PayPal: Policy to Fine Customers for 'misinfo' was 'error'

I have no proof either way m #62. But:
if we bell-curve this one, would it surprise you if on the scale of this ~$1 $B jury award that there were some on the action fringe of the curve, even at 3 or 4 sigma, that would have made threats? I thought witnesses, heirs of the victims, testified they'd been harassed.
May I have a dose of my regular "medication" please? No need to pour. I'll just tilt it out of the bottle.

myth, or mirth?
In the old west a .45 cartridge for a six-gun cost 12 cents, so did a glass of whiskey. If a cowhand was low on cash he would often give the bartender a cartridge in exchange for a drink. This became known as a "shot" of whiskey.
How can you have "free elections" when 11 political parties are banned?

"Alongside dozens of other international monitors in Ukraine for the election, I found that Sunday’s first-round election was free, but that serious flaws kept it from being fair." - Ambassador William B. Taylor Friday, April 5, 2019
Before this war, Ukraine had banned only the communist and fascist parties. They were banned for the same reason as the ban on fascist parties e.g. in Germany.

If Germany can have a free and fair election while banning fascists, then Ukraine can have a free and fair election while banning fascists and communists. Which is exactly what happened. Ukraine bans genocidal, totalitarian ideologies. Why am I not surprised that you are defending them?

The "11 banned parties" thing is a lie. It wasn't the case in 2019. It's the case now, in the midst of war, because these 11 parties have been offering aid and comfort to the aggressor.

Note that the main opposition party (European Solidarity) is not banned for example, because they are not pro-russian.
these 11 parties have been offering aid and comfort to the aggressor.

Ooops smoldering pants time

In a March 19, 2022 executive order, Zelensky invoked martial law to ban 11 opposition parties. Max Blumenthal and Esha Krishnaswamy characterized the outlawed parties as "the entire left-wing, socialist, or anti-NATO spectrum in Ukraine

For Life Party, (largest opposition party)
the Left Opposition,
the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine,
the Socialist Party of Ukraine,
Union of Left Forces, Socialists,
the Party of Shariy,
Ours, State,
Opposition Bloc
the Volodymyr Saldo Bloc.

some time later
Communist Party of Ukraine
Happy Ukraine party
were also banned

When a party is banned all its assets are forfeited to the state

Openly fascist and pro-Nazi parties like the Azov National Corps were left untouched by the presidential decree,

So if the 2019 election was free and fair (see below) you can be sure that the next one (assuming that there will be a next one) wont be

In addition to the opinions of the US ambassador (who said the election wasnt fair you may recall)
"Sunday’s presidential election in Ukraine was competitive, voters had a broad choice and turned out in large numbers. While the existing legal framework offers a sound basis for holding democratic elections, it was often not implemented in good faith by many stakeholders in the run-up to election day. This negatively impacted trust in the election administration, the enforcement of campaign finance rules, and the effective resolution of election disputes, the international observers concluded in a preliminary statement released today." European election over seers

‘Banned’ Ukrainian Communist Party puts forward candidate for Presidential Elections​

The ‘Communist Party of Ukraine’ has announced that it is putting forward its leader Petro Symonenko as presidential candidate in the coming elections. The announcement has aroused bemusement, since it comes over three years after the much publicized ruling from the Kyiv District Administrative Court banning this very same party.
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