Dear Donald Trump: Your plan to create ‘the United States of Canada’ is brilliant
By John Manley for The Globe and Mail
(John Manley was a deputy prime minister and minister of finance in Jean Chrétien’s government)
Dear Donald Trump,
My mentor and former Boss, Prime Minister Jean Chrétien, has dismissed your suggestion that Canada and the U.S. merge.
Don’t despair. My point of view differs somewhat from his (sorry, Boss). We can make this work if Canadians fully understand your proposal.
Imagine what the “United States of Canada” could be. We would marry American ingenuity and entrepreneurship to Canada’s natural resources, underdog toughness and culture of self-effacing politeness to create a powerful, world-dominating country.
We would be the most enormous land mass in the world. We would be self-reliant in every respect (food, energy, minerals, water). We would attract the world’s most talented people. We would indeed be “the best country in the world,” to use Mr. Chrétien’s words, and would dominate international hockey competitions. Your idea is truly brilliant.
As you know from your corporate experience, the devil is in the details of any successful merger, but I have some suggestions.
First, Canada could never be the 51st state. Canada consists of 10 states (we call them “provinces”) and three territories. Each province exists for historical reasons, and citizens are intensely loyal to their province.
So we need to be the 51st to 60th states, with two senators for each state. Our 20 senators will undoubtedly bring fresh ideas to the institution that will help make the United States of Canada truly great!
Some issues that cause division and frustration in your country are considered settled by political parties of all stripes in Canada, so I suggest adopting Canadian consensus to make this deal work.
For example, there is no argument in Canada over women’s reproductive rights. There! That hot-button issue is resolved for you! (You can thank me later.)
All Canadian politicians support our single-payer health care system because no one is refused treatment for their inability to pay, and no one goes broke because they suffer a catastrophic illness. In effect, all our citizens have lifetime critical illness insurance the government provides. And while it’s expensive, our system costs considerably less than yours, with 100 percent of the population covered! Your citizens will love it, I promise.
I would also observe that Canadians have long preferred to live with many fewer firearms than are tolerated in the United States. The result is a drastically lower rate of deaths and injuries caused by gun violence in Canada. Our gun laws would make the country safer than it is, and safer is definitely greater!
We have some other innovations that you may wish to consider. Our Canada Pension Plan, equivalent to your Social Security, is fully funded and actuarially sound. This requires higher contributions, but it pays off with solvency. I believe your Social Security will run out of money shortly. (That’s not great, is it?)
Lower personal income taxes paid in the U.S. are a great attraction. [Shift's comment - the higher taxes are more than offset by the fact that no-one needs to buy expensive medical insurance.] However, our programs to support seniors and young families to reduce the worst cases of poverty among them help make society more cohesive and fair. That’s one of the reasons our taxes have been higher.
Oh, and we must consider how we fund government expenses. We’re struggling to bring our deficit back down, but it wasn’t that long ago (2015) that our budget was effectively balanced. In fact, Canada ran surplus budgets for more than a decade before the global financial crisis. In addition to spending discipline, our national value-added tax, the GST, was key. You definitely want to adopt that! In fact, you will love it! (Canadians don’t love it, but their governments do. It beats borrowing money from the Chinese.)
There are many more minor details that we can work out. For example, you will enjoy the metric system’s simplicity in weights and measures. Oh, but we’re not crazy; you can keep yards for football! And you will love that sport even more when you play it on a more significant field with only three downs.
I am so excited about this, Mr. Trump. You are indeed a visionary leader who came up with this idea. I can already see the 60 little maple leaves on the flag with 13 stripes! I am ready to throw myself into this great project of making the United States of Canada great again! (Oh, that’s too long. Let’s call our new country “Canada.”)
Respectfully, as I dislodge my tongue from my cheek,
John Manley