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But my neighbors to the North have been there for years, I've caught glimpses of them, but have never as much as said hello

I could literally throw stones and hit the windows of two of my neighbours, one I have been in a virtual state of war with for 30 years the other I have spoken to once in a similar period (he had a rat problem and reported my chickens to the public heath as being the source of the problem but the gutless bar steward waited until the first day that I was away on my annual summer jaunt)
Funny about that.
I had no inkling about what utterly magnificent neighbors I had when growing up. At that age I just figured that's how neighbors are. I WISH !!

Even if not externally I used to grimace at the few neighbors I had.

Very few.
Might have taken a dozen years or so, but it eventually dawned on me how wrong-headed it was. So without anything external I simply flip-flopped from stiff-arming them to welcoming them. I like it.
The gal to the North was an election poll worker. To the South, he was the law judge in the local court a while. He gave it up, his wife took over.

Country livin'. Can't beat it. My other neighbors are deer friends of mine.
I have on my HDD a long list of quotations and others for posting. There's a quotation about - it's difficult to relieve people of burdens they've grown fond of -
That's a dismally inadequate paraphrase. And I can't recall the original with sufficient precision to get a hit on a character string search.

If I find it I'll try to remember to post it. Meanwhile I know from personal experience what it is to benefit from such a revelation, had one similar. In my case however I've become insular, possibly a hermit. I send my next door neighbors Christmas cards each year. But my neighbors to the North have been there for years, I've caught glimpses of them, but have never as much as said hello.
it's strange to someone who isn't me that my libra self has a scale that actually balances now, when it comes to getting out and about. for may years i worked with the public, and was also a social butterfly in general.
as i got older, i wasn't inclined to be that woman anymore, and kind of became a homebody , outside of work. and i discovered that i like THAT barri too, and i like her better the older i get.
now my life is much more home based, and i'm happy with that. i still get out now and then, but i'm very content with my wall of movies and my corners of music and books, and my computer.
and my computer.
"Solitary confinement" is a punishment reserved for those who misbehave in prison. What little I've read of it is that the confinee begins to "disassociate". The impact of not interacting with other humans.
What that suggests of course is they don't all have to be Rhodes Scholars, that fellow rapists and murderers ("gen. pop.") are enough of humanity to stave off this detriment.
When I was earning a steady $paycheck it was part of the job to interact with people. Very good people, but people. To obtain protracted solitude one had to take vacation.

I now have the luxury of going weeks without direct human to human contact. If I'm disassociating, turns out, not so bad.
More likely, television, and interesting interactions with intelligent people as @CV are more than enough to prevent disassociation. Evidently so. Either that or I'm squandering my Social Security paying for my home when I could be nice and comfy in solitary confinement, and have my meals served to me.

Bottom line b #43, those of us alone a lot must be good company for ourselves. I enjoy my company, evidently more than anyone else. Divorced 1981. I'd get a cat, but as the vista above demonstrates I live on a ridge-top. Raptors soar here looking for lunch. I don't want my kitty cat on the menu. No cat.
"Solitary confinement" is a punishment reserved for those who misbehave in prison. What little I've read of it is that the confinee begins to "disassociate". The impact of not interacting with other humans.
What that suggests of course is they don't all have to be Rhodes Scholars, that fellow rapists and murderers ("gen. pop.") are enough of humanity to stave off this detriment.
When I was earning a steady $paycheck it was part of the job to interact with people. Very good people, but people. To obtain protracted solitude one had to take vacation.

I now have the luxury of going weeks without direct human to human contact. If I'm disassociating, turns out, not so bad.
More likely, television, and interesting interactions with intelligent people as @CV are more than enough to prevent disassociation. Evidently so. Either that or I'm squandering my Social Security paying for my home when I could be nice and comfy in solitary confinement, and have my meals served to me.

Bottom line b #43, those of us alone a lot must be good company for ourselves. I enjoy my company, evidently more than anyone else. Divorced 1981. I'd get a cat, but as the vista above demonstrates I live on a ridge-top. Raptors soar here looking for lunch. I don't want my kitty cat on the menu. No cat.
lol, as much as i love curtis, him retiring did mean a little too much togetherness at first. we've always lived on different schedules due to our various jobs, and our temperaments. days off at the same time didn't happen that often, and we usually spent those visiting his parents.
now, we've gotten used to spending more time together, and how to compromise . he loves gloomy movies, i hate them, so i put on my headphones and watch stuff on my computer. when i'm watching my "kid stuff" or my shows he doesn't like, he puts on HIS headphones and listens to music. i bought him a cassette player for his bday last year , so he's been able to listen to all of the music we created in the past, along with all the cassettes i collected from the( usually really bad) bands that played in the bars i worked in. it works now, and we still end up spending enough time alone to satisfy our need for that.
the cat, that's another story. strangely is as anti social as it gets, lol!
"i bought him a cassette player for his bday last year" b #45
omg my dear.
a) Where in the %$#@ did you find it? I didn't know they were still available.

b) I'm fast gaining the impression you're a techno-troglodyte. Really glad I'm not the only one here.

c) The next gen digital alternative is wonderful. My 2016 is a stripped down econo-box.
But the car stereo in it has a USB port. "Rip" (the technical term for it) your CD collection onto the thumb-drive / flash drive, cram it into the USB port, and the list of the albums shows up on the car stereo display screen. It names the album, and the names of the tracks automatically.
I thought it would be a tech nightmare, incompatibility problems, configuration chores, & lord knows what else.

