.
Mods / Admins shouldn't take action except in response to a broken rule.

b #29
I've puzzled over that one. Can't tell if Rampage was being satirical or what. Maybe he knows something I don't. In worst case, I suppose permanent ban is the practical option.
i DO think that eirini was given reason not to trust people when he was very young, and that he was hurt in the same way he now tries to hurt others, by gaining their trust and then trying to break them.
but i also think he uses those who trust him to get to people like me who don't fall for his" charms". and that's part of why he changes his name so often, he tries to create a new persona, or repair his old one by changing his name. i also believe he's a sociopath, but that's MY POV, not everyone's.
so·ci·o·path (sōsē-ə-păth′, -shē-)
A psychopath or a person with antisocial personality disorder.

antisocial personality disorder
A personality disorder characterized by chronic antisocial behavior and violation of the law and the rights of others.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.
Speaking as some one who has been perma banned from more boards than I care to remember having posts deleted is a minor irritation but the one thing that I cannot stand and will not tolerate is having the content of my posts changed (in a way that changes the intended meaning).
First occasion I express my displeasure second occasion usually sees me leave the board.
Speaking as some one who has been perma banned from more boards than I care to remember having posts deleted is a minor irritation but the one thing that I cannot stand and will not tolerate is having the content of my posts changed (in a way that changes the intended meaning).
First occasion I express my displeasure second occasion usually sees me leave the board.
Alright you guys. I've been banned a few times. I imagine the one that banned me thought they earned their keep for the day, responsibly fulfilling their obligation (no matter how odious) in their role (as Mod. or Admin.). BUT !!
I gather most of these BBS are administered or moderated by amateurs, most of whom may have good intentions. But it seems most of them are essentially amateurs, and act like it. And that doesn't include the trouble-makers that have mod or admin authority.

I think / hope you two have it together enough to realize if there was a problem, it was likely a problem with them, not you.
"having posts deleted is a minor irritation but the one thing that I cannot stand and will not tolerate is having the content of my posts changed (in a way that changes the intended meaning)." m #33
That's absolutely inexcusable.
Many years ago Grace06 & I tried editing out banned vocabulary, much of which were 4 letter words. The result seemed to be, it precipitated more violations, and kept Grace and me busy. Banning persistent violators is easier.
"I am a good judge of people, animals and politician's." Grace06
Love that gal !

Running a BBS (bulletin board system) rests on a broad spectrum. Running it properly comprises only a narrow band within that spectrum. Exceeding that narrow band is to err, whether moderating to excess, or not enough. At what point should a mod. extinguish a "flame"?
And getting it right merely prepares the soil. Running it properly isn't the final step, it's merely a prerequisite to draw the starting line. Even a competent admin doesn't guarantee harvesting a giant Sequoia every 15 minutes.
so·ci·o·path (sōsē-ə-păth′, -shē-)
A psychopath or a person with antisocial personality disorder.

antisocial personality disorder
A personality disorder characterized by chronic antisocial behavior and violation of the law and the rights of others.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.
it fits.
Speaking as some one who has been perma banned from more boards than I care to remember having posts deleted is a minor irritation but the one thing that I cannot stand and will not tolerate is having the content of my posts changed (in a way that changes the intended meaning).
First occasion I express my displeasure second occasion usually sees me leave the board.
i can live with that IF it's noted that my words HAVE been changed and who did it. and why they thought they would or could prove me wrong just by changing what i REALLY said, if that makes sense.
Alright you guys. I've been banned a few times. I imagine the one that banned me thought they earned their keep for the day, responsibly fulfilling their obligation (no matter how odious) in their role (as Mod. or Admin.). BUT !!
I gather most of these BBS are administered or moderated by amateurs, most of whom may have good intentions. But it seems most of them are essentially amateurs, and act like it. And that doesn't include the trouble-makers that have mod or admin authority.

I think / hope you two have it together enough to realize if there was a problem, it was likely a problem with them, not you.

That's absolutely inexcusable.
Many years ago Grace06 & I tried editing out banned vocabulary, much of which were 4 letter words. The result seemed to be, it precipitated more violations, and kept Grace and me busy. Banning persistent violators is easier.

Love that gal !

Running a BBS (bulletin board system) rests on a broad spectrum. Running it properly comprises only a narrow band within that spectrum. Exceeding that narrow band is to err, whether moderating to excess, or not enough. At what point should a mod. extinguish a "flame"?
And getting it right merely prepares the soil. Running it properly isn't the final step, it's merely a prerequisite to draw the starting line. Even a competent admin doesn't guarantee harvesting a giant Sequoia every 15 minutes.
pretty much every ban i've gotten, the admin who did it eventually admitted to a personal dislike, which leads to bias and creating new rules JUST to justify banning me. as a board manager in the past, my personal feelings were locked away when i had that hat on. there were several people on my board i had a strong dislike for, and when there were issues with them, i stepped away, and the actual moderation/administration team handled it with no input from me. as the manager, my job was a preventative one, we didn't want to ban people, so i gave warnings. and i talked. ALOT. i was the virtual bartender, you know?
There's the whole -actually running the bar- issue. When the bar first opens Thursday probably not a Herculean task. On a $payday Friday almost certainly a different matter. I admire multi-tasking, and a good multi-tasker can do the work of three.

I enjoyed Ted Danson's Cheers, closest insight I've gotten into being a bar regular. Cheers was probably more entertaining than realistic. Either way, enjoyed it.
It's cliche' that a bartender can willingly or not be part parent, part psychiatrist. I'd feel like a captive, like a slave bartending for a long-winded dull person. Especially one who tortures small animals for a hobby. But a retired history teacher that has a few interesting war stories would be a priceless gem.

I enjoy BBS in general, particularly when there's talent there. Not necessary for me to wear the captain hat. When I wear the hat I try to be as unobtrusive as possible, just a cyber-host.

b #37 I gather you've drawn the connection between raising children, tending bar, and running a BBS.
- Has there been a confluence, an insight that each of these shares?
- Do you think it reflects something in you that you've included each of these in your life? A hand-in-glove solution to something that would otherwise have left your life incomplete?
- Any revelations? A jolt that's suddenly improved your life?
yup. what truly jolted my life was realizing that i DIDN'T HAVE to take care of everyone i came into contact with, like i had for so long. i could JUST give them advice with the occasional helping hand instead of having this need to guide them through their lives, and that was such a relief!
truth, i have no idea why my husband stayed my husband the first decade of our marriage, since i was so bust tending to others, and i kind of left him to handle way too much of OUR life together. but he did! and he's still cool with me traveling and taking care of people periodically, because he knows that i'll always come home.
i had to learn that WE, us as a married couple, come first, no matter what. i'm polyamorous, so i do have another relationship i'm committed to, but he doesn't want to live with anyone , so we get on fine, i see him a few weeks a year, and it's all good. he knows that curtis will always come first, and he sees it that way too, since they're good friends.

and i had to realize that it was time for me to step back and make/allow people to grow up, and learn to live their lives without me as a constant. they know i'm always there to talk to, but i don't jump on a plane at the drop of a hat anymore, lol!
I have on my HDD a long list of quotations and others for posting. There's a quotation about - it's difficult to relieve people of burdens they've grown fond of -
That's a dismally inadequate paraphrase. And I can't recall the original with sufficient precision to get a hit on a character string search.

If I find it I'll try to remember to post it. Meanwhile I know from personal experience what it is to benefit from such a revelation, had one similar. In my case however I've become insular, possibly a hermit. I send my next door neighbors Christmas cards each year. But my neighbors to the North have been there for years, I've caught glimpses of them, but have never as much as said hello.