What to call this thread?

This surely does NOT mean a mostly White team should refuse to compete against an opposing team that has a Native American, or a Jew, or a Black. Those latter 3 categories are not typically considered a significant athletic advantage, the way for counter example one boy on an otherwise girl's team could be.
It's not that long ago that white athletes were complaining about black women being allowed to compete claiming that "they" had an unfair advantage.

It's not that long ago that white athletes were complaining about black women being allowed to compete claiming that "they" had an unfair advantage.
I remember.
But the human race has something to gain from racial integration, even if one race or another has advantages.

But a competitor born male that's surgically (& or biochemically) altered to appear female, and then competing athletically as a female is a bad idea.
Such individuals should set their priorities. If transitioning to female is the priority fine, McDonald's is hiring.
If athletic competition is the priority, fine. Compete as their born gender, and transition after the athletic career is over.

S2 #62 Kay Ivey
You're all wet darlin'.
What form of discrimination do you offer in substitute?
We ALREADY exclude athletes that use performance enhancing drugs, hormones, etc.
Why should an exception be made?

Do you deny the appearance of cheating? If you were an unaugmented / natural competitor, would you welcome a competitor that isn't?

If they want their gizmo "adjusted" fine.
If they want to be a competitive athlete, fine.
If they want BOTH, at very least they should obtain the approval of those they compete against. Right?
If not, why not?
We ALREADY exclude athletes that use performance enhancing drugs, hormones, etc.
Why should an exception be made?
Trans athletes are not using performance enhancing drugs - fact is, the hormones MtF athletes take actually suppress performance.

And the doctors and scientists employed by the IOC and NCAA agree that after a time on hormones any advantage from "growing up male" disappears. If it didn't we'd see the podium completely dominated by trans athletes.
Trans athletes are not using performance enhancing drugs - fact is, the hormones MtF athletes take actually suppress performance.
So you admit it affects performance.
I'd want to know what the natural competitors have to say.
So you admit it affects performance.

For the record various athletic bodies have required some high performing female athletes to take testosterone suppressing drugs - funny thing in all those case that I'm aware of, the athlete is black.
S2 #71

She's not the only articulate White House spokesperson I've seen. But she seems to me to meet the high standard set by her many predecessors.

S2 #72
I don't know what that's about. But I thought when either wrestler was pinned, both shoulders on the mat, the bout was lost. Looks to me like she lost. I deduce therefore "BJJ" is different.
BJJ has nothing to do with shoulders on the mat. The rules are very different - in the vid it's hard to figure out exactly what happened but the very end suggests that his shoulder or arm weren't exactly in the best of shape after she finished with him.

Woman Rips Into “Trans Child” in Restroom Who’s neither Trans nor Child

This story should be Onion satire, but the mindless hostility trans kids face is real and getting worse

James Finn

I’m really disappointed with how [the casino] handled this, because even though I ended up not being a trans child, she did think I was one, and she attacked me for it. — Creatingjayrose on TikTok

“I’d like to pee in private! With my women!” shouts a woman at a person she followed into a restroom at the Rampart Casino in Summerlin, Nevada. The person she’s harassing through a closed stall door is a cisgender, adult woman who says she stopped at Rampart because of severe cramps that started while she was out on a drive with her boyfriend.
As she rushed in to find a restroom, the woman spotted her and “stalked” her, later admitting she believed she was following a trans person.

Why? I don’t know.

Creatingjayrose was dressed casually. Nothing about her look shouts trans or queer. She’s a young, pretty woman with carefully styled eyebrows and short-cropped hair. I’d guess her age somewhere north of twenty and south of thirty, and she presents as unremarkable for her generation.

Nevertheless, she got badly harassed through that closed stall door while relieving herself. When she left the stall to wash her hands, the woman confronted her. Aggressively.
But wait, that’s not the worst of it. Keep reading for the truly shocking bit.

S2 #75
I've lost track.
iirc the Jesse Jackson era "rainbow coalition" was essentially a voting block.
Has that fizzled? Vanished? e Pluribus Unum
I suspect if these minorities merge their political power & influence, they may wield superior strength.
I suspect if these minorities merge their political power & influence, they may wield superior strength.
Only thing is, when same sex marriage was on the table her the most virulent (and vocal) opposition came from the black churches in the neighborhood.
Only thing is, when same sex marriage was on the table her the most virulent (and vocal) opposition came from the black churches in the neighborhood.
I'm surprised, & disappointed. I suppose there's an insight in there for me, which I'm not sharp enough to grasp. Religion trumps personal experience? Might it be a pecking order thing?

This AM's mail included a $VA medical bill, and the attached:


You may already have seen this, but as S2 is a little bit the local -Saint Jude-, patron saint of lost (grim) if righteous causes, I thought it might be of interest.
I support aboriginal American welfare, and so ... post #78.
"LGBT and Legislation" S2 #79
I like NdgT. But I think of him as an authority on astrophysics, not human rights. ... should have "no consequence"?
- shrug -
My turn to state the obvious? Water is wet.
OK NdgT, your turn to state the obvious again.

In Tyson's defense, I suspect it would seem less of a non-sequitur without the omission of the context.