Can a quotation brighten your day?

"... no man shall be blamed for reasoning in the maintenance of his own religion." Thomas More (1478 - July 6, 1535 @ age 57) NOTE: Canonized by the Roman Catholic church 1935; Saint More?

"Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear." Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), U.S. president. Letter, 10 Aug. 1787.

W #60
I make a sincere effort to not fall in love with the first deity / religion that happens by. And if the one true god finds this offensive, despite the hundreds of different options there are to believe in / fall for, or worse if I'm to be punished by eternal torment for my sincerity, then I'd be glad not to worship any such deity.
Just may be the "one true being" has with thought allowed a number of interpretations to flourish allowing Man to "pick and choose". I have never been a follower of any of the Religions that "Practise " in todays world. But as posted would like to think when my time comes and I then am made a where of the truth, like to believe I can with some thought realise "what it was all about".
"there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known." St. Luke 12:2

No rush W.

"I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief." Gerry Spence, Attorney at Law
I have quoted this simple "formula" before.
95% of the Worlds population is either inept or leaderless.
1% are Saints
1% are "rear-end people"
3% are leaders.
Viewing what is happening to the world I am convinced the formula is more or less correct.
So, as in the 1920's and on to the 1930's when a leader did emerge. That could happen in the U.S. or in Europe, but whether that leader "leans" Left or Right we shall have to wait and see.
The Formula also could be used in a Religious connection, so it's possible for a "Person" to rise up and claim "I am the one" and use a Religious "connection" to Dominate.
"The dark threads are as needful, in the weavers skilful hands, as the threads of gold and silver in the Patten that is planned".
"The Formula also could be used in a Religious connection" W #64
I suspect the cases where it does not apply are fewer than those where it does.

I can't add much to that W, so instead I'll share w/ you a writing formula my boss at the factory gave to me about 40 years ago.

Writing Formula:
1: State Problem
2: State Observations (list experiment or test data)
3: State Impact (list impact data, production impact)
4: Propose Solution (quantify solution efficacy prediction)
5: Provide Alternate Solutions (pluses and minuses)

NOTE: Report conclusion should not leave unresolved issues without action plan and deadline for resolution. Use nouns, minimize verbs, no adjectives. Begin paragraphs w/ declaration. Following sentences should support the first. Final sentence should provide orderly transition to next paragraph. Paragraphs should be in logical sequence.
While sorting "items and papers" collected over the years, this inspired me.
"When someone really irritates you"
Do not allow yourself to react by punching them in the Face.
Instead, step back, take three slow deep breaths, and remind yourself you are in control.
Then step forward and punch them in the Face.
You'll be more accurate, and they won't expect it.
Makes sense of course W #66.
But as recent news is so clogged with carnage (from the New York subway all the way to Ukraine) perhaps dialing the idea back a bit might help make the same point:

Before you criticize any man it makes sense to walk a mile in his shoes.
If doing so brings you to accord, so be it.
But if it doesn't bring you to accord, at least you're a mile away from him, leaving him barefoot.
Yes Sear, your post makes a great deal of sense. But, I have noticed in todays world there seems to be a growing "element" of those that:-
Strike first and then ask questions afterwards.
I wonder if it's because of the ability of "People" to talk to others miles away while they spend their time "prostrating" on Mobil Phones, so never see the reaction front face so to speak, to their words?
"so never see the reaction front face so to speak, to their words?" W #68
That is HUGE to me W. I'm a veteran. And my hearing has been hammered down because of that, chainsaws, lawnmowers, etc
But when talking face to face, though I can't read lips per se, I can usually piece together comprehensible speech by both what hearing I have left, plus reading lips.

The global pandemic planted a hatchet in that, by both muffling the sound of the speech with face masks, and concealing the lips from my view.

