The best way to Administer CitizenVoice - Topic Drift, Disputes, and


Staff member
Some site administrators keep threads on topic.
I've found off-topic comments can be more interesting than the topic. But that's from an administrator's perspective. As a contributing poster is may be mostly down-side. Particularly for the one that introduced the topic.

Citizen Voice is here to be informative, entertaining, a worthwhile time investment. But it should also be a joy, a bright spot in the 24 hr. cycle.

Any help?
The pertinent aphorism: "One bad apple spoils the barrel."
In my estimation, in days when king's court included a court jester, it was the jester that needed to be the wisest.
Wise enough to offer constructive if brief commentary. But commentary not dangerous enough to get the jester beheaded.

A little too early to use the dust-buster on the gallows. I'm on it, even if it may not seem so.

Further input welcome. Any constructive post is welcome @CV.
It seems that you are the bad apple both here and elsewhere, sear. You and at least one other.
I deduce you've been trolling a while, you've got experience, have developed a style.

Then why do you continue to post here? Are you a cyber-masochist?

More to the point BR #4 either you're not smart enough to know others know this, or you're too indifferent to your own reputation to care. Posting anonymously has that affect on some. Obviously a minority. But by trolling you're forfeiting your opportunity to contribute constructively. That indicates you either don't believe you have enough wattage between the ears to contribute substantively. Or, or substance simply isn't as high a priority as what you substitute, trolling.
Seriously? I have been posting on Sears board since March 2012 and rarely has it been this exciting
BR #4 finally gets a point on the (score)board.

R #6
My best justification for that would be: one bad apple spoils the barrel.

But BR can't be totally current events position free. I was hoping something relevant might pop out, besides a snoozer like PayPal.
I deduce you've been trolling a while, you've got experience, have developed a style.
Did you notice my posting style upon arrival was good faith / being polite / not trying to start fights but trying to calm them down?

You exposed yourself as a completely narcissistic, mahoosive a-hole in a short space of time; it's not just me who sees it. Look at how you're doing elsewhere. People have a problem with you because you're extremely rude, insulting and frankly stupid as well as naive.

You should look to yourself before blaming others.

Then why do you continue to post here? Are you a cyber-masochist?

More to the point BR #4 either you're not smart enough to know others know this, or you're too indifferent to your own reputation to care. Posting anonymously has that affect on some. Obviously a minority. But by trolling you're forfeiting your opportunity to contribute constructively. That indicates you either don't believe you have enough wattage between the ears to contribute substantively. Or, or substance simply isn't as high a priority as what you substitute, trolling.


Seeing as you're a failed grammar policeman (insert rubbish about remedial kindergarten etc etc).

It demonstrates to me that you simply aren't smart enough to realise barely anyone likes you based on your rude and irritating posting style which drives people away and why you have maybe 4 active posters.

Food for thought? Or are you too thick as shite to recognise that?
BR #4 finally gets a point on the (score)board.

R #6
My best justification for that would be: one bad apple spoils the barrel.

But BR can't be totally current events position free. I was hoping something relevant might pop out, besides a snoozer like PayPal.

You yourself named at least a few of my posts "Interesting" so, as usual, the only person you ensared was yourself with that idiotic attempt at a zinger. I'm sure you have plenty of experience doing this though.
Yeah, why not? I'm just watching your board get driven into the ground through your sheer overwhelming stupidity.

It could be fun to watch it implode, entirely your own fault for being so rude and insulting to so many. But hey ho, you do what works for you.
I'm just watching your board get driven into the ground through your sheer overwhelming stupidity.
You've derisively referred to my education level. You've exposed your own ignorance.
First of all "your board", CitizenVoice, as other recreational BBS, exhibits performance measured in "bandwidth".
It's off to a slow start, partly due to the global pandemic. There are populations I'd like to reach, which the pandemic has isolated. So we're into our 2nd year here with an unimpressive start. ENTIRELY my fault. I'm the admin.

BUT !!

CitizenVoice bandwidth has skyrocketed this month. So your:
watching your board get driven into the ground through your sheer overwhelming stupidity.
characterization is laughable.
What else would we expect from a troll whose own personal integrity is on perpetual sacrifice?
Did you notice my posting style upon arrival was good faith / being polite / not trying to start fights but trying to calm them down?

You exposed yourself as a completely narcissistic, mahoosive a-hole in a short space of time; it's not just me who sees it. Look at how you're doing elsewhere. People have a problem with you because you're extremely rude, insulting and frankly stupid as well as naive.

You should look to yourself before blaming others.


Seeing as you're a failed grammar policeman (insert rubbish about remedial kindergarten etc etc).

It demonstrates to me that you simply aren't smart enough to realise barely anyone likes you based on your rude and irritating posting style which drives people away and why you have maybe 4 active posters.

Food for thought? Or are you too thick as shite to recognise that?
your favorite bully tactics won't work on sear anymore than they do on me, eirini. quit while you're ahead.
b2 #17 & #18
I can't quite complete the picture. Clearly the troll prioritizes trolling. Is it based on self-doubt? That whatever s/he has to contribute probably isn't interesting, or defensible, or ...
therefore go on offensive about fiction?

In any case psychologist Joy Browne NAILED this guy: "Children would rather be praised than punished. But they'd rather be punished than ignored." psychologist Joy Browne
This troll is desperately lonely, and too insecure to try to establish viable cyber-friendships.
I feel some responsibility for Oran, (which is what I have known as for a couple of years) I broke my own rule and sent a PM which he seems to have taken as some sort of disparagement (it certainly wasnt intended a such) he almost immediately changed user name (as though I would be struck down with amnesia) and went on the offensive - although Sear didnt help by telling Z that she was wrongo_O