Anthropogenic Global Warming ... how hot is it ?

A La Niña pattern is expected next, which might slow global heating but supercharge Atlantic hurricane season. The latest El Niño global climate pattern is officially over, ending a year-long episode in which its planet-warming influence helped blast ocean and air temperatures far into record-setting territory.

El Niño has ended. Here’s what that means for a streak of record heat.

A La Niña pattern is expected next, which might slow global heating but supercharge Atlantic hurricane season.

Virtually any status quo has its constituency.
In terms of AGW the status quo includes big oil, and its numerous addicts.

Some on the Titanic resisted change, & chose to remain aboard. Those that think the Carbon based status quo remains the best choice may face similar fate.
The risk, they may take the rest of us with them.
“The debate between science and religion ended when churches put lightning rods on their steeples.” shiftless2


It was meant to be a Christian utopia. Now this Nigerian community is helpless against rising seas

TAIWO ADEBAYO and DAN AKPOYI / Sun, June 23, 2024 at 12:04 AM EDT

Nigeria Unhappy City Erosion

AYETORO, Nigeria (AP) — The coastal Nigerian community of Ayetoro was founded decades ago and nicknamed “Happy City,” meant to be a Christian utopia that would be sinless and classless. But now its remaining residents can do little against the rising sea.

Buildings have sunk into the Atlantic Ocean, an increasingly common image along the vulnerable West African coast. Old timber pokes from the waves like rotten teeth. Shattered foundations line the shore. Waves break against abandoned electrical poles.

For years, low-lying nations have warned the world about the existential threat of rising seas. Nigeria, Africa's most populous country, struggles to respond. Some plans to address shoreline protection, even for Ayetoro, have come to nothing in a nation where corruption and mismanagement is widespread.


CDC issues Dengue Fever alert in the U.S.​

This year, the incidence of dengue fever globally has been the highest on record, as nations report increasingly hot temperatures — ideal for mosquitoes that spread dengue to hatch.

Deet has been regarded one of the more effective mosquito repellents available. BUT !
Deet is an industrial solvent. Doctors recommend against applying deet directly to the skin of young children.

Care should also be exercised when applying it to clothing with synthetic fiber content, as deet may dissolve them.
Applying deet directly to pure cotton may merely discolor the cotton, but alternative repellent protocol may be preferable.

As ice melts, Everest's 'death zone' gives up its ghosts​

Paavan MATHEMA / Wed, June 26, 2024 at 11:28 PM EDT
More than 300 people have died on Everest since the 1920s, eight this climbing season alone (Prakash MATHEMA)
On Everest's sacred slopes, climate change is thinning snow and ice, increasingly exposing the bodies of hundreds of mountaineers who died chasing their dream to summit the world's highest mountain.
