U.S. Army recruiting goal short nearly 20,000 soldiers. Other branches down too.


The U.S. Army recently told the press that it missed its fiscal year recruiting goal by 25%, coming up short nearly 20,000 soldiers. For 50 years America has relied on volunteers to defend the country, but that system is a luxury maintained at a cost, and its struggles deserve attention.

The Army’s troubles are acute but not unique. The Air Force barely hit its numbers for 2022. The Navy met its targets for enlisted sailors but came up short about 200 officers. Both the Navy and Air Force had to dip into “delayed entry” pools of recruits usually kept in a holding pattern for later, which means the services will start a new recruiting year in an even tougher position. The numbers are worse in the reserves.

Low unemployment too. Many civilian job openings available. Solution? Recruitment bonus? Higher pay? Better benefits? Resume the draft?
Dont panic America is in the unusual position of not being engaged in any major wars at the moment - other than the proxy war it is fighting with its weapons and Ukraine blood
R #1 makes an interesting point. There are plenty of job openings in the civilian world, and rumors of a $15 / hour minimum wage.

My objection to conscription is, if the citizens of an ostensibly free country don't appreciate their government and Constitution enough to defend them, why not?
Tired of being discriminated against?
Tired of Drug War against them and their neighbors, family members?
Tired of Trump still strutting about loose, after bloody insurrection, classified document theft, etc.?

Don't know if that stuff were fixed, if the recruitment shortfall would subside.
But an appreciative People should chomp at the bit to serve.

So either we're a nation of ingrates. Or Uncle Sam has mishandled the trust we gave him.

The big Q now: what will be done about it?
Dont panic America is in the unusual position of not being engaged in any major wars at the moment - other than the proxy war it is fighting with its weapons and Ukraine blood
More filthy lies.

We are supporting Ukraine because if Ukraine falls, Baltics and Poland may be next. russia already has their eye on them, and have made the threats.

Those who want to let putin have Ukraine are exactly like Chamberlain willing to let Hitler have Czechoslovakia.
We are supporting Ukraine because if Ukraine falls, Baltics and Poland may be next.

yeah you used that argument in Vietnam it was hog wash then its hogwash now

Chamberlain willing to let Hitler have Czechoslovakia.
I dont recall much action from America in 1968 presumably you only care about Czechoslovakia some times
America is in ... the proxy war it is fighting with its weapons and Ukraine blood
More filthy lies..
I find it an unflattering characterization as well Mr D #4. BUT !
Whatever "pain" (substitute a more apt term if you can) it imparts may be worth it. "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom-fighter."

Truth is (from my perspective, please clarify / correct if you can) I think your positions are not mutually exclusive.

We fight 'em "over there" so we don't have to fight 'em over here. That's what we did with Hitler. Didn't even have to vacuum after the party.
More filthy lies..
the simple fact that you dont like something doesnt make it a "filthy lie"

Is the US now officially engaged in a proxy war with Russia in Ukraine? It depends who you ask​

Russia Is Right: The U.S. Is Waging a Proxy War in Ukraine​

Collateral Warfare: The US proxy war in Ukraine​

The NATO vs. Russia Proxy War in Ukraine Could Become a Real War​

I know every one is wrong except you
okay, now i realize that victor IS a pompous know it all who is wrong more often than he'll ever be capable of admitting, in THIS case he's right in my eyes. and your own link says" it depends on how you look at it", so it really IS a matter of opinion, isn't it?
your own link says" it depends on how you look at it", so it really IS a matter of opinion, isn't it

if it is a matter of opinion it isnt "filthy lies" is it?
it is, at a minimum, a valid interpretation of the facts.

