Photos, vids, etc ....

"Then the next time you (or a family member) has to undergo surgery you should tell the surgeon not to wear a mask. After all, depending on the nature of the operation they may well end up wearing that mask for hours with no interruption ." #1,020
As you know it's not that simple.

Any scientifically recognized, documented risk of masking does not negate the benefits, such as pathogen filtration.

Even if wearing an N95 decreases O2 exchange efficiency by 5%, that's trivial for a robustly healthy surgeon that runs marathons for fun in her spare time. BUT !!
The opposite end of the spectrum, feeble patients requiring supplemental Oxygen because they can't obtain what they need from natural respiration, are obviously at greater risk, & have little or no margin.

Surely it's a small % of total population, but those few that survive in that narrow band where the 5% makes the difference between life or death, should act accordingly.

And then there are those that may not risk immediate death from such Oxygen intake reduction, but might experience undiagnosed impairment, losing a few brain cells here or there ... whatever. Goldilocks applies.
Any scientifically recognized, documented risk of masking does not negate the benefits, such as pathogen filtration.
In fairness, last article I saw on the question of surgeons "masking up" said that there is no evidence that it makes any difference.

But the point is that, if wearing a mask/scarf/whatever actually impedes performance you should be worried by the fact that they do wear a mask.

Ladies and gentlemen, the unelected leader of the Republican Party.

"In fairness, last article I saw on the question of surgeons "masking up" said that there is no evidence that it makes any difference." S2 #1022
I haven't read much about it since "the novel corona virus" inspired wearing masks in public in the first place.
What I read back then was some mask designs are better than others. Their effectiveness could not vary if all designs were zero %.
"... there is no evidence that it makes any difference." To whom?
"But the point is that, if wearing a mask/scarf/whatever actually impedes performance you should be worried by the fact that they do wear a mask." S2
But impeding air flow with a nose / mouth filter mask does not necessarily impede the mask-wearer's performance *, except on the fringes, such as running a marathon foot race. There may not yet be consensus.

" ... recent data demonstrate that human bites occurring anywhere other than the hand present no more of a risk for infection than any other type of mammalian bite."

" human bites are not as common as dog bites, but they are much more dangerous. After a human bite, infection occurs in up to 25 percent of cases, but only in ten percent after dog bites."


My lay suspicion here is that the obvious applies. Wearing a mask may help a little, but unless it's SCUBA style, or Haz-Mat rated respiratory gear, it's nowhere near 100% filtration / pathogen containment.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the unelected leader of the Republican Party." S2 #1,023

I have little to offer, except a sympathetic cyber-pat on the shoulder here.
The reality is so implausible, it's a challenge to compose a sentence to describe it. - but -

Inexplicably, Trump is not only the "elected leader of the Republican Party." Trump is fast careening toward being the RE-"elected leader of the Republican Party", and potentially the nation (& thus the solar system).
Trump not only got more primary votes in Iowa than any Republican running against him. Trump got more primary votes in Iowa than all the others running against him, COMBINED !

- uh oh -

* only a negligible diminution in their respiration efficiency

"Just told my kids I'm older than Google. They think I'm joking" #1026
Since the big bang, change has existed.
What is unusual about human history is, in recent generations, the rate of change has increased exponentially, unprecedented in human history. BUT,
to the young'ns, this spectacular rate of change is the status quo, it is familiar to them. In that context, it's the rest of human history, not merely that before the automobile, television, or computer, but before the Industrial Revolution that is unusual, in context of their own experience.

When the first Internet search engine was invented / developed, some regarded it as wildly impractical. It required very powerful, extremely expensive computers. Expensive to purchase, expensive to operate.
For quite some time search engines operated at a loss, before the $profit angle was added.
Didn't take long from there to make Google wildly $wealthy.
Didn't take long from there to make Google wildly $wealthy.
And that didn't just apply to upper management - early employees who were granted stock options (either as hiring bonuses or as part of their long term compensation plans) became seriously rich.
"Trump cited San Antonio as an example of a city where a border wall has worked." #1,028
I've puzzled over this, not sure I have a definitive answer.
But one of the explanations I've considered:

Trump is a jive *** NYC real estate shyster, accustomed to decades of personal style, extemporaneous comments strong on glare, superlative saturated, but not grounded in fact. Studio 54 had no Snopes.
Trump's jive style might rise to the level of an annoyance in NYC social circles. It's a different matter in U.S. presidential politics. Yet for Republican primary voters Trump spewing ignorant nonsense doesn't seem to harm him politically, may actually be his strong-suit to his MAGA crowd.
Instead, it harms US. How's that for a dysfunctional feedback loop ?! btw, he wants to be president again. - oh - & btw this "Republican" juggernaut seems to have the Republican primary sewn up. Popular opinion is if former South Carolina Governor Haley can't beat Trump in South Carolina, she's toast / tossed, gone. BUT !!

