Can a quotation brighten your day?

"That did strike a cord, baring in mind that ODIN walks (in my mind anyway )" W #40
I know you're not trying to take credit for Odin. If that were the case, you'd be the only one that knows about Odin. The fact that you're not should reveal something to you.

Not sure this will interest you W. I believe Watson & Crick (the ones that figured out what chromosomes do) may have given many the idea that humans (our cells) use DNA as code to build us, & keep us going, etc. Thats what keeps the nose between the ears, & all the rest of it. BUT
Wilson explained, that's kind of backwards. It's not that humans use DNA sort of like a tape recorder.
Instead Wilson asserts, it's the DNA that makes us. And that DNA uses people in a way similar to the way nations field Olympic champions. The nations sponsor the athletes, but it's the athletes that compete, for Gold, Silver, and bronze.
Life is competitive. We compete to get accepted by the best universities. We compete for the best jobs. We compete to live in the best neighborhoods. We compete for the best spouse. And via the matrimonial union, we breed. BUT !
Wilson says it's actually the DNA that is competing with other DNA. And the DNA that creates the most successful competitor wins, and breeds, and spreads the DNA.

W #39
"A fight going on inside me".
A Cherokee elder said to his Grandson,
it is a terrible fight and between two Wolves.
One is Evil he is, anger,sorrow,greed, arrogance,
self pity,lies guilt resentment, false pride,superiority and ego.
One is good he is truth, peace,love,humidity,hope,
kindness,generosity,compassion, and faith.
The same fight is going inside you and inside every person.
The Boy thought about it and then asked his Grandfather
"which Wolf will win".
The elder simply replied,
"The one you feed".
From W #39

That looks familiar to me. I don't recall exactly where, if I've read it before. Either way thanks for the reprise. More free association than logical connection, but I'm reminded:

The Worm Song
The Earth was wet with the dew of the dawn
as the warm scented air swept over the lawn
a big fat worm came out of the ground
to see the world and to look around
and as he gazed at the azure sky
another little worm came up nearby
said he with a wiggle, you're a cute little worm
let's you and I go out for a squirm
I could easily fall in love with you
if you'll condescend to a rendezvous.
But the cute little worm just shook its head
and to the big fat worm it said
"No rendezvous between us two,
'cause I'm the other end of you."

A Prairie Home Companion Folk Song Book / Viking
edited by John & Marcia Pancake
An excellent reminder of contest. Sear.
However I am reminded of the power of women;-
Suffer Women once to arrive at equality with you, and they will from that moment on become your superiors. Cato the elder.
And as a personal view and need, my wife never knows what I post to this board.
I may not be a wealthy man. But among my most valued riches, inspiration from others. In that regard I may receive more than I give, not out of parsimony, but out of my own limitations.
Though you already know these words, I found the following elucidation worth remembering.

Jealous means fear of loss.
Envy means desiring what someone else has. [see highlighted Usage Note below:


You're an enviable man Mr. W.
Jealous means fear of loss.
Envy means desiring what someone else has. Sear

As one grows in age and has had reasonable success, it's been my experience that Jealousy becomes less and less a problem. When I choose the "Sign Wolf" it was because I had started to realise the animal and I shared many similarity's, in that we were to a large extent "one". We do not bond with many and were always "on guard" watchful of others.
So Jealousy, was one emotion that did not in any way drive me, nor make me envious.
Some, are born with a Spirit that only looks ahead, opportunity, chance, defeat of opponents etc.. May be it comes from childhood or may be it's in the blood as in the D.N.A. The same with Envy of others, not again something I have a problem with, accept when someone gets where they are through abusing or using others then that can and has turned into a sort mental "watch it brother I am on your case".
As to Women well again women "mark" some men, when they are not so much attracted physical too, more the personality intrigues them, as in a Viking with helmet and sword in their imagination or and this I have found, a women, senses a man who will care and protect. Again much like the Wolf.
Sear your opening doors which I have kept closed for many a long year, or the hinges and locks to those doors may have just worn.
Over the decades W, apart from an attractive photo here or there you haven't used up a whole lot of ink about your spouse, or your marriage. But even a small detail like: "my wife never knows what I post to this board." W #42

It reminds me of something my mentor Dr. Browne taught me. Ask a spouse what they're most sensitive about talking about at a cocktail party and they often say, their children. Browne says no, they're more sensitive about money. Browne also says people that aren't funny about anything else are funny about money.
Of course you didn't mention money. But what you did mention reminds me of what Browne recommends, particularly for young couples newly wed, that each earn income, particularly if there's a disparity between the salaries. Browne recommends 3 piles of money: his, hers, and theirs. Pay the rent from the "theirs" pile. And if she wants a new bowling ball, she pays for it out of the "hers" pile.