BTW off subject for a moment.
Nose rose what ever happened to her do you know last I heard which was some years ago she was quite ill
OK back on topic
American Proxy war

80% of senior Ukraine officials hold U.S. citizenship

The Secretary of the Treasury is American;
The Minister of Health is Georgian;
The Minister of Economy is Lithuanian;
The former president of Georgia was the governor of Odessa

The president is a comedian
The Chief of Staff of the Presidential Palace, Andre Yemark, is a comedy producer;
The head of the Presidential Administration, Andre Bodin, is a lawyer in the entertainment industry;
The president's chief policy adviser, Sergey Sheffey, is a comedy writer;
Ivan Bakanov, deputy chairman of the Ukrainian Supreme Intelligence Service, is the boss of a comedy film company;
Senior adviser to the Ukrainian National Defense Committee, Sergei Sivoko, is also a comedian and is Zelensky's partner in acting.

elect a clown get a circus
if it is a matter of opinion it isnt "filthy lies" is it?
it is, at a minimum, a valid interpretation of the facts.

BTW off subject for a moment.
Nose rose what ever happened to her do you know last I heard which was some years ago she was quite ill
OK back on topic
i didn't use that phrase, though, victor did. * last i knew about rose was around 4 years ago, and she was in treatment and stable, but i can't find her or FQ to find out anything further. *
American Proxy war

80% of senior Ukraine officials hold U.S. citizenship

The Secretary of the Treasury is American;
The Minister of Health is Georgian;
The Minister of Economy is Lithuanian;
The former president of Georgia was the governor of Odessa

The president is a comedian
The Chief of Staff of the Presidential Palace, Andre Yemark, is a comedy producer;
The head of the Presidential Administration, Andre Bodin, is a lawyer in the entertainment industry;
The president's chief policy adviser, Sergey Sheffey, is a comedy writer;
Ivan Bakanov, deputy chairman of the Ukrainian Supreme Intelligence Service, is the boss of a comedy film company;
Senior adviser to the Ukrainian National Defense Committee, Sergei Sivoko, is also a comedian and is Zelensky's partner in acting.

elect a clown get a circus
i'm not being snarky here, but you DO realize that ronald reagan was an actor long before he was a politician? as were MANY in my country? and in my experience, comedians are some of the most serious and intelligent people i know, outside of what they do for a living. your comparison would be like people thinking i can't do the math or run the business end of a food service operation because i started out as a cook.
can't find her or FQ to find out anything further. *
pity, I often think of her

i'm not being snarky here, but you DO realize that ronald reagan was an actor long before he was a politician
and look how great that turned out!
Honorable mention to DJ Trump reality show host

Doesnt really compare to 5 out of the 6 top jobs being to people directly involved in comedy.

If you take a look at the video of Zelensky doing a comedy routine (English subtitles) some of it was eerily prophetic and the script of another routine he performed in 2014 is equally as telling

side bar
Christiano Ronaldo (international soccer player) was named after Ronald Reagan, not president Ronald Reagan but the actor the soccer players father was a fan of Reagans films (true story apparently) but seriously who would want a president who played second lead to a chimp?
m #9
I've lost track of noserose.
The creepy thing about it, a few cyber-friends got the word out one way or another. At least it imparts finality.
Others just stop posting, and we can't tell if they merely won the $lottery, and so then could afford better friends. OR ...

The stupid way to handle it within family is to take the theatrical approach, wait until Mom is in her deathbed, wracked with pain, and then ask her to whom she wants her tea set bequeathed.
All that should be arranged years in advance (though it may set daughters at one-another's throats).

How should we do it here?
I'm careening toward 70, and when I tried to just lightly tease the brake pedal it dropped to the floor with a thud. So I'm in freefall. Might make it to 100. Might not make it to midnight.

Is there a good way to design a chart for this? Anyone here morbid enough to fill in their own details?
Yes over the years quite a few interlocuters have suddenly fallen silent, one in particular would routinely post 15-20 posts per day then......nothing and there has been nothing for years.
I hope that he awoke one morning and thought "to hell with this" and put the PC away but I doubt it, he had been a regular since the mid 1990s and was of a certain age.
This format of numerically sequential written (text) posts is a really interesting forum for communication, different from others, unprecedented. Can't cover them all, but include:
- Those with encyclopedic memory can cite stats and quotations while formulating a spoken sentence.
Others of us can't. BUT !! Given the short extra time to retrieve the quotation, update the stat, and that small circle of the encyclopedic is expanded.
- It promotes a meritocracy. Not necessarily the most intelligent, though intelligence surely helps. Those most articulate, most persuasive can make a powerful impression.

