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  1. S

    Quotable Quotes

    "You know, I do 'the weave.' You know what the weave is? I'll talk about like nine different things, and they all come back brilliantly together. And friends of mine that are, like, English professors, they say, 'It's the most brilliant thing I've ever seen.' But the Fake News, you know what...
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    Election 2024

    Compulsive Liar and Convicted Felon says terror attacks would never have happened if he were President. Except.... These terror attacks happened when he was president. 2017 Charlottesville Car Attack 2017 Las Vegas Shooting 2017 New York City Truck Attack 2018 Austin Package Bombings 2018...
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    Just a little humor

    IRISH ALZHEIMER'S Murphy showed up at Mass one Sunday and the priest almost fell down when he saw him. He'd never been to church in his life. After Mass, the priest caught up with him and said, "Murphy, I am so glad ya decided to come to Mass. What made ya come?" Murphy said, "I got to be honest...
  4. S

    Anthropogenic Global Warming ... how hot is it ?

    Nobody ever said that Donnie has ever had any idea what he's talking about ....
  5. S

    - trivia -

    Remember who is supposed to be answering the question ....
  6. S

    Quotable Quotes

    "You deserve a president who respects you, who talks to you, and who levels with you -- puts it right on the level -- and who always has your best interests, has your back. I have your back, I have your heart, and I have every other part of your body." ~ Trump "We got the most votes of any...
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    Election 2024

    Schools don't have money for supplies but they're funding this?
  8. S

    - trivia -

    So in my lifetime what was created and is/are now obsolete? I asked AI…. Creating a comprehensive list of everything invented since 1951 that is now obsolete is a vast task, given the sheer number of inventions and the rapid pace of technological change. However, I can provide a list of some...
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    Quotable Quotes

    "He is weird. He's weird, I'm not weird, he's weird. No, he's a weird guy, he's a weird dude. See, they come up with sound bites, they always have sound bites, and one of the things is that J.D. and I are 'weird.' That guy is so straight, J.D. is so -- he's doing a great job, smart, top student...
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    Anthropogenic Global Warming ... how hot is it ?

    Nothing to worry about .... just a little more beachfront property (guess that's supposed to be a good thing?)
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    Uvalde - the followup

    I was in Canada so no duck and cover drills but I do remember them installing an air raid siren in the park across the road from my parent's house.
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    Uvalde - the followup

    Back To School in the US…To the rest of the world, this may seem unreal, but Americans with school kids know they are already doing their first of the practice drills. Hug your kids goodbye every morning…you can never be sure if you will get another chance...
  13. S

    Just a little humor

    One bright afternoon, an elderly woman named Violet was leisurely driving down the highway when she noticed flashing lights in her rearview mirror. Without a hint of worry, she calmly pulled over, and a young police officer approached her car. Officer: "Ma'am, do you know why I stopped you?"...
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    News Related To The Ukraine / Russian War

    Sounds like Putin has gone from "we will conquer Ukraine" to "we will protect Moscow".
  15. S

    Quotable Quotes

    I'm sure it wasn't the entire crowd - after all, at least a few people had to be too busy laughing at him to boo.
  16. S

    Quotable Quotes

    "And in six states, you're allowed to kill the baby after it's born. And you know, one of those states is Minnesota, where Tampon Tim is from." ~ Trump