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  1. Z

    Qatar Bans Beer Sales at World Cup Stadiums: Would Anheuser-Busch be Wrong to Withdraw Sponsorship?

    So you banned Borg for damaging free speech rights? Well, that's ironic. Anyway, within our free speech rights there is the freedom to use dirty words in public if we feel the desire to. You can change that for your private forum if you want to, but don't pretend it's in the service of or...
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    Qatar Bans Beer Sales at World Cup Stadiums: Would Anheuser-Busch be Wrong to Withdraw Sponsorship?

    Pobrecito Borgito. Banning is too good for him. He should be publicly flayed :D You want to burn him alive, bury him alive, or in some other way kill him... alive
  3. Z

    Like a Movie - "The DEA's Most Corrupt Agent"

    Power corrupts. 12 years seems like a reasonable start.
  4. Z

    Photos, vids, etc ....

    absolutely not. People in his own time condemned Columbus as a monster.
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    Accountant confirms that Trump’s not as rich as he said he was

    I am not talking about the MAGA hordes. I'm talking about the conflict that literally tore the nation in half about 150 years ago. Remember? We had a civil war? Certainly that was more of a threat than Trump. I mean thousands of people died that time.
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    Actually, you're b23zombie here to try to trigger me when you realized I was posting here. Everyone who knows you or me at all knows that. You're a troll and nothing but a troll. That's why you're banned on sight at YAP and RN (you may claim you left RN on your own, but I dare you to try to post...
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    Android and Chrome take their first steps towards a blissfully password-free future

    My computer already stores all my passwords and has a finger print scanner that it uses to access them.
  8. Z

    $$ Taxes $$ What's right?

    Perhaps the most widely recognized NASA spinoff, memory foam was invented by NASA-funded researchers looking for ways to keep test pilots cushioned during flights. Today, memory foam makes for more comfortable beds, couches and chairs, not to mention better shoes, movie theater seats and even...
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    $$ Taxes $$ What's right?

    Yes, I know the Soviets were human. That doesn't mean their government cared about individual people - even individual cosmonauts. Whether individual people cared about each other or their children (required to create children) is entirely unrelated to whether their government cared about the...
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    $$ Taxes $$ What's right?

    I mean considering it's the USSR we're talking about, I'd suspect not caring about their people before I suspected budgetary constraints. They poured a lot of money into their space program.
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    $$ Taxes $$ What's right?

    I don't know why the Russians did. I assume it's because the government didn't care about its people and didn't listen to their scientists. That doesn't make it any less dumb. I wouldn't carry carbon paper around, either, though my plumber still uses it. I'm not sure what your point is.
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    $$ Taxes $$ What's right?

    That is the stupidest story, and I wish it would go away. The reason Americans didn't use pencils is that graphite and lead break off in little pieces as you write with them, and in 0G the dust particles were dangerous to the equipment and the people.
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    $$ Taxes $$ What's right?

    Here's a list of 25 of the things NASA invented that aren't just "an improved flavor of tang" and may not be obviously associated with space travel. Science tends to lead to improved lives in surprising ways sometimes.
  14. Z

    Russia Targets An Empty German Consulate in Kiev - Latest Reports (Edit)

    Not the Polish *government* but many individual Poles did fight in the Nazi army. You might next say "presumably not the Jews" but honestly, a bunch of half and quarter Jews found homes within the army hoping to save their spouses and kids from being deported by proving themselves loyal...
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    Russia Targets An Empty German Consulate in Kiev - Latest Reports (Edit)

    A lot of Eastern Europeans sided with the nazis at times during WWII because they saw Stalin as the greater evil. And I'm not sure they were wrong, especially if they were Ukrainians coming out of Holodomor right before the war. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, and all that. Some of the...