At very least we can be sure the criteria by which we interact has changed. Difficult to imagine these changes haven't imposed consequences.
That is HUGE to me W. I'm a veteran. And my hearing has been hammered down because of that, chainsaws, lawnmowers, etc Sear
Some 40 plus years ago, I awoke totally deaf. No reason I could discover nor the first Doctor I saw. But a few weeks went by and I "reconnected" with hearing world, totally deaf Right Ear, and around 20% Left ear, with the magical "Tinnitus".
However looking back, it was a revelation, in that I gave up the Position I had attained after 25yrs and took on a more "Labour intensive" occupation. When looking back "best thing that could have happened". I still "face" those I talk too, and still use the telephone and very limited "Mobil phone use".
So I still gauge the reaction to my "words". However it has made me "look as in depth" to whom I am talking too which in turn have notice does influence.
I get the impression it's a vanishing skill. People used to sit & talk. Now the text.
The mobile phone is surely a contributor. But over two years of a planetary pandemic hasn't helped.
A few hours ago I spent about 15 minutes with a friend & neighbor I used to socialize with regularly. For the past few years most of my face to face human interactions are at the grocery store. And now that they're using self-checkout I'm usually interacting with a machine. ugh
For the past few years most of my face to face human interactions are at the grocery store. Sear
Now that is interesting. Some months ago we moved back to where we started some 40 yrs. ago. So had to "get to know" small local Grocery store and people who serve.
My Daughter while I was moving in, went and ask if a Daily News Paper could be saved for me. I then have over the last few months have "tripped over" to collect. Now I am a "fixture" in that the Ladies who serve "greet me" and dare I say make a fuss of my. So my "face to face" with them has paid off.
"the Ladies" "and dare I say make a fuss" W #72
Perhaps if I was as handsome as you I'd have similar good fortune to report.
Instead for me it's usually: - Pay up! - and - Get out! -
Perhaps in that we we're both being treated like family.
Perhaps if I was as handsome as you I'd have similar good fortune to report.
Instead for me it's usually: - Pay up! - and - Get out! -Sear.

Long ago I realised "looking good" was just one element as to "getting on with people". I have over time, used numerus "avenues" to gain acceptance.
I posted before the "need" because of the Deafness, to stare, thus making a person slightly un-nerved, which then gives an advantage, which the "Warrior" inside me takes full advantage of. It's part of my belief, that just under the outer skin we are still "Animals", thus a predator can win.
"It's part of my belief, that just under the outer skin we are still "Animals"" W #74
Dude. You may have seen members of the same wolf pack quarreling over a kill, for which of them gets the choicest part of the carcass.
Humans see that, and sneer at the "wild animals" and how primitive they are.

But watch a crowd of people that have been without food for a few days that suddenly find a loaf of bread amongst them, and they'll act about as wild as the wolves I just described. We're animals. And the impression of civility we gain from our well fed countrymen will fizzle, vanish under the same adversity the wolves endure.
That reality might be more depressing. But since it's "human nature", and since there's not much that can be done about it, I try to ignore it.
The coronavirus pandemic interrupted the Washington Correspondent's Dinner. But it's back, and so was the president:
Biden "... noted it was the first time a president had attended the dinner in six years. President Trump didn’t attend during his presidency and it was canceled for the last two years because of the coronavirus.
"It's understandable," Biden said, "We had a horrible plague followed by two years of COVID," he joked to laughter and applause from the room, clearly referring to Trump as a "plague."
Looks like the 2024 political season is already underway.
Looks like the 2024 political season is already underway. titan
Yes, it is on it's way, the only problem we face is "Leadership".
Both the US.A. and in other country's , we now face a leader of Russia, that thinks "I am the one". it remains to be seen if we have a Leader who can say "sure your a powerful leader, but just watch it".
"Vladimirovich Putin, (born October 7, 1952, Leningrad, Russia, U.S.S.R. [now St. Petersburg, Russia])"

"Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., (born November 20, 1942, Scranton, Pennsylvania, U.S.)"

By my math if Putin's still alive this Winter he'll be 70 years old. Biden looks significantly physically more feeble, and is a decade older than Putin, BUT !!
Putin's coterie is disproportionately megalomaniacal Putin subordinates, and abattoir entrepreneurs.
In contrast Biden is reportedly extremely opposite, Biden being described as a genuinely good guy by those that have known him for many years, regardless of their political affiliation.
"it remains to be seen if we have a Leader who can say "sure your a powerful leader, but just watch it"." W #77
It may have been Rampage that said President Biden considers Putin's Ukraine adventure an existential threat. I think I understand what Rampage means.

Reportedly the $33 $Billion Biden has already asked for, $plus the $aid the U.S. has already committed to exceeds what the U.S. spent per year in the last 5 years of its War in Afghanistan.

We have to take battle reports from Ukraine with a grain of salt. For example we're lead to believe Ukraine somehow miraculously has had several battlefield successes against what have been touted as superior Russian forces.
What those battlefield reports omit is that it's quite likely NATO & U.S. battlefield intelligence is likely to be reaching Ukraine military commanders in time for them to take advantage in maneuver, & counter-attack.

To quote President Abraham Lincoln: "Actions speak louder than words."

I'm with you W #77 on the attitude needed by the West in this case, otherwise, today Kyiv, tomorrow London. This is a baby we have to strangle in the crib. Biden's on it.