Re #1,404
"The government you elect is the government you deserve." Thomas Jefferson
Over the generations I've seen young, idealistic candidates campaign for congress, only to win election, take office but soon to become disillusioned by the inextricably entrenched seniority hierarchy, political power of special interest lobbyists, etc.
Any status quo has its constituency. Those with seniority power in congress are unlikely to forfeit it to their juniors, subordinates. And the institutional dysfunctions persist.
Can we quantify this systemic failure?
Here Jefferson, de Tocqueville & others lay collective blame on the whole People. The cyberverse provides us quantified clarity.
Innovations such as fiber-optic cable enable communication "band-width", measured in Mbps.
This post, #1,406 may consume more Mbps than the average U.S. voter expresses in a lifetime.
Thus it's not practical for a voter to send a coherent message to shape government to practical political performance standards. The choice is nearly binary:
- vote Democrat, or
- vote Republican.
Morse code would be an improvement.
So here we are. And T.J. says I deserve this.
No I don't.