PayPal: Policy to Fine Customers for 'misinfo' was 'error'

Hmm, right, so you've taken my thread off-topic with your pointless, arcane gibberish that I often barely understand, mainly because it's mind numbingly dull and stupid and now you're insulting Zhelana for correcting you - when you just love correcting people with your nauseating patronising gibberish in every single post.
It's not because you're mainsplaining - it's because you're a cunt.
And you acn take your loyalist terrorist loving friend over there, mark, and shove it as far as you can up your searing hot shitehole where it belongs you annoying spineless isolated, unloved, friendless worthless speck of shit under my shoe
I just went to the toilet and thought of Winston Churchill's quote after reading your post..
Winston Churchill: [In the toilet] Please tell the Privy Seal that I'm sealed in the privy and I can only deal with one shit at a time.
If Z feels she's treated unfairly here, she knows how to stop posting here.

If you found CitizenVoice as substandard as the above quotation indicates, you'd be a fool to continue to post here.
But your #38
You refuse ANY AND ALL evidence relating to Ukraine so why would this be any different?
In any case, I'll be more specific and say MI5-SB rather than the whole RUC in this case. But are you really reduced to these arguments? Blanket denial?" #38
you don't dislike it here enough to leave.
Multiple possible explanations for that. You have poor taste (by your own standards).
Ockham's Razor, you're a troll, seeking limits, just as a naughty teen seeks, probes for limits.
So much for the nice sear that presented himself a nice thoughtful fellow eh?

WelI I have been posting on Sears boards for years, probably getting on for a decade I have always found him to be pleasant and thoughtful have you considered that the problem might be with you and not Sear?

Just saying
Yaaaahhhh WHHHOOOOOO !!!

Finally a tie I can break!
Gimme a moment ... (difficult decision)
i knew you years ago from a couple of noserose's boards, so long that i'm not positive what my ID was then, lol! it's a real pleasure to see that you're alive and well, and i hope she is too.
i'll just be 23BZ here, or zombie, whatever the responder prefers, if that's okay? is fatquarters here, by any chance? i miss her alot.
Welcome b2.
You're right about pseud progression.
I don't recall recently having seen the noserose pseud. But that doesn't mean she's not there. I recently starting using the pseud "cognation" because tapatalk stole my pseud "sear". If you see the pseud sear anywhere other than at the Round Table (due for closure soon as I can find the front door key) it's not me.
Pennyhalldamedcat sent along the word Grace06 has been promoted. I miss her, and so many others. It's quite an education for me.

I hope you make a happy cyber-home here b2. If you have a site, please share a link with us at Welcome: introduce yourself, say hello
You aren't.
Nah! you didnt like me in 2014 over on YAP either
when I was saying pretty much what Im saying now - Ukraine is a fascist state and you were saying what you are saying now that Ukrainians are all democracy loving god fearing saints.

plus ca change !
Nah! you didnt like me in 2014 over on YAP either
when I was saying pretty much what Im saying now - Ukraine is a fascist state and you were saying what you are saying now that Ukrainians are all democracy loving god fearing saints.
Since then we've seen Ukraine hold several legitimate, free, and fair elections, replace one president (Poroshenko) with another (Zelensky), replace one ruling coalition (European Solidarity) with another (Servant of the People) -- and elect a jew to the President's office, no less.

Seriously, this is your astonishing claim -- that the "fascist" Ukraine has freely elected a new ruling party and new President, elected a jewish President, and yet you still insist they are "fascist".

In the same period of time we've seen putin remain unchanging fuhrer of russia, along with his "One Russia" party. Since then putin has also engaged in a war of genocidal conquest.

Ukraine: Free elections, strictly defensive war, open culture, integration into democratic world. FASCIST!
Russia: No free elections, unchanging fuhrer, wars of aggression, totalitarian oppression. NOT FASCIST!

Be sure not to confuse them.

As we can see, history has proven me right, and you -- a filthy genocide apologist. Clearly things haven't stayed the same. Events have exposed your deranged delusions for what they are.

So, are you "Rigby"?
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Yeah, we gotta get R5 here. First one that cyber-sees him, send him the URL.

R5 Anecdote:
I was considering spending $35K on a new tractor, because my aging workhorse isn't enclosed.


I'm on a hilltop, so the Winter winds do dreadful things with the snow this snowblower hurls.
The result, I can get snow in the face, and at 10F that's icky.

R5 (from the New Mexico desert?) suggested saving the $35K and buying a snowmobile helmet.

I did.
I did.
Thank you R5 !
Meanwhile the topic-starting troll is faux conniption over topic drift. Anybody got a syllable on PayPal?
WelI I have been posting on Sears boards for years, probably getting on for a decade I have always found him to be pleasant and thoughtful have you considered that the problem might be with you and not Sear?