Nope !

Rip the CDs to the flash drive, plug it in, and you've got CD quality digital audio while you drive.
I'm pretty sure once your CD's are ripped, you can simply copy them to some other device, possibly even your smart phone (not sure). But a computer for sure.
"the cat, that's another story. strangely is as anti social as it gets, lol!" b
I read a cat's mind once, while it was looking for its owner. The cat was thinking:

Where the heck is that big warm thing?
And why do they put legs on them anyways?! SOOO inconvenient!

I don't like it when people insult cats. It hurts my felines.
"i bought him a cassette player for his bday last year

My wifes car has a tape deck (2004 VW) but havent seen a tape deck for sale for years! even CD players are becoming harder to find

Maybe 5 years ago my mothers VCR broke I had terrible trouble getting her a new one (she was too stupid to work a digital recorder - I bought her one and tried and tried to teach her to no avail. I still have it in a box somewhere - it was the most basic one I could find but she still couldnt figure it out it was like she lost the capacity to learn any thing new when she turned 70 she lived about 40 minutes away and I would frequently get calls "the TV is broken" when she had simply pressed a button on the hand set 40 minutes there 40 minutes back 40 seconds "fixing " the TV.
I wouldnt mind but she watched Judge Judy for 12 hours a day
My wifes car has a tape deck (2004 VW) but havent seen a tape deck for sale for years! even CD players are becoming harder to find

Maybe 5 years ago my mothers VCR broke I had terrible trouble getting her a new one (she was too stupid to work a digital recorder - I bought her one and tried and tried to teach her to no avail. I still have it in a box somewhere - it was the most basic one I could find but she still couldnt figure it out it was like she lost the capacity to learn any thing new when she turned 70 she lived about 40 minutes away and I would frequently get calls "the TV is broken" when she had simply pressed a button on the hand set 40 minutes there 40 minutes back 40 seconds "fixing " the TV.
I wouldnt mind but she watched Judge Judy for 12 hours a day
BUT !!
Though it's sad she wasn't able to quite grasp the benefits within her reach, you're by no means alone.

Late night TV comedy host Jay Leno bought his mom a VCR. He tried to teach her how to use it. Each time he'd come to visit her the clock would be blinking 12:00.
He asked.
She explained, it's kind of complicated son, so I unplug it when you're not here.

The other late night comedy host Jimmy Fallon's Mom said it was broken. There was just a big number 11 on the screen. Fallon did the "40 minutes there 40 minutes back 40 seconds "fixing " the TV.".
The vcr was set on pause.

OK !
Here's the deal.
If the challenge is to get tunes in Mrs. m's roll-about, it needn't be a cassette player, or a CD either. All it has to do is fit in the dash. And whatever does is likely to have a USB port.
It's really nice to get nice clear audio. Just, when you "rip" a CD, make sure it's set to the highest possible fidelity. dotWAV perhaps, I forget.

Does kind of make you long for the days of gnawing on a mastodon rib at the mouth of the cave, doesn't it?
when you "rip" a CD, make sure it's set to the highest possible fidelity.

aint no point in recording it at a higher rate than the original
almost every thing on my Mp3 player is recorded at 96 speech is often recorded even lower at 64 although its perfectly listenable down to 32 (sort of AM radio quality)
Im old, Im going deaf and most of my listening is done in the car what use have I of HiFi?
aint no point in recording it at a higher rate than the original
"Any chain is only as strong as its weakest link." Strengthening any link other than the weakest doesn't improve the strength of the chain overall. But iirc the Win7 "rip" software I've been using tops out at CD quality, or .wav format, yes 96 iirc. I haven't ripped since converting the DVRs to Win10, about a year ago.
There are flash-drives / thumb-drives with capacity to hold a hundred CD quality "ripped" tracks. For the $few $dollars extra it might seem to cost, the superior audio quality is unlikely to do harm, and may on margin make the difference between comprehensible audibility, and incomprehensible background yammer.
Some USB equipped stereos may only support flash-drive capacity up to a set specification. Perhaps if that capacity is exceeded, the stereo will only recognize the capacity up to the radio limit, and ignore the rest of the program material on the flash-drive. -OR -
It won't work with that flash-drive at all. SO !!
Read the owner's manual. Probably best to download the pdf from the manufacturer for that specific model #number. "Specifications" should list the max. capacity flash-drive compatibility for that unit, along with other relevant details, if any (none I know of).
USB 3.0 or higher is better than USB 2.x. Might not matter, but I recommend the higher performance, even if only for forward compatibility.
Im old, Im going deaf and most of my listening is done in the car what use have I of HiFi?
My experience, low grade audio such as the broadcast TV sound-track of old black-&-white TV series is not the best.
When I watch these episodes from my DVR I can add subtitles. The implementation is ham-handed, not user friendly. For example a rapid burst of dialogue that elapses before the subtitle can be read might seem a problem. DVR "pause" button to the rescue. Right?
Wrong. The subtitle can disappear on pause, and may not reappear without skipping back 10 seconds in the sequence.

