Quotable Quotes

"I know nothing about Project 2025. I have not seen it, have no idea who is in charge of it." ~ Trump
In political P.R. that's implausible deniability.

from link @#940
This is a detail perhaps not widely understood about our Constitution's First Amendment (1A).
It's not necessary to protect speech such as: "I love you Mommy!". It's rarely contested.
The speech that needs protection is unpopular speech, and in busy-body circles coast to coast that includes pornography. BUT !!
1A is there to protect porn., albeit with restrictions to protect children, etc. So much for the high-minded meddlers @Heritage.

& btw,
Hasn't Heritage provided Republican presidents Heritage Foundation approved candidates for SCOTUS appointments? It's a mistake to believe we've seen the last of Heritage, regardless of the fate of Project 2025.
"Broad-mindedness is the result of flattening high-mindedness out." George Saintsbury
"We were a respected country, now the whole world laughs at us. We are foolish people to have let that happen." ~ Trump
"We were a respected country, now the whole world laughs at us. We are foolish people to have let that happen." ~ Trump
Thank you Mr. President for sparing US all that self-inflicted embarrassment.

Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump:
living proof even even looking right looks wrong.
"[Democrats] keep correlating or linking her to 'joy.' Is it because they expect only a woman of color to wash dishes?" ~ Fox host Greg Gutfeld on Kamala Harris
"... only a woman of color to wash dishes?" ~ Fox host Greg Gutfeld on Kamala Harris #944
Racism is racism regardless of how presented.
Your racist comment is not rendered unrecognizable as racism merely because you present it as a question.
You've attempted to insinuate Democrat racism. You have failed, and exposed / demonstrated your own racism in the process.

"Somebody gave Russia all of our plans for hypersonic missiles...and they built them and we didn't...It could have been Barack Hussein Obama, maybe we should ask him." ~ Trump
Not sure when Trump might have said the following, though perhaps there was a time when the U.S. had not yet ...
"Somebody gave Russia all of our plans for hypersonic missiles...and they built them and we didn't...It could have been Barack Hussein Obama, maybe we should ask him." ~ Trump #946
Oh Donald, your so spacial !

DOD Completes Flight Test of Hypersonic Missile​

June 28, 2024
The U.S. Navy and U.S. Army recently completed an end-to-end flight test of a hypersonic missile from the Pacific Missile Range Facility, Kauai, HI. The test provided data on the end-to-end performance of the Conventional Prompt Strike and Long Range Hypersonic Weapon All Up Round.

"All Up Round" ?

Perhaps English I understand too good do not.
Trump's an incompooh !
"WHERE'S HUNTER?" ~ Trump post during Kamala Harris's acceptance speech
Anyone with repartee that incandescently brilliant deprives humanity by dawdling on the sidelines.
OH! Got an idea !
Donald! You should run for president !

How's this for a slogan: Fast food for everybody (that votes for me)

Where's Melania ?
"What gives her the right to run for President? This is a Threat to Democracy." ~ Trump on Harris
a) The notion that practicing democracy threatens democracy is obvious bilge.
b) If Trump were able to overcome his extemporaneous default he could cite the sloppy way the Dems. ran Biden in the primary, and Harris in the general. BUT ! Trump is Trump. One of the few fleeting opportunities for legitimacy, forfeited.
"What gives her the right to run for President? This is a Threat to Democracy." ~ Trump on Harris

To be explicit, I suspect the Democrat party may have been victimized by an excessively loyal white house staff,
keeping secret what wasn't revealed until the Biden / Trump debate.

Premised on the notion Joe wasn't a viable candidate, VP Kamala might have seemed the replacement most
consistent with standards.

But it seems to me that decision has been made in undue haste.
The Dems. are stuck with it now. Probably better than the Republican alternative. Will Trump still
be on the ballot in November?
"Comrade Kamala is doing a campaign bus tour with Tampon Tim, her really bad V.P. pick." Trump

"Barack Hussein Obama, he was nasty to me. He was nasty. Michelle was nasty. They're all nasty. Nasty people. I was surprised, I thought he was -- I was sort of nice to him..." ~ Trump
"Comrade Kamala is doing a campaign bus tour with Tampon Tim, her really bad V.P. pick." Trump
Ambassador Haley & other Republicans have chided Trump, he's less likely to win the swing vote he needs to win, if Trump continues to use such insults. Let us all hope you are right Madame Ambassador.

The message I draw from this, Trump would like to regain the presidency, but not at the expense of acting presidential. Meaning, if he's going to lose, he wants to enjoy it. And the insults & lies continue.

Enjoy yourself Mr. Trump, as you plummet to obscurity.
Trump didn't invent crooked politics. But there was a somewhat simpler time when factual errors were inadvertent disclosures of incompetence,
rather than demonstrations of treacherous deceit.

"I support efforts to limit the terms of members of Congress, especially members of the House and members of the Senate." --Vice-President Dan Quayle

"Vice"president? Not sure what vice,
drinking? Might explain it.
Thinking? Probably not.
"She's not a good debater. She's not a smart person. She doesn't want to debate." ~ Trump on Harris #956
That's a potential amateurish mistake.
a) If Trump wildly exaggerates her skills, and she merely performs adequately, Trump could portray that as under-performing.
b) By lowing expectations as the above quotation does, if she merely performs adequately, she'll exceed expectations, elevating her status as a competitor against Trump.

All that is moot if Trump wriggles out of debating her entirely. And if he does, he may dismiss it as, she's just not up to it.
"She's going to get paralyzed in the Situation Room while the generals have their way with her." ~ Fox host Jesse Watters on Harris
"She's going to get paralyzed in the Situation Room while the generals have their way with her." ~ Fox host Jesse Watters on Harris #958
- undignified delusion -
"Prohibition is a great social and economic experiment - noble in motive and far-reaching in purpose." Herbert Hoover

"Laws do not persuade just because they threaten." Seneca
- Seneca: won
- Hoover's: a zero
"And in six states, you're allowed to kill the baby after it's born. And you know, one of those states is Minnesota, where Tampon Tim is from." ~ Trump