Photos, vids, etc ....

Vaccines are most effective when a population reaches "herd immunity".
Receiving an intravenous injection is a non-zero risk. The risks probability is low, but detrimental consequence potentially high.

How should our modern society split this baby?
Where does the individual citizen's right to refuse vaccination, and the whole population's interest in avoiding pandemic disease begin?
"Where does the individual citizen's right to refuse vaccination, and the whole population's interest in avoiding pandemic disease begin?" s #1,762
A prominent debate in our culture, women's right of choice.

So called "pro-lifers" oppose this choice.
Shall we extend this same standard to vaccinations? Compel citizens to comply with arbitrary government requirements?
Shall we extend this same standard to vaccinations? Compel citizens to comply with arbitrary government requirements?
Nobody is forcing anyone to be vaccinated. All they're doing is saying that "if you want to do X (whatever that is) you have to be vaccinated". That's very different from holding them down while they're being given "the jab".
Nobody is forcing anyone to be vaccinated. All they're doing is saying that "if you want to do X (whatever that is) you have to be vaccinated".
Some parents are intelligent enough to know they're not intelligent enough to home-school their own children. Employment schedule or other obligations may eliminate that option.
While at some level informing a parent their child will not be allowed to attend public school unless the parent can prove the child is vaccinated isn't "holding them down", the differences may be immaterial, the outcome the same.

There are some important questions about whether these vaccination prerequisites are Constitutional. The 14th Amendment enumerates "equal protection of the laws", persuasive arguments on each side.
These taxpaying voters pay into the system. And then government tells them they can't reap the benefit of what they've paid for unless they jump through additional hoops. Non-zero risk.

I'm hardly anti-vax. I got 5 Pfizer COVID-19 vax. before patient-retained vaccination records were abandoned.
It's a mistake to allow personal bias to obscure such issue. I may favor one side of it. That does not

That's very different from holding them down while they're being given "the jab".
The line is currently drawn.
Where that line is currently drawn is not a problem for some, a problem for others.
Within a population of hundreds of millions, where that line is drawn will affect some, not others. We should know by now, declaring that acceptable is bad karma.

"There is no law that says we have to go to work every day and follow our employer's orders. Legally there is nothing to prevent us from going to live in the wild like primitive people or from going into business for ourselves. But in practice there is very little wild country left, and there is room in the economy for only a limited number of small business owners. Hence most of us can survive only as someone else's employee." Excerpt from Unabomb Manifesto: author / convict / mathematician Theodore Kaczynski; sentenced to Lifetime imprisonment without possibility of parole
Cool - so don't vaccinate your kids and send them to school but let all the other parents in that school sue you if one of their kids contracts measles say.
"Cool - so don't vaccinate your kids and send them to school but let all the other parents in that school sue you if one of their kids contracts measles say." S2 #1,766
Or, find and implement an equitable compromise. For all I know that may be the current status quo.

We're fooling ourselves if we insist there are no competing interests here. Even if RFKj is merely a troll, doesn't believe his own insanity, is up-to-date on all his own shots, and just likes making the front page,
there are some that sincerely hold their anti-vax belief, no matter how ill-informed, or dis-informed.

"waste, fraud, and abuse" #1,767
Seems to me Musk is at a spectacularly ham-handed attack on waste & fraud,
and has displaced them with abuse, and injustice.
Yes this is a real song by Harry Roy and his Bat Club Boys - and it was banned by the BBC in 1931 because that word was already slang for something other than a pet feline

You have to love her facial expressions

He's got a point


That said, I remember flying out of Logan - sitting at the gate and when we started boarding one of the other passengers went up to the gate agent and handed her something he'd found laying on the seat - someone had obviously forgotten it. The agent took one look at it, turned to another one and said, how did this get past security and grabbed a phone. I was actually surprised that they didn't rescreen all of us before letting us board.
"If you've seen one on the road you'd realize that they're even uglier in real life" S2 #1,776 (seriously, #1,776!)
And that cyber-friends is due to the 4th Law of Thermodynamics.
A photograph of a Cybertruck aflame doesn't generate enough heat to warm a bran muffin.

But if the Tesla you're locked inside suddenly becomes an omnidirectional exothermic light source,
don't buy any green bananas.

Is that Southern drawl? Or >0.1 BAC ?
Might be fun to review a court transcript of the drunkard explaining that to the judge at traffic court.

I was busting up ice in my driveway Tuesday, saw / heard a broad V of migrating geese honking Northwest. Can you beat that St. Pat.?