Photos, vids, etc ....

Is that Southern drawl? Or >0.1 BAC ?
Might be fun to review a court transcript of the drunkard explaining that to the judge at traffic court.
Attitudes towards drinking and driving have changed (a lot). In the day nobody thought anything about having a few beers and driving home. In fact I remember laughing when somebody said that "he was too drunk to walk home so he drove"

For that matter I remember getting a ride home from a department party from one of the secretaries and having to take the keys off of her to unlock the car and then giving her the keys back so she could drive.
Puberty converts the body from child to adult.
But the childish joy of flouting authority doesn't vanish as body hair appears. What advances is the scope.
An impetuous child scorns his babysitter. The impetuous adult scorns the police.

"Attitudes towards drinking and driving have changed ...
from a department party from one of the secretaries and having to take the keys off of her to unlock the car and then giving her the keys back so she could drive." S2 #1,781
~1975 some drinkin' buddies carried an over-served chum from the NCO club at a Cold War NATO base, to his car so he could drive home.
He didn't make it.
I wasn't there.
But I saw the wreckage. In addition to the blood stains there was body tissue, including scalp with crew-cut hair hanging from jagged metal. Gasoline and ethanol don't mix
"... my mis-spent youth ..." Jackie [the great one] Gleason, in the role of Ralph Kramden / The Honeymooners
"Says something about how much I'd had to drink as well." S2 #1,783
Temperance is a merciless affliction S2.
There's no known cure, but regular medication can help renew & sustain the excitement of chemical dependency.

If not for the young & foolish, it would be more difficult for the old & feeble to find anyone to sneer at.
Thank you Al, and all the other coholics.
Ooops ...
