The War on Women

" the "Roe Effect" #20


I have virtually zero doubt Republicans would like to outlaw women's right of choice for perpetuity.

According to corroborating demographic reports, females comprise a majority of the U.S. national population.
Thus, the Republican anti-choice agenda discriminates literally against a majority of the population.

Discriminating against a despised minority is easy, the Uyghurs in China an easy example, the Kurds in Iraq.

But females in the U.S. ?!

Notably, Hitler made similar mistake. Hitler tried to take over the planet. If he'd settled for the portion he could adequately ruthlessly control, he might have dodged the D-Day bullet.
The more things change ....

Re #23

Introduced in House (01/31/2023)​

This joint resolution provides that the Equal Rights Amendment, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, was ratified by three-fourths of the states and is therefore a valid constitutional amendment, regardless of any time limit that was in the original proposal.

The Equal Rights Amendment was originally proposed to the states in 1972. The original proposal included a deadline for ratification of March 22, 1979; Congress subsequently extended the deadline to June 30, 1982. Although the requisite 38 states have ratified the amendment, three of these states did so after the deadlines, and five states subsequently rescinded their ratifications. The status of the amendment has been the subject of litigation.

This from Wiki

It was written by Alice Paul and Crystal Eastman and introduced in Congress in December 1923 as a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution.
"No - the anti-abortion crowd is pro-birth. Not pro-life." S2 #27
U.S. Senator from NY Daniel Patrick Moynihan called it "semantic infiltration", tricking an opponent into accepting misnomer terminology.
For years the authoritarian prohibitionists tricked their opponents into accepting the "pro-abortion" label.

I don't know of any labels more accurate for this dispute than:
- pro-choice, &
- anti-choice.

Anti-choice is an insight into the consequence of making policy in ignorance. They're all in favor of criminalizing women's healthcare, until a woman they care about needs such healthcare.

Police are questioning Florida voters about signing an abortion rights ballot petition


State police are showing up at Florida voters’ homes to question them about signing a petition to get an abortion rights amendment on the ballot in November, and a state health care agency has launched a website targeting the ballot initiative with politically charged language.

Critics say they’re the latest efforts by Florida’s Republican elected officials to leverage state resources to try to block the abortion rights measure, moves which some Democratic officials argue could violate state laws against voter intimidation.

“Ron (DeSantis) has repeatedly used state power to interfere with a citizen-led process to get reproductive freedom on the ballot,” Florida Democratic Party Chair Nikki Fried told reporters on Monday. “This is their latest desperate attempt before Election Day.”

The ballot initiative known as Amendment 4 would enshrine abortion rights in Florida law. If approved by 60% of voters, the procedure would ...


Police are questioning Florida voters about signing an abortion rights ballot petition

I'd like to know both the specific questions asked, and what specific stipulation in their police charter that requires / authorizes such investigation.

I'd also like to know:
- Are the government agents performing the interrogation in uniform? Police uniform? Displaying ID? Under arms?
- Who ordered this investigation?
- For what purpose?
- How is the collected data being processed?
- What is the intended use of this data, once compiled?