Election 2024

Marlene Robertson

"Imbecile Vance strikes again. He claims people would have more kids if it wasn’t for those pesky car seat laws. This is beyond weird." #540
"beyond weird" to the literal-minded perhaps. It's actually a simple formula Trump perfected early in his 2016 presidential campaign. "Crazy like a fox"?
Trump then refined his skill at releasing alarming, and therefore seemingly news-worthy, statements. Trump even demonstrated the discipline to limit such attention-grabbers to the news cycle.
Some estimate Trump obtained about a $Billion dollars worth of free publicity with that technique, also gaining the white house, losing the vote, winning the election.

As Trump's protégé, Vance is using the same technique with similar affect.

Car seat laws suppress population growth? Silly? Of course. BUT !!
It's absurd enough less than 2 months from election day to have entered public discourse.

We fall into the trap by repeating it, amplifying the ridiculous message.

The way to fight back? What did KamHar say today?
" @JDVance staffers knew the racist claims were untrue but Vance and Trump continued making them anyway. " #528

fab·u·list (făbyə-lĭst)
1. A composer of fables.
2. A teller of tales; a liar.

[French fabuliste, from Latin fābula, fable; see FABLE.]
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.

Such flagrant gratuitous falsehoods disgrace the candidate, or in this case, the ticket.
That such candidates lead in electoral polls disgraces the nation, & threaten humanity.