Just saying

He's not liked at all at other boards (with more than 5 posters), I've seen how people are talking to him.

The problem may well be with me, but I suspect not given the way others are talking to him.
Meanwhile the topic-starting troll is faux conniption over topic drift. Anybody got a syllable on PayPal?

You take everything off-topic with your mindless droning on about goodness knows what, again I'm not the only one to notice this.
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You take everything off-topic
I'd rather not quibble over the percentage, but would prefer to tender my plea of guilty.

I've been at boards where the admin. meticulously polices against topic drift. I haven't seen the worst of them in a decade or so. But I suspect he's still at it. I can't speak for him, but you have my permission to test your welcome there. Perhaps you'll find it more to your liking.
In this case though I haven't done a formal tally I suspect you've done more whining, trolling than you have on-topic contributions. Care to check?

Perhaps you and I harbor differing views of serendipity. Many a time I've found where threads meander to be more interesting than the original topic. That's my priority. I prefer what is interesting to what is on topic. You rale against it with absolutist condemnation:
" You take everything off-topic " #52
and while you seem to want us to believe it vexes you, it evidently isn't enough for you to depart for greener pastures.

With your creative energy BR #52, and your obvious vision for a better way to administer a BBS, why not start your own?
It's not just that you take things off-topic, sear.

It's that you

- Mainsplain to women (and you patronisingly explain things we all know to everyone else) - pointed out to you in multi places
- You insult people's intelligence with posts describing theirs as "piffle"
- You insulted the shit out of Zhe after she accused you of mansplaining - which you did
- There's countless other things you do, like misrepresent and lie about things which irk

It all adds up to being very annoying, I was willing to overlook at least some of that until you suddenly turned nasty with Zhe. I didn't expect you to post such vile things to her but you did.

WHat you said was absolutely disgusting.

Are you even willing to apologise for how out of line you were?
I was right. Z was wrong. She asserted the Prius was not a plug-in hybrid. I posted what VicDan dismissed as a wall of text, a long list of authoritative examples including Toyota that formally, officially directly refer to the Prius as a plug-in hyrid.
It's all still in the original thread, though Mr. D confused the matter by splitting the thread. Those interested have the raw material to piece it together.
WHat you said was absolutely disgusting.
I can understand why a troll would think the truth would be "absolutely" disgusting.
I was right. Z was wrong. She asserted the Prius was not a plug-in hybrid. I posted what VicDan dismissed as a wall of text, a long list of authoritative examples including Toyota that formally, officially directly refer to the Prius as a plug-in hyrid.
It's all still in the original thread, though Mr. D confused the matter by splitting the thread. Those interested have the raw material to piece it together.

I can understand why a troll would think the truth would be "absolutely" disgusting.

You're correct. She was right and you were wrong.

For that you began insulting the shit out of her with pure nastiness.

You're doubling down on it right now in the bottom line of your post, thinking what you said was ok. It wasn't.

Rear, you are a disgusting skidmark, I hope you know that.
You're correct. She was right and you were wrong.

For that you began insulting the shit out of her with pure nastiness.

You're doubling down on it right now in the bottom line of your post, thinking what you said was ok. It wasn't.

Rear, you are a disgusting skidmark, I hope you know that.
That'll be the last of that B #56.
From now on, either quote the exact posted words you take issue with, or please don't mention it.
If you violate this, your first violation will be handled administratively.
If it happens again after that, your pseud will be banned, I think.
Not sure.
I haven't done that yet with XenForo software. Probably standard.

You must be desperately lonely, to prefer to spend your Sunday this way, instead of the myriad of other options you have before you. You obviously need professional help. Any chance you can get it on your own? Need some help from your parole officer?
Ukraine: Free elections
How can you have "free elections" when 11 political parties are banned?

"Alongside dozens of other international monitors in Ukraine for the election, I found that Sunday’s first-round election was free, but that serious flaws kept it from being fair." - Ambassador William B. Taylor Friday, April 5, 2019
That'll be the last of that B #56.
From now on, either quote the exact posted words you take issue with, or please don't mention it.
If you violate this, your first violation will be handled administratively.
If it happens again after that, your pseud will be banned, I think.
Not sure.
I haven't done that yet with XenForo software. Probably standard.

You must be desperately lonely, to prefer to spend your Sunday this way, instead of the myriad of other options you have before you. You obviously need professional help. Any chance you can get it on your own? Need some help from your parole officer?
Nope. Not at all.

Are you talking about yourself?

It sounds like you are talking about yourself, in your isolation, in your shack, in the Adirondacks.

You have my pity.