Quotable Quotes

Harris had a summer job at McDonalds in the 80's and Trump is insisting, with no evidence, that she never worked there.

Meanwhile, Eric Trump has claimed that he worked construction (for minimum wage) since he was 11 years old.

"Meanwhile, Eric Trump has claimed ... " #1,001
Thanks S2.
Please don't misinterpret my having tuned out as disinterest in you. It's sincere and deep rooted disinterest in the Trump's.

This 2024 political campaign maelstrom of disinformation and misinformation is giving me a headache.
I suspect it would have the same affect on George Orwell, an author with professional expertise on it.

Trump seems to proceed on the notion that winning is more important than any principle he might advance if he does win. Astoundingly, it seems to be a very popular message.

On FOX News Sunday today Senator Lindsay Graham [R] didn't have much to say, but said it at great length, which means repetition. That included Graham's repeated prediction if Harris is elected there will be another 9/11 style terrorist attack on the U.S.
In all human history there's only been ONE of those, and it was during a Republican President's [R-TX] administration. These Republicans are desperate. And the degree of their desperation has reached a level that places us all in jeopardy.

"If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, than that's what I'm going to do." ~ J.D. Vance

They openly admit that they are fine with lying to prop up their rage bait platform.


"If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, than that's what I'm going to do." ~ J.D. Vance #1,003
In short: the ends justify the means, in the opinion of Trump running mate Vance.

"If I have to ..." ~ J.D. Vance #1,003

Thanks for the warning J.D.

"Necessity is the plea of every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves." William Pitt Nov. 18, 1783
"Vote for me, California. I'm going to give you safety, I'm going to give you a great border, and I'm going to give you more water than almost anybody has...You're going to have water in California at a level that you've never seen before, the farmers are going to do great...and maybe even more important you're not going to have illegal immigrants pouring into the country and killing your family." ~ Trump, speaking at his golf club near LA
Not to endorse the supernatural, but merely to recognize the concept, karma :
Trump's indulgent karma seems to include a stalwart guardian angel. Mere mortals would have succumbed to the adversities Trump has strewn across his own path. Trump has survived two assassination attempts, dozens of felony convictions, Jan. 6 has rendered himself ineligible to serve if re-elected president, and he's leading in the polls.
Kudos Satan?

Or, to agnostics: WTF
[it's a head-scratcher]

Care to guess what D.J.'s title will be at 3 PM/ET on Inauguration Day 2025?
"We cannot tell the American people that one candidate is a fascist." ~ JD Vance, Monday

"This a radical-left Marxist, communist, fascist." ~ Trump on Harris, last week

"Kamala Harris is the first major party nominee in American history who fundamentally rejects freedom and embraces Marxism, communism, and fascism." ~ Trump, 11 days ago
"We cannot tell the American people that one candidate is a fascist." ~ JD Vance, Monday
"This a radical-left Marxist, communist, fascist." ~ Trump on Harris, last week
"Kamala Harris is the first major party nominee in American history who fundamentally rejects freedom and embraces Marxism, communism, and fascism." ~ Trump, 11 days ago
What a team! They should run for president.
"Nothing is so useless as a general maxim." Thomas Babington Macaulay
"[Nuclear power is] the global warming you have to worry about, not that the ocean's going to rise in 400 years an eighth of an inch and you'll have more seafront property, right, if that happens...I said, 'Isn't that a good thing? If I have a little property on the ocean, I have a little bit more property. I have a little bit more ocean.'" ~ Trump
"My kids keep me humble. Unfortunately, Kamala Harris doesn't have anything that keeps her humble. ~ Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders

"They're scum. They're scum. And they want to take down our country. They are absolute garbage." ~ Trump on Harris and Walz
"They're scum. They're scum. And they want to take down our country. They are absolute garbage" ~ Trump on Harris and Walz #1,010
... said the convicted felon, of the former attorney general of California Harris, & her running-mate former governor of Minnesota Walz.

None the less Trump's criticism may not be entirely without foundation, as