U.S. Army recruiting goal short nearly 20,000 soldiers. Other branches down too.

President Jimmy Carter's young daughter Amy reportedly carved her name into the wood windowsill of her white house residence bedroom. In either your case or hers, it's still probably closer to vandalism than historic archive. I'm not advocating the grave stone. But in this case I think the medium enhances the message.

What we need is some absolute rootin' tootin' epitaphs.

Pantomimist Marcel Marceau's requested epitaph: "Silence"
she wasn't paying the bills there, i was for my residences, lol!
A friend of mine has genuine viking runes carved on his window cill the result of the house being built with recycled stone, the cill was probably removed from a local viking long house or perhaps some passing viking just scratched a message on a convenient stone

A near neighbour of his whilst replacing an old stone tile floor ripped up one of the tiles and found a carving from the Pictish period (1200 years ago)

View attachment 126
that is so cool!
b #61
Not quite sure what to think of it without context. Enhanced maternal instinct? There are a few other explanations that come to mind. One might puzzle over Mother Theresa's devotion. Some people have it, and ...
that is so cool!
It's a direct link to people that died a long time ago. It's an impressive capacity, to reach out from the grave, to those as yet unborn at the time of his demise. Shakespeare does it. Those that built the pyramids did it. It seems most don't. Thanks m for the rearward glimpse.