Accountant confirms that Trump’s not as rich as he said he was


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TAX RACKET: Accountant BIGLY confirms that Trump’s not as rich as he said he was

Donald Bender, an executive at Mazars USA LLP who spent many years working on Donald Trump’s taxes, testified Tuesday at the criminal trial of the Trump Organization in New York that from 2009-2018 the former president reported nothing but net losses.

This includes the time when Dirty Donald ran for president while boasting about his incredible business acumen and declaring “I’m very rich,” as well as the first couple years of his presidency, when he was supposedly putting that acumen to use managing our economy.

As first reported by the Independent, Bender was presented with ...

Be interesting to see what his actual tax returns say when (if?) they're released to the public.
TAX RACKET: Accountant BIGLY confirms that Trump’s not as rich as he said he was
the former president reported nothing but net losses.
I suppose this could be explained as Trump cheating on taxes, rather than a reflection of his net worth.
I suspect it's both.
I suppose this could be explained as Trump cheating on taxes, rather than a reflection of his net worth.
I suspect it's both.
We shall see. He's being investigated for tax and banking fraud (reporting one set of values for tax purposes and another set when dealing with banks).

And don't forget that his long time accounting firm has distanced themselves from his financials saying that they can't be depended on.

On that topic a good friend is the (now retired) national head of one of the Big Four and he's said that, audited or not, personal financials are not to be trusted.
Mark Twain observed humans are the only species that blush, and the only species with reason to.
"personal financials are not to be trusted." S2 #3
The poor have nothing to hide. So money corrupts in proportion to the amount?

Trump plays to whatever audience is before him. I saw Trump saying on camera: - the white house is a dump. -
Isn't this what Trump would say if he was trying to impress?
If he really were rich, why would he bother trying to impress anyone? The rich people I've met didn't seem ostentatious to me. They lived lives like other people, but with more expensive stuff.
Well, other than the entire confederacy....
By "confederacy" I gather you mean the MAGA hordes.

I can't disagree Z #7. Without them Trump would just be a nobody. But the point is, in addition to Trump being willing to overturn the election results, Trump also had amassed a degree of support that brought him alarmingly close to victory.

I agree the insurrection took more than just Trump. But it still seems Trump was instrumental in it, a very dangerous man.

What alarms me as much as anything else about it:
if Trump is allowed to escape unpunished for the insurrection, I strongly believe it will result in more insurrections.
Conversely, punish this one severely, and I'd hope that would help tamp it down substantially.
I am not talking about the MAGA hordes. I'm talking about the conflict that literally tore the nation in half about 150 years ago. Remember? We had a civil war? Certainly that was more of a threat than Trump. I mean thousands of people died that time.
Z #9
That confederacy.
"I mean thousands of people died that time." Z #9
About 400 thousand, the U.S.' most deadly war by count of American corpses.

My following comment may seem like semantic hair-splitting, it's intended as clarification.
"the leader of the single most dangerous threat to the United States Constitution since 1776." s #6
We can agree the U.S. Civil War, referred to by some South of the Mason - Dixon line as "the war of Northern Aggression" threatened the (Northern) union. BUT !!
Even if the confederacy had succeeded in separating into it's own sovereign entity, it would not have otherwise substantially undermined the United States Constitution itself, other than the part about secession.
Thus in the North, those States still subject to the United States Constitution, the Constitution would have remained Constitutionally substantially intact.

What Trump / insurrection threatened was to overturn the presidential election result. And that election was conducted consistent with the Constitution. So the distinction I draw here:
- The Civil War threatened the Union.
- Trump's insurrection threatened the Constitution.
BR #11

I heard a Country / Western singer comment that when overhearing a Southerner talking about "the War", they're not talkin' about Vietnam.

The U.S. Civil War was devastating, but seems to have been disproportionately destructive to the South.

I (sear) am a life-long New Yorker, a daim Yankee by some Southern standards. But I lived there, both in Georgia and South Carolina, and began to understand the culture there, and the cultural differences between there and here.

I suppose as a New Yorker I could gloat, and "in your face" to our Southern countrymen. But it would offend me almost as much as them. Not my style.
I don't consider it an imposition to acknowledge the bitterness with such terms as "the War of Northern aggression". In my opinion, better that than plastering rebel battle flags from the Carolina's to Texas.

E. Pluribus Unum
Southerners may not wish to admit it. But I suspect they'd prefer having a cotton gin in the neighborhood than a barn full of malodorous Black folk, "Negroes" as they were called. I hope it's not racist to mention "malodorous" as White folk wouldn't smell any better being worked & housed as livestock, while being denied the dignity of a yearly shower.


Man: What?


M: Yes, but I came here for an argument!!

A: OH! Oh! I'm sorry! This is abuse!

M: Oh! Oh I see!

A: Aha! No, you want room 12A, next door.

M: Oh...Sorry...

A: Not at all!

A: (under his breath) stupid git.

(The man goes into room 12A. Another man is sitting behind a desk.)

Man: Is this the right room for an argument?

Other Man:(John Cleese) I've told you once.

Man: No you haven't!

Other Man: Yes I have.

M: When?

O: Just now.

M: No you didn't!

O: Yes I did!

M: You didn't!

O: I did!

M: You didn't!
