PayPal: Policy to Fine Customers for 'misinfo' was 'error'

I'm not sure your age plays into it. My parents are older than you, but they get airline rewards points on their credit card, and are currently living it up in Italy based on those rewards.

The money is yours. You can give it back to the bank if you want, but I wouldn't.

Typically cash back is 1% wouldnt you have to spend a great deal on your credit card to get enough to "live it up in Italy?"

$100 000 spent on your card gets you $1000
Most banks give 2% on gas and 3% on restaurants and movie theaters, though. A plane ticket to Italy costs about $600 if you don't actually care when you go. *shrugs* It's not like a constant thing to be able to go, but it is possible to occasionally have a little fun.
even taking it as an across the board 3% your parents flights were about $1200 and I am assuming that whilst in Italy they are going to stay in hotels and eat and travel that is still a hell of a lot of gas and restaurant meals!
All they paid for with the reward points was the plane tickets. I didn't think anyone was going to take me so literally and demand they pay for everything with reward points! Good grief. They're staying with a friend and mostly eating in and cooking, anyway. They won't be driving, and I doubt public transit is so expensive as to add a huge bill to their stay.
Maybe sky miles are worth more than 3% of the credit card bill. I don't know. They do eat out most days, which must cost a lot of gas and restaurants. And they put their utilities on the credit card, which comes to like $500 in a cheap month now. Anyway, I don't keep track of my parents' finances as they are still capable of doing that themselves. All I can tell you is that my mother suggested getting a Venture card and charging everything to it when I started dating long distance because, she said, she and my father were going to Italy with the rewards for it. *shrugs*
So it's not actually $cash back, meaning a specified number of dollars that can be spent just like any other dollars? On absolutely ANYthing any other dollars can be spent on? There are restrictions, like only on airfare?
No worries.
I'm nearly 70.
Wouldn't amount to a hill of beans for me at this point, and it wouldn't change my life in the least, except to slump my shoulders downward a little for being party to it, legal or not, scam or not.
See! I KNEW you'd be a good teacher!

CASHback cards give you cash.
POINTS cards give you points you can only spend on certain specific things.
Knowing the course material is essential to competent teaching, essential but insufficient on its own.
The best teachers understand what the student is asking, and answers their question in a way that demonstrates the teacher understands the material, and not having yet learned. Not yet knowing.
Thanks for distinguishing for me: cash back vs reward points. That was the logjam.
Z may be hellfire righty right right on this one. But to me it shows many of the elements I recall from children's secret clubs. I didn't care much for them when I was a child either. BUT !!
At least now I know the detail on precisely what it is I've been so skillfully if ignorantly avoiding all these decades. My thanks to you and Z for peeling the scales from my evidently self-righteous eyes, on a subject I now care even less about.
Hmm, right, so you've taken my thread off-topic with your pointless, arcane gibberish that I often barely understand, mainly because it's mind numbingly dull and stupid and now you're insulting Zhelana for correcting you - when you just love correcting people with your nauseating patronising gibberish in every single post.

It's not because you're mainsplaining - it's because you're a cunt.

And you acn take your loyalist terrorist loving friend over there, mark, and shove it as far as you can up your searing hot shitehole where it belongs you annoying spineless isolated, unloved, friendless worthless speck of shit under my shoe

I just went to the toilet and thought of Winston Churchill's quote after reading your post..

Winston Churchill: [In the toilet] Please tell the Privy Seal that I'm sealed in the privy and I can only deal with one shit at a time.
Hello BR #30
Please pardon me for side-tracking the topic. I can't say it's not deliberate. Posters generally understand the meaning of their posted words.
But the distraction is unintentional.
I'd like to contribute more on Pay-Pal, but I've never done it.

Thanks for the Churchill tribute. I'm a fan. But an insight that may benefit you in the future: vulgar vocabulary is an inadequate substitute for forceful self-expression.

Enjoy your weekend.
Still not much on PP.
But I found this:


It seems I'm the one that dragged it off-topic with my post about credit card (an alternate available to PayPal customers). The information was intentional. The distraction was not.
Hello BR #30
Please pardon me for side-tracking the topic. I can't say it's not deliberate. Posters generally understand the meaning of their posted words.
But the distraction is unintentional.
I'd like to contribute more on Pay-Pal, but I've never done it.

Thanks for the Churchill tribute. I'm a fan. But an insight that may benefit you in the future: vulgar vocabulary is an inadequate substitute for forceful self-expression.

Enjoy your weekend.
Ah, that's all you've got after your own vulgar vocabulary both here and elsewhere is it? Et Tu, Brutus? I thought you were a fan of the old Churchill quotes?

So much for the nice sear that presented himself a nice thoughtful fellow eh?

Enjoy your weekend too doing whatever it is you do misprinting posters for this bizarre place with all of 4 active members
Last edited:
feel free to leave any time you like

I just thought I'd see if you had stopped downplaying the horrific atrocities in NI where people's families were killed. You know, because RUC shopped them? And when people were knowingly fingered as collaborators when they weren't, leading to the IRA killing Catholics who they wrongly suspected. That's pure evil.

According to sear, pointing this out is trolling but his own style of posting (which everyone has a problem with elsewhere and many do here too) isn't trolling.
I just thought I'd see if you had stopped downplaying the horrific atrocities in NI where people's families were killed. You know, because RUC shopped them? And when people were knowingly fingered as collaborators when they weren't, leading to the IRA killing Catholics who they wrongly suspected. That's pure evil.

OK its put up or shut up time, give ONE example of the RUC passing details of a "collaborator" to the IRA who the IRA later killed
OK its put up or shut up time, give ONE example of the RUC passing details of a "collaborator" to the IRA who the IRA later killed


You refuse ANY AND ALL evidence relating to Ukraine so why would this be any different?

In any case, I'll be more specific and say MI5-SB rather than the whole RUC in this case. But are you really reduced to these arguments? Blanket denial?
You refuse ANY AND ALL evidence relating to Ukraine so why would this be any different?
you havent given any evidence relating to Ukraine!

In any case, I'll be more specific and say MI5-SB rather than the whole RUC in this case
OK cite one example
if there was so much of it going on cite one example where ANY British agency passed information to the IRA which resulted in a death or serious injury

because I am a sporting sort of guy I suggest that you forget MI5 and look at FRU/SRU and 6MI but that is all the clues you are getting