As you know "time is money". One of the things enviable here is not merely the rich rewards of long-tenured matrimony. But within that you've discovered a secret not all marrieds ever refine. That's the ability to both be together, and to be apart.

Evidently your wife is smart enough to know if she interfered with your pursuits, it would be a detriment to you, the marriage, & to her. I've already made to much of it. I apologize. But I hope it's a little clearer. Anyone that can succeed in marriage to that degree can hardly avoid the envy of one like me, divorced for most of my life.
"your opening doors which I have kept closed for many a long year, or the hinges and locks to those doors may have just worn." W #44
Open, I hope.

If she joins us here, she'd increase the posting population by double digits. She is all ways welcome here, as are you.
I have sign hanging in "what I like to call MY ROOM".
The Title;-
"Told by a Woman"
1"Fine" meaning
This is a word women use to end an argument when she knows she is right and you need to shut up.
means "something and you need to be worried.
3"Go ahead"
This is a dare, not permission, don't do it.
Women's way of saying "screw you"
5"It's OK"
She is thinking long an hard on how and when you will pay for your mistake.

It's been my experience that the above words unless you follow to the letter
mark the end, whether living on this Earth or............. Personal and because I use a Hearing Aid, I am safe and having live this life and still carry no personal injurie's

If she joins us here, she'd increase the posting population by double digits. She is all ways welcome here, as are you. Sear

Which if happened, would end a wonderful and interesting relationship
Hell has no fury like a Women scorned. And Sear I do honestly value certain parts of my body.
W #46
That's a very practical list W.
If I ever encounter another women, I'll hope to apply it successfully.

"It's better to be divorced than plotting someone's death in their sleep." Monique Marvez

I've seen husband & wife teams posting before. In one case the problem was they each used the same computer, so would occasionally post under the other's pseud.
BUT !!
Never trifle with success. You've already found the winning formula.
"If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing." km "Rampage"
Thanks for quoting that Rampage. After reviewing again it makes sense, but and forgive the seemly lack of faith, if it is the case and implies that those that have "Sinned will be asking for forgiveness" at the pearly gate, which means I shall certainly have to join the queue for many months or even years, at the gate.
In one case the problem was they each used the same computer, so would occasionally post under the other's pseud. Sear
I solved that problem, when after being "nagged" about the use of the computer, I bought her , her own. I have no idea how she uses it, but have had a computer engineer fix a total wipe out of my posting if she dares breath on it or"touches it".
I am alarmed however with the advance of Computer hardware where she could have her computer set to view my computer.
"I shall certainly have to join the queue for many months or even years, at the gate." W #48
I'm sure it will be one HELL of a party W. I'll envy you for your privilege to attend. It would be the tailgate party to end all tailgate parties. More hotdogs than you can eat.

On the computer thing, there are varying levels of security. The experts I've heard about it say, if you really want to keep the contents of a computer secret, destroy the hard drive. Merely disabling the hard drive isn't enough, for the information is still on the drive. Reportedly even sawing the hard drive platters in half doesn't eliminate the information, for it can still be retrieved from the portions of the drive platters that remain, through special processes in a clean room.

Complicating that, when it's not merely a computer that's the issue, but the Internet, that means some or all of the material may still reside "in the cloud", meaning on the Internet. Melting your entire computer down into a puddle won't safeguard that.

The good news: I'm fairly confident if she ever did read any of your contributions, it could only elevate her esteem for you (if it's possible for it to go any higher).

No worries. If it's not an issue so far, it suggests whatever you're doing is working.
Your post Sear 41 does still intrigue me.
History of my Person.
I was born and bred in London U.K. and all my Kin came from the surrounding area.
However some many moons ago I moved from Eastern U.K. to Wales. No big deal there is more to the story, but for another time.
After some years I had my D.N.A checked. The result surprised me;- 20% Scotch,16% Walsh.9% Germany, 6% Swedish, the balance Northern Europe, and England.
Then re-reading your "41" does make a great deal of sense. A great fondness for the Sea and the open range.
As for Marriage and life. Well I have had a Divorced, but am now married to a intriguing women, One that matches me in most things (although that view is between those on this board not her) however thinking about your post 41 again it's possible our D.N.A. are matched. There is a suggestion made by some who have little idea what it means "Match/Love at first view". That happened to me although at the age it happened I had "experimented with a number up to that point" . I think it's best summed up by viewing the film "Open range" with Kevin Coster. I have viewed it many times and still have this very real feeling that it's what happened to me in that Coster meets with Sue and "Lighten flashes" of course no firearms were involved. It's been over 40 yrs since and still the "Lighten flashes" may be not powerfully these days but still it lies just under the surface.
Dare I say that just may be there is some truth about "Odin rules OK"
Quickly reading your reply re-computers and security. What I am doing is keeping all private files on a "detachable memory store" which I can unplug and store away from the Computer. As a sort of foot note, my Solicitor contacted me about a on going case, and said Wolf (but used my real name) you do remarkable well many of your age have trouble sending E-mails..... Nice to be recognised as an ancient Warrior.
W #51
Seems like you won the genetic lottery W.
It certainly does seem to pay off for those with the foresight to be born of worthy parents.