As you know m #49 but some others may not, human hearing might seem to be linear, meaning, a 40 dB signal at 200 Hz sounds as loud as a 40 dB signal at 2,000 Hz, as it would with a flat linear characteristic fully across the human hearing spectrum from top to bottom.
It's not.
And not only is it not, at one static level of volume fully across the frequency spectrum. It varies further as volume changes.

note, the following not a quotation:
The Fletcher Munson Curve is a graph that illustrates as the actual loudness changes, the perceived loudness varies from one frequency to another.
- At low listening volumes – mid range frequencies sound more prominent, while the low and high frequency ranges seem to fall into the background.
- At high listening volumes – the lows and highs sound more prominent, while the mid range seems comparatively softer.
Yet in reality, the overall tonal balance (equalization) of the sound remains the same regardless of listening volume.
omg my dear.
a) Where in the %$#@ did you find it? I didn't know they were still available.

b) I'm fast gaining the impression you're a techno-troglodyte. Really glad I'm not the only one here.

c) The next gen digital alternative is wonderful. My 2016 is a stripped down econo-box.
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But the car stereo in it has a USB port. "Rip" (the technical term for it) your CD collection onto the thumb-drive / flash drive, cram it into the USB port, and the list of the albums shows up on the car stereo display screen. It names the album, and the names of the tracks automatically.
I thought it would be a tech nightmare, incompatibility problems, configuration chores, & lord knows what else.

Nope !

Rip the CDs to the flash drive, plug it in, and you've got CD quality digital audio while you drive.
I'm pretty sure once your CD's are ripped, you can simply copy them to some other device, possibly even your smart phone (not sure). But a computer for sure.

I read a cat's mind once, while it was looking for its owner. The cat was thinking:

Where the heck is that big warm thing?
And why do they put legs on them anyways?! SOOO inconvenient!

I don't like it when people insult cats. It hurts my felines.
i am very fortunate to have a ton of online friends that i met on the ebay help boards, anything i can't find, they can. beloved james found the double cassette player for me, and in return, i found him a mint captain kirk action figure for his set, since the first one got destroyed when one of the stone walls of his little house collapsed.
our home recording studio was cassette based, someday we'll put them on cd...someday...i still have the masters too, lol!
someday we'll put them on cd...someday..
Out of the frying pan, into the fire. Transfer to cd they won't go obsolete until the cd does. We may be half-way there.
If I had my preference the CD would be eternal. A good CD player is worth it's weight in Gold. But sooner than you think even an army of Internet friends won't be able to find you one.

"Music is your only friend ... " Jim Morrison / The Doors / Strange Days / When The Music's Over
ah, now , see, there's the thing. i have a backup for almost everything considered "troglodyte/obsolete", lol! the only thing i don't have a backup for yet is the cassette player, but i plan to trade a vintage VHS player that's NIB for that. i left my wall of tapes at my old house, since i have most of the content on dvd. i can live without the old commercials, since i can find them on youtube. and i don't plan to live forever, so it's cool.
and you should probably realize that i have complete faith in my own research abilities as well as my friends abilities. ebayers, we're VERY good at this stuff.
b #53
There's more to sunlight than light. Wood decks are popular around here. But some that have them notice, the part under the roof can stay like new for a decade or longer. But the part that gets rained on checks, splits, and "weathers" badly. Many make the obvious assumption, that it's the weather, the rain, etc.
It's the sun.
Leave a CD in direct sunlight for a year or two it may quickly become unreadable.
Point being having the archive is fine. Storing it properly is equally important. I don't know the details, but they're probably on the Internet.

B #54
That's enviable. But it's a non-reciprocity.
It's a tantalizing frustration to know there's used equipment out there that you want, but can't track down because you lack the human network.
So far so good.
But even if you maintain that network "for ever" the population of such equipment in shape good enough to trifle with (not in need of repair) is in attrition. It will soon be gone, or so $expensive to be out of reach. "Strike while the iron's hot."