a) - ha -
b) "Those who consider the Devil to be a partisan of Evil and angels to be warriors for Good accept the demagogy of the angels. Things are clearly more complicated." Milan Kundera
A generous share of mayhem has been perpetrated by ostensible Christians. Does that mean all Christians are bad?
Or might it instead mean Christianity is powerful, rendering it vulnerable to exploitation by those that would abuse that power?
In that case blanket condemnation of all Christendom punishes Christianity at both ends.
- Abusers of power may exploit Christianity.
- Based on the abuse, critics criticize the abuse, thereby punishing the victim.
#1,440 is hardly the meme that ruined the solar-system.
But the counterpoint may also warrant occasional mention.
A broad diversity of views is welcome here at CitizenVoice.
These fora are a public service, to hone the skills of providing information, and effectively persuading our cyber-neighbors.
A talking serpent, & a pregnant virgin may seem sensible reasons for doubt about accounts disclosed in the Holy Bible.
Is that what matters most? Absolute scientific precision?
Even if as a discipline, a style of living, it makes the practitioner a better person?
Which is more important? That it's true (or not)? Or that it works?
It is not the role of CitizenVoice to make that determination. Instead,
It's the role of CitizenVoice to provide the forum, to enable members to arrive at an opinion
through a more methodical process. It's peer review not of the conclusion, but of the process.
Communication isn't as easy as it seems. Practice often.