"Corporations are people too... only in America." Oran 22/09/16
"America has changed greatly, there was a time, not so very long ago that people were property, now the wheel has turned so much that property is now a "person"" mark mywords 22/09/18

Ideas change the world.
And in this medium, we can't be shouted down, or have orange paint dumped on our fur coats, etc.

BUT !!

Without PM, or e-mail, long-tenured cyber-friends can vanish. It's sterile, but still a shade ghastly. My suggestion, don't die.
pity, I often think of her

and look how great that turned out!
Honorable mention to DJ Trump reality show host

Doesnt really compare to 5 out of the 6 top jobs being to people directly involved in comedy.

If you take a look at the video of Zelensky doing a comedy routine (English subtitles) some of it was eerily prophetic and the script of another routine he performed in 2014 is equally as telling

side bar
Christiano Ronaldo (international soccer player) was named after Ronald Reagan, not president Ronald Reagan but the actor the soccer players father was a fan of Reagans films (true story apparently) but seriously who would want a president who played second lead to a chimp?
reagan is considered by many to be one of the top 10 in the good president rankings though.
m #9
I've lost track of noserose.
The creepy thing about it, a few cyber-friends got the word out one way or another. At least it imparts finality.
Others just stop posting, and we can't tell if they merely won the $lottery, and so then could afford better friends. OR ...

The stupid way to handle it within family is to take the theatrical approach, wait until Mom is in her deathbed, wracked with pain, and then ask her to whom she wants her tea set bequeathed.
All that should be arranged years in advance (though it may set daughters at one-another's throats).

How should we do it here?
I'm careening toward 70, and when I tried to just lightly tease the brake pedal it dropped to the floor with a thud. So I'm in freefall. Might make it to 100. Might not make it to midnight.

Is there a good way to design a chart for this? Anyone here morbid enough to fill in their own details?
well, i lost both parents before i was 25, and my stepmonster cleaned our clocks inheritance wise, other than the house itself. i fought for that and sold it out from under her so my sibs and i could get the start in life that they wanted for us.
with my beloved inlaws, they were my parents longer than my bio parents were, i am very lucky that i had them. what we( me, hubby and BIL) asked them to do was sell as much as possible and enjoy their twilight years. and they mostly did just that. a few years after dad died, mother found a new love and sold the rest and moved to florida. we were all given the things we wanted both times, and we got the proceeds of their life insurance.
so i think my advice is to do what they did. find out NOW who wants what, and put it on paper or give it to them now, when you can still see them enjoy it. sell as much as you can and live it up NOW, because YOU EARNED THAT.
This format of numerically sequential written (text) posts is a really interesting forum for communication, different from others, unprecedented. Can't cover them all, but include:
- Those with encyclopedic memory can cite stats and quotations while formulating a spoken sentence.
Others of us can't. BUT !! Given the short extra time to retrieve the quotation, update the stat, and that small circle of the encyclopedic is expanded.
- It promotes a meritocracy. Not necessarily the most intelligent, though intelligence surely helps. Those most articulate, most persuasive can make a powerful impression.

"Corporations are people too... only in America." Oran 22/09/16
"America has changed greatly, there was a time, not so very long ago that people were property, now the wheel has turned so much that property is now a "person"" mark mywords 22/09/18

Ideas change the world.
And in this medium, we can't be shouted down, or have orange paint dumped on our fur coats, etc.

BUT !!

Without PM, or e-mail, long-tenured cyber-friends can vanish. It's sterile, but still a shade ghastly. My suggestion, don't die.
my bestie and my youngest niece have all of the necessary contact information for when i cross the bridge, i've added this board too.