Can a quotation brighten your day?

Some very young children observe details that might escape elder observers. Sear
Could that be that their minds are not full of the "crap" we tend to "absorb" during our life's.
" Sometimes it can manifest as charisma. Sear" Totally agree, and we have seen this when certain Politicians are saying what the gathering in front of them wants to hear.
"There is no real success without rejection,
the more rejection you get, the better you are,
the more you have learned,
the closer you are to your outcome".
Anthony Robbins

I continue to face Donald Trump with metaphorically open-mouthed astonishment.

Trump operates in an environment of his own making where his own integrity, personal or professional, is a non-entity. Trump says what he wants, apparently without concern for any apparent commitment.

"I will build a great, great wall on our Southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall, mark my words." Republican primary presidential candidate Donald J. Trump 15/06/16

- piffle -

Regarding Tony Robbins, I'm rarely "all in" on charismatic speakers. I don't know much about Robbins. But I gather he's one of the better ones. Joel Olstein may be another worth a look.
As I have quoted in the past, their are times when:-
"The dark threads are as needful in the Weavers skill full hands,
As the threads of Gold and Silver in the Patten that is planned."

There is more, with regards to that quote, but those lines I think give a meaning to Life.
There is another quote which sums up IMHO people and those you met.:-

So many people go through life without direction,
They just go from stop to stop.
It's like they're on a bus.
and the only time they get off,
is to have a Piss. Todd Rundgreen
Carol U. says "Todd is god". She's a fan.

If not sad, a grim reality that for there to be joy, there must also be sorrow. It's the nature of duality.

For there to be down, there must be up.
For there to be hot, there must be cold.
For there to be wet, there must be dry.
Thus none of us may seek misery. But could we ever know joy without it?

Regarding Todd, I think that paragraph in W #23 is subjective. Those Rundgren accuses of just going from stop to stop might make the same accusation of him. For a casual observer might see WHAT the observed is doing, but not understand why. It's axiomatic that we act in our own self-interest.
I also think that Age does allow a new "view" as to things that not only go "Bump in the night" but when reflecting on the past. One of my Daughters gave me two books which now I have time, I have started to read. The first "Begin it Now" is a collection of "who said what and when". The other is one that I am very much enlightened with, "Native American Wisdom". :-
We were taught to believe that the great spirit
see's and hears everything, and that he never forgets;
that here after he will give every man a spirit home
according to his deserts........
This I believe, and all my people believe the same.
Joseph (Hinmaton-Yalatkit) Nez Perce Chief

This is the opening quote in the first book:-
For my Dad-whose visionary ideals and
Courageous plans inspired me to live my
life as a daring adventure

What more could a man ask.
For my Dad-whose visionary ideals and
Courageous plans inspired me to live my
life as a daring adventure
W #25

Psychologist Joy Browne quotes Helen Keller as having said: "Life is daring risk or it is nothing at all."

Seems to me we draw from life, benefit from our own life, in proportion to our involvement in it, our contribution to it. Dull persons doing dull things shouldn't expect excitement.
Dull persons doing dull things shouldn't expect excitement.
Oh Brother Sear, (just recognising a kindred spirit) that statement should be "cast in Stone".
"Victory belongs to the most persevering" Napoleon
Or perhaps :-
People who feel they have to do things,
usually forfeit many available,
options and Alternatives.

An lose control of their Life's,
in the process. Denis Waitley
You know I'm not Christian W #27.
You know I don't slave to religion, formal or informal.

But I revere wisdom both contemporary and ancient. And the Holy Bible says: "for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Galations 6:7 (you reap what you sow)
Far be it from me to ridicule daffodils. If Bruce likes daffodils, wants to put some in a vase to decorate his living room, fine with me. BUT !!
If Bruce wants to harvest daffodils, Bruce should take care to not plant chrysanthemums. You reap what you sow!

For inspirational quotations, you could do worse than Shackelton.
You know I'm not Christian W #27.
You know I don't slave to religion, formal or informal. Sear.

Likewise Sear.
I have after a long and eventful life, come to the conclusion, that when Man started to "look up at the stars, and wonder" along came someone who either saw a way of control, or had a sudden "twitch" which they thought was a divine intervention and started to imagen a "set rules" which they thought Man needed and more to the point could give control, over Man.
And then the first line of a quote "from a Film I remember" (will need to find the DVD and refresh) "I have seen things you people would not believe", and if we can imagine an articulate person standing in front of a small crowd, started to talk about a vision they had, had, the those in the crowd suddenly becoming trans fixed, it's not hard to then imagine some in that crowd passing on the message etc, etc,.
From my own experience:-
Some many years ago, a powerful Local transport company decided to run large Double decker Bus's along a couple of narrow residential roads. The residents rose and complained, using their cars to block roads etc, small Demo's which were dispersed by the Law officers. Then a small crowd one day gathered and started to discuss ways of stopping the route. Then someone suggested starting Committee, and then someone turned and said "Hello committee Chairman".
The result once the residents were organised, after a 4 to 5 months with Politicians becoming involved the Committee was informed that the Bus route was to be abandoned.
So it is possible that Religion regardless of "what Being to pray at or for" becomes a sort of channel to air differences etc. not in way saying those that believe in a power greater then man are in any way wrong, but as I have posted, if you take into account, 95% of people, are leaderless etc. etc, it could make sense.
"Man started to "look up at the stars, and wonder" along came someone who either saw a way of control" W #29
"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful." sometimes attributed to Seneca the Younger (c.3 BCE - CE 65)

