Russia is a neofascist (and nazi) state

No insult intended, but you may simply not be dastardly enough to mimic the Kremlin hawk mentality.
Reductio ad absurdum:
if they'd been sensible about it they could have ended the Cold War decades earlier. They continued to pretend they were heroically defending mother Russia from the evil Western world. It's so preposterous it's even difficult to satirize.
my bio brother would tell you that the problem is that i'm far too machiavellian in my thinking, lol!
A skillful debater should be able to persuasively present in debate his own position, and equally persuasively his opponent's position.
Machiavelli was a different kind of twit, lipstick on a pig excuse to lie.
Fact is, the truth is more persuasive, but can be more difficult to present. Lying is easy.
A skillful debater should be able to persuasively present in debate his own position, and equally persuasively his opponent's position.
Machiavelli was a different kind of twit, lipstick on a pig excuse to lie.
Fact is, the truth is more persuasive, but can be more difficult to present. Lying is easy.
lol, i think he meant the fact that my brain walks strange paths to get to the point i want to make.
b #43
Problem is, strut the same worn path the hordes before you have strode, and you end up with the hordes. (not sure antibiotics cures "the hordes")
The Ukraine war outcome could launch Russia in a new direction. It could reinforce Russia's militaristic resolve, resulting in an increasing insular Russia. A bear is most dangerous most unpredictable when cornered. Putin won't live forever. Russia may realize battling the world simply doesn't make sense. The outcome of this war may contribute to determining that.
b #43
Problem is, strut the same worn path the hordes before you have strode, and you end up with the hordes. (not sure antibiotics cures "the hordes")
i get comments both good and bad because it IS rare for me to follow those paths, the well worn ones. and even when i do, it's only partway, and then i strike out on a new pathway...occasionally with a torch and a machete, according to some, lol!
The Ukraine war outcome could launch Russia in a new direction. It could reinforce Russia's militaristic resolve, resulting in an increasing insular Russia. A bear is most dangerous most unpredictable when cornered. Putin won't live forever. Russia may realize battling the world simply doesn't make sense. The outcome of this war may contribute to determining that.
if the rumors on the underground circuit are true, putin may not last until this time next year. pancreatic cancer hits fast and furious, and that's the predominant rumor.
R #45 Care to make a prediction? Perhaps I'm merely channeling b2's movie acumen, but I'm curious about how this one ends.
"then i strike out on a new pathway...occasionally with a torch and a machete, according to some, lol!" b #46
Diogenese Rambo III?
if the rumors on the underground circuit are true, putin may not last until this time next year. pancreatic cancer hits fast and furious, and that's the predominant rumor.
You sure know how to brighten my day. Let's hope Putin's demise is neither quick nor painless.

I'm trying to recall how Putin got there in the first place. Hand-picked by Yeltsen?
Has Putin chosen a successor who's even worse? Not Medvedev I'm guessing. One of Putin's subordinate military commanders? If there are any left alive by then?
Part of what I find interesting about this is the news carrier:

Is Russia’s silent majority waking up?​

The mobilisation has broken Putin’s longstanding social contract with the Russian population to provide stability and comfort.

On September 21, I woke up to the news that my country had announced a “partial mobilisation”. The details given by President Vladimir Putin were vague; reports by independent media claimed that unpublished parts of his draft decree put a mobilisation target of one million people.

Almost immediately after the announcement, I started receiving calls for help on Telegram, asking for advice on how to flee Russia. Some of my friends who had left before the war and I organised a chat group to answer questions on which countries do not require a visa, how to rent a cheap apartment and set up a bank account. The chat accumulated more than 150 potential draftees fleeing the country in just three days. Some of them had already received notices from the military office, but most had not and had no intention of risking getting one. This was one of many social media initiatives which, along with various organisations, have helped Russians flee the draft.

The portion of the story I'm not getting here:

Why are Russians evading this conscription?
- They think Russia's war in Ukraine will eventually be lost to Russia, so why bother?
- Priggish about social contracts?
- Cowardice?

The relevant details of the story may all be disclosed here. Seems to me there's a key detail missing.
R #45 Care to make a prediction? Perhaps I'm merely channeling b2's movie acumen, but I'm curious about how this one ends.

Diogenese Rambo III?

You sure know how to brighten my day. Let's hope Putin's demise is neither quick nor painless.

I'm trying to recall how Putin got there in the first place. Hand-picked by Yeltsen?
Has Putin chosen a successor who's even worse? Not Medvedev I'm guessing. One of Putin's subordinate military commanders? If there are any left alive by then?
more like ripley from alien, lol!

after yeltsen retired, putin became acting president, since he was the prime minister, and then was duly elected 4 months later.
I'm merely reading metaphorical tea leaves here b #51.
But I'm guessing Putin will pick, or promote whomever he thinks will best continue his Cold War trajectory. I imagine I don't now know the name of that person.

My lament is it seems the benefits of Western living are within the reach of the Russian people. Terribly sad that Putin has chosen this instead.
b #50
During the Soviet era, of course totalitarian outside the Kremlin.
What I don't know:
In a totalitarian dictatorship, it's what the dictator says that is law.
Stalin surely was.
Was Brezhnev?
Gorby seemed outright cheerful.

Point being, the dictator picks his successor, or not.
But I don't know how much leeway there'll be in Putin's replacement. I know there have been elections. I don't know how crooked they were.

Steven Seagal Slams U.S. Media for ‘Lies’ Over Vladimir Putin: ‘I Am One Million Percent Russian’​


Steven Seagal
American actor, martial artist, and film producer
North Korea has Dennis Rodman. Russia has Steven Seagal.

If Van Damme is "the muscles from Brussels" is Seagal the knucklehead from Moscow?

bonus question:
How many hair pieces is Seagal wearing in that pic?