This seems to be the Democrat's preference. They think Trump will be easier than Haley for Biden to beat this November. BUT !!
They made that mistake before, hoping California Governor Reagan would win the nomination, believing Reagan too extremist to beat Carter in the general. - holy cow -
(because Carter was a one-termer, Reagan beat him)

reluctant PS:
I dislike the superficial appearance of me being a Trump apologist.
Non-border States ignored the cries for help from States bordering Mexico, until the border States started bussing the crisis-level human immigrant overflow up North.
"Trump cited San Antonio as an example of a city where a border wall has worked." #1,028
This has made States including New York (which borders Canada) a locus of the migrant crisis Texas has sounded the alarm about for many years. Thus
If Trump's "great, great wall" actually had staunched the flow, it might have benefited Eagle Pass, San Antonio, and NYC as well. BUT ! I doubt that's what Trump had in mind.
And that didn't just apply to upper management - early employees who were granted stock options (either as hiring bonuses or as part of their long term compensation plans) became seriously rich.
Good. Venture capital creates growth, fuels prosperity. They took the risk. They deserve the reward.
"They took the risk. They deserve the reward." t 1,031
The counterexample coming to mind is Enron. In that case high-ranking Enron officers urged Enron employees to buy Enron stock, but Enron share price collapsed, a Ponzi scheme or akin to it.

What search engines do is pretty good. How they do it, amazing. A single query can produce a list of hits many pages long, and the search engine ranks them.
Thus search engines multiply the utility of the Internet. It would seem quite silly if Internet resources were located for prospective users via telephone book style reference.
EJC #1,033
Reportedly Trump doesn't have to pay until the appeals are exhausted. I gather than can take years.
I wonder which of the two of them will die first, Trump, or Carroll.

Has Melania filed for divorce yet?
Reportedly Trump doesn't have to pay until the appeals are exhausted. I gather than can take years.
True, but there is a difference between "paying" and "posting surety"

""When you file an appeal in NY, you may have to put up the amount of judgment for court to hold for the length of the appeal process... "

And there's also the matter of the NY fraud trial where the judgment could be in excess of $370 million.
I'm not sure what to think here.
Is Thomas so stupid he doesn't know he's done wrong?
Or is he so overwhelmed by his own delusion of entitlement that he thinks it doesn't matter, or that he won't get caught, or ... ?
Trump’s Red Hand Markings Draw Wild Speculation—Including Syphilis Conspiracies
Sara Dorn / Forbes Staff / Politics / Jan 18, 2024,12:11pm EST

Former President Donald Trump was photographed Wednesday leaving his Manhattan apartment with a patchwork of red markings resembling blisters on his right hand—drawing mass speculation about the cause of the apparent affliction as Trump has stayed uncharacteristically mum on the subject.


Former President Donald Trump leaves Trump Tower for Manhattan federal court on January 17, 2024. ... [+] AFP via Getty Images
Key Facts
The blemishes were visible in photos of Trump’s right index finger, thumb and upper palm as he waved to cameras while departing his Fifth Avenue residence for his latest trial Wednesday, but hours later they had disappeared from photos and videos of him gesturing at a campaign rally in New Hampshire.
The spots headlined the Drudge Report and have become a prominent talking point among politicos, with many guessing whether they were a symptom of sexually transmitted disease syphilis.
While the markings could resemble syphilis sores, there is no actual evidence Trump has the disease.

Any guesses?
Probably not from working an 8 lb. splitting maul for a few hours. Tennis?

Compounding the mystery, photographs of the same hand taken after this don't show the same red blotches.

For now, this is an unexplained mystery. Not sure Trump will solve the puzzle.

- meanwhile -

What is the treatment for syphilis?

A single injection of long-acting Benzathine penicillin G can cure the early stages of syphilis.

t #1,038
Is this why Melania hasn't been holding DJ's hand lately?

President Trump:
Some questions about your health have arisen sir. In the past, for example when you contracted COVID, you made your health status public? Any reason you don't wish to do so about this?