Sorry about the bus route. Surely it may seem a victory. BUT !
The French complained bitterly about the hideous eye sore erected to celebrate whatever.
On the 31st March 1889, the Tower had been finished in record time – 2 years, 2 months and 5 days – and was established as a veritable technical feat.
BUT !!
Not only have the French backed off from their original hostility about Eiffel's eye-sore. The Eiffel Tower is now one of the most universally recognizable man-made landmarks in the solar system.

Might have been a similar story with the Dutch about their first windmills.
And today, similar protest against wind turbines gradually displacing Carbon-belching fossil fuel commercial electric power plants. Wouldn't surprise me if these "eye sores" become by mid-century tourist attractions.
When I went to Holland in 1976 one of the things I wanted to see was a legacy design windmill. Glad I did.

Regarding religions:
The religionists get to define their god. If there was but one religion it might be a hideous battle between believers & others. BUT !
There are so many different religions, with so many different descriptions of god, I leave it to the religionists to squabble amongst themselves over it.

OF COURSE, there's an omniverse of difference between a religion's characterization of god, and our creator. I don't conflate the two. And further, many a religionist has warned of the Devil's work, and how Satan will try to draw us away from god. WELL !!
What do you suppose the religionists are doing? They can't all be right. And to the degree their descriptions differ, at most only ONE can be right; quite likely, not even one.

"Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear." Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), U.S. president. Letter, 10 Aug. 1787
Sorry about the bus route. Surely it may seem a victory. BUT ! Sear
In this no it was bad decision, if only because no one had asked the residents their views. Plus when two Bus's met there was but 6 to 12 in's to spare between them.
My reason for posting that episode, was to show when someone stands 95% follow.
There are so many different religions, with so many different descriptions of god, I leave it to the religionists to squabble amongst themselves over it. Sear
Or as we have seen and are seeing "they fight themselves"
When one reflects, and choosing no one Religion as example, it seems to me that we have seen again most Religions after may be a few of Hundred years, change and in many cases "split" to form other beliefs. Now I again assume or may be believe when you first bake the pie it tastes "uniform" but when start to mix with other ingredients, it is no long classed the same, like wise Religion. So again those that are say, new comers, they alter the mix to change to what they believe, further would suggest "it's not a Being induced product, more a man made one.
Live your beliefs and you can turn the World around Henry Thoreau
W #31
I know.
I'd have thought religion was to help bring people together. - Love your neighbor as yourself - turn the other cheek - etc.
Instead, Christianity has splintered over the millennia. Not one religion, but perhaps a dozen or more.
- Catholics
- Protestants
- B'hai
- Jehovah's Witness
- Unitarian
- many etc.

Not too different from Islam. From the Holy Qur'an:
"... slay the infidels wherever ye find them..." Holy Qur'an: Sura 9 Verse 5

I've read this passage is used for Sunni to justify murdering Shiah, & vice versa.

Pappy warned me. "Beware the divine imprimatur!"

- Trust those that seek the truth, distrust those that claim to have found it. - paraphrase of words attributed to the Buddha
I agree with your views as to Religion, and it's (dare I say), that Religion is by it's acting, on the weakness of the majority, being controlled by the few whether by sudden conversion or (again dare I say)"an happening " in their life's which fundamentally changes one.
Unless you believe in those that "preach" what ever the Religion, your an outsider and not to be welcomed, and even "attacked" . We have seen those that "dare" question actions or different interpretations of what's preached "crushed".
We have again as we have seen when one Religion decides that another Religion does not conform to it's beliefs and so wants to destroy the other, that is Man not Religion or a spiritual intervention.
We see it now with the attack on Ukraine, one mans belief that he should be King. And yet the Killing and the pain is caused by man not again divine intervention.
So, and I have posted this before "on reflection on ones own life" you have noting those that have either entered one's life by chance or by need, because in their weakness or wanting to control, they see you as a person that can give them "satisfaction".
I remember an occasion where a Man I had known many years being told he had not long to live. I visited and while there his wife took the opportunity to go shopping. I sat with him and he spoke of his concerned as to near death but who would look after his wife when he departed! And then what followed I can't explain, because I did not in the sense comfort him, more I "showed" him what he achieved, and that his wife was safe due to family near by. But after when I left, the thought struck me "that was totally unlike what many would have said or acted"
So question, was it a base instinct, which took over or sympathy. In other words (in my case) a Wolf being less aggressive, or a man due to a life lead, or just may be a internal intervention by...................As one ages there are questions as to "why me".
Subjectively the question "Why me?!" may seem to make sense.
But the question appears to be prejudicial. It presumes a reason. To consider the issue objectively, we must also consider other explanations. I've been looking at it for ~67 years. I don't recall any more pragmatic standard to live by than the Hippocratic Oath. "Do no harm."

