U.S. Rep.-elect George Santos (R-NY) lied to the voters, and WON the election. Should he be allowed to take office?

Santos should be removed from office and prosecuted for fraud!
Of course he should but does anyone actually believe that will happen?
I'm surprised marginalizing / containing Santos has gone as far as it has.

I have a vague feeling a generation or two ago Santos would be front page news. But in context of the debt ceiling crisis, Russia / Ukraine War, McConnell (R-KY) bump on the noggin, Santos seems rather page five.
Perhaps Speaker McCarthy is trying to dial down the heat, so Santos leaving congress can leave a minimum of egg on the faces of the Republicans that remain there.


George Santos files paperwork that would allow him to run for reelection​

2 hours ago

- ha ! -
Rep. George Santos, R-N.Y., perplexed many Twitter users when he posted a tweet Thursday night claiming that Democrats want to ban toilet paper.

“Republicans are working to put Americans First and lower the cost of living,” the freshman member of Congress wrote. “Democrats are busy trying to ban toilet paper and gas stoves.”

"the freshman member of Congress wrote. “Democrats are busy trying to ban toilet paper ..." #84
Do you suppose what Santos was wearing when he said this was as provocative as what was said? I'm sure Representative Santos looks quite fetching in a pink boa.
My most recent news on Santos, he's planning to run for reelection. Speaker McCarthy could spare him the trouble.
No. GOP won't give up one of theirs and Dems don't have the cajones....
I'm not sure testicular fortitude is the Dem's major problem. Legislative majority is the more plausible diagnosis. The result is the same either way.
Speaker McCarthy may have handled this about as well as humanly possible, balletically straddling the fence.
But McCarthy may have talked himself into a corner, and thereby out of a Republican butt in that seat in congress.
Whether the district is purple enough to replace Santos with a Democrat, too early to know. BUT !!
Though slow to gather the voter backlash against Republicans for Dobbs v. Jackson may play more of a role in the next election, exact a heavier price against Republicans than it did in 2022.

Santos has a bright future in pre-owned car sales.
Some reports indicate Santos has been arrested.

Less than five months after it was revealed that George Santos invented pretty much everything about his life, Brooklyn federal prosecutors have charged him with fraud, money laundering, and making false statements to Congress. On Wednesday morning, he was taken into federal custody ahead of a court appearance this afternoon
Santos hit with 13 charges

A 13-count indictment returned by a grand jury was unsealed on Wednesday morning, revealing a dizzying litany of charges against Santos. He faces seven counts of wire fraud, three counts of money laundering, one count of theft of public funds, and two counts of making materially false statements to the House of Representatives,” according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Brooklyn, which said Santos surrendered earlier that morning.

McCarthy says Santos should remain in Congress, for now

CNN spotted Santos in Kevin McCarthy’s office on Tuesday, but the House Speaker said he did not know why he was there and he wasn’t aware of the charges at the time.

From the "quotable quotes" thread - sounds like George is channeling his inner Donnie

"It's a witch hunt." ~
Rep. George Santos on his federal indictment for fraud
From the "quotable quotes" thread - sounds like George is channeling his inner Donnie

"It's a witch hunt." ~
Rep. George Santos on his federal indictment for fraud
a) I noticed.
b) It is characteristic of wildfire, it tends to spread.
"Controversial New York drag queen and Congressman George Santos ... #94
New York voters put this clown into office, astounding. I'm a New York voter, in this context, vexing, embarrassing. I might consider voting Santos a long-tenured position in Sing Sing prison.

Sure, GOP Rep. George Santos is bad news. But Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez is much worse.​

Ingrid Jacques, USA TODAY / Tue, October 17, 2023 at 4:03 AM EDT
I realize this may be asking a lot, but wouldn’t it be great if so many of our politicians weren’t unscrupulous creeps?
These days, after scanning the headlines about the folks “running” the government, I often feel like I need a shower.
It seems like an almost daily occurrence that a current or former elected official lands in court for one shady misdeed or another. Government corruption almost seems normal.

Let me refresh you on what’s been happening.

Foreign Relations Committee chair – or foreign agent?​

The charges keep coming for Sen. Bob Menendez, a Democrat from New Jersey. A career politician to his core, Menendez has spent decades in Congress, between his time in the House and now the Senate.

As a matter of principle, what should the institutional tradition be? Should expulsion from elected office be reserved as a power of the vote, the election?
If a crooked MOC is to be removed by his fellow legislators, what "red line" must first be crossed?
"surviving the vote to expel" #98
Doesn't this mean more Republicans voted to keep him than to expel him? Who wants to keep him?

Good news for Democrats? One more cauldron of steaming pooh for the Dems to grind Republican faces in?
Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) said he voted against removing Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.) from the House of Representatives because it would be “a terrible precedent to set.”

Thank god the precedent set for not removing Santos is NOT terrible. Right? note: Republicans opting to retain Santos is tantamount to endorsement, acceptance, embrace of Santos' countless excesses including lying his way into office.
Santos' election to office indicts the voting district that sent Santos to DC.
Santos "surviving the vote to expel" indicts the Republican party nationwide. But under the MAGA circumstance, it barely makes the front page.