The problem with computer security is not merely that it's "cat-&-mouse", but that it's in an upward spiral of increasingly devious technological complexity.
I too make use of USB "flash-drives" / thumb-drives. I also like Western Digital USB Passport external hard drives. They're not as shock resistant as a flash-drive. But they're better suited to numerous cycles of read / write / erase.
That I have read is the Achilles heel of the flash-drive. Reading & writing to them isn't so bad, but erasures take a cumulative toll on them. I don't know what the mode of failure is. BUT !! Don't defragment them, reportedly usually does more harm than good.
If there is light in the soul, there will be beauty in the person. If there is beauty in the person, there will be harmony in the house. If there is harmony in the house, there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.
Chinese Proverb;- titan

Going through old posts, I think this one still is one the best I have viewed.
W #54
I agree. I'm a disciple of psychologist Joy Browne. She said: "Ideas aren't for believing. Ideas are for using."

“I had three chairs in my house; one for solitude, two for friendship, three for society.” Henry David Thoreau

“Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.” Henry David Thoreau

Emerson visited Thoreau in jail and asked, “Henry, what are you doing in there?”
Thoreau replied, “Waldo, the question is what are you doing out there.”

That third quotation relates to civil disobedience. Thoreau was in jail for civil disobedience when Emerson visited.
A thought for those under 80 yrs. old. As one reflects (after a liberal dose of the strong stuff) thank the powers I grew up when I did:geek:.
W #56
I think the first time I had that kind of thought was in my childhood contemplating / appreciating me growing up in rural America. I appreciated how fortunate I was to be able to play in the forest (on Clausland Mountain, lower Hudson river valley, New York State), but also to play in, swim in, boat in, water ski in the mighty Hudson. At that age I wondered about "city kids", and their childhood experience. I preferred mine. With luck, they preferred theirs.

I hope you didn't feel insulted Mr. W, but years ago in cyber-elsewhere you got a label: "urban spelunker". I tried to think of something not too personal, but distinctive if not unique about each poster, so each could shine by their own light. I don't recall you ever dwelling on it. But you shared a scant few details about growing up in post Nazi blitz London. You mentioned exploring underground tunnels (thus "urban spelunker" *.

I suppose it says something revealing about your good character that you could reflect fondly on what to someone else might seem Hellish, post WWII London, V1 & V2 rubble and all.

BTW being born in your era may also have imparted to you a fondness for Artie Shaw, Count Basie, Glen Miller, Benny Goodman. Think of it as a different kind of environment to grow up in. My era may rather more have been The Beatles, the Stones, Petula Clark.

spe·lunk·er (spĭ-lŭngkər, spēlŭng′-)
One who explores caves chiefly as a hobby; a caver.

[From obsolete spelunk, cave, from Middle English, from Old French spelunque, from Latin spēlunca, from Greek spēlunx.]

spelunk′ing n.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.
As I get older.
1. I talk to myself. because sometimes I need expert advice.
2. Sometimes roll my eye's out loud.
3. I don't need anger management, I just people to stop "Pi--ing" me off.
4. My people skills are just fine. It's my tolerance of idiots that needs work.
5. The biggest lie I tell myself is, "I don't need to write that down, I shall remember it".
6. When I was a child, I thought "naptime was a Punishment". "Now it's like a mini-vacation"
7. The day the world runs out of wine, is just terrible to think about.
8. Even duct tape can't fix stupid, but it can muffle the sound.
9. Wouldn't be great if we could put ourselves in the Dryer for 10 minutes; and come out winkle free and three times smaller.
10. "Getting lucky" means walking into a room, and remembering why I'm there.

"There is no pleasure worth foregoing just for an extra 3 years in the geriatric ward." John Mortimer
"There is no pleasure worth foregoing just for an extra 3 years in the geriatric ward." Sear
Now while I age, that thought is beginning to take hold.
However when you age is it possible you start to "see things as they really are".
By that I mean when you look back and remember what has happened in your life, is it all chance, "as in being in the right place at the right time".
What if (and I am going into deep darkness) opportunities are "given" to see how you use them. When I returned back to an area from where I started many, many moons ago, I began receiving visits from long ago friends. One friend who I knew when working at a company again many moons ago came to see me. While chatting about old times he bought up the subject of "Life". His view was the body we occupy is just a vehicle that once used is discarded, but the spirit that drove that body, can be passed on.
I am of an age that can still dream but I wonder if Rampage or titan being I assume younger have points of view, of course not forgetting Sear, who again I assume is not far behind me.
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