I know my #34 is thin gruel in reply to your #33 W.
But even if I remain resigned to a Jehovah-free omniverse, it does not mean I must smolder in shame in my deathbed. "Do no harm" may not buy me a rent free efficiency apartment in the outskirts of Heaven. I'll worry about that when I get there. So far,
avoiding doing harm where possible, and doing good where practical seems to be working. And if I should be blessed with being sent to Hell for my choice of lifestyle, then in Hell I will strut with pride for eternity.
I've been looking at it for ~67 years. I don't recall any more pragmatic standard to live by than the Hippocratic Oath. "Do no harm."
I sometimes wonder, if as you age you start to reflect on the past more then before. You youngsters (I am reflecting on 83 yrs) sometimes see things us "oldens" either forget or are confused about but in some ways may be we can add a little experience and colour too. And yes I totally agree as to your quote "Do no Harm". It seems to me that many, use such a quote after they have done the deed as a sort of atonement.
As for whether when entering the "upper realms" we are shown a path to Heaven or Hell, and we are able to choose because while on this Earth of ours, have been more active then others remains to be seen. Personally because when checking my D.N.A. I discovered over half my D.N.A. was made up of, Scottish- Walsh, Germany, and Swedish, but did arrived in London, some many years ago, so can I think claim possibly some Viking Blood, so a Viking ship is what I favour when casting away from this Mother Earth.
Vikings have helped lead the way in this world.
I see no reason Vikings shouldn't lead the way in the world hereafter as well.
No rush.
If there is light in the soul, there will be beauty in the person. If there is beauty in the person, there will be harmony in the house. If there is harmony in the house, there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.
Chinese Proverb:- titan

Just re-reading some of this heading, this quote did strike me as very masterful and very true.
Plus in the current situation in the world, would show as to the dis-harmony which is effecting a growing number.
Vikings have helped lead the way in this world.
I see no reason Vikings shouldn't lead the way in the world hereafter as well. Sear

Yes, one can only hope. Plus as a treat my Daughters took me out to see the Sea on the Eastern side of the UK, having for many years been close to the Western side.
I sat staring at the Sea awaiting the sound of the Viking Horn.
I'm not criticizing a classic W. John Mansfield's poem “Sea Fever” falls in line with much of what the public seems to perceive about Earth's oceans. That the attraction is mainly aesthetic, and only affecting a minority of the population.
I think it goes a little deeper than that.
I haven't corroborated it. But I've read the salinity of human blood matches the salinity of Earth's oceans. So I gather there's more to our attraction to it than the pleasure of a barefoot stroll in the sand scouting for sea shells.

And a note about the Viking horn:
"Define means to limit the meaning of ..." Italo Benin PhD

You don't need me to dictate the terms of your journey.
But among the most momentous life-lessons I've ever learned: it's possible to prevent ones self from making a valuable discovery, if the quest is inadequately defined.
By all means remain alert for the sound of your ancestral clarion. But never to the exclusion of alternate forms of connection.
All is there, including the mysteries of the universe. Maintain broad scan of the metaphysical panorama and you may catch and enjoy perspectives a narrower scan might miss.
The following, has been of assistance in understanding some, I have met.
"A fight going on inside me".
A Cherokee elder said to his Grandson,
it is a terrible fight and between two Wolves.
One is Evil he is, anger,sorrow,greed, arrogance,
self pity,lies guilt resentment, false pride,superiority and ego.
One is good he is truth, peace,love,humidity,hope,
kindness,generosity,compassion, and faith.
The same fight is going inside you and inside every person.
The Boy thought about it and then asked his Grandfather
"which Wolf will win".
The elder simply replied,
"The one you feed".
There is just a small point to add Sear, in your well defined post.
Having read an interesting again article (it appears again becoming a poster to your board Sear, it' unlocks a need for Knowledge, my only problem is as age takes it's toll. "Memory" sometimes fails and the need now is to "read, and note by writing the reference is more and more needed" However again by reading a article on the power we humans exercise, it appears our hidden D.N.A. in our make up "rears up, and powers" when needed. That did strike a cord, baring in mind that ODIN walks (in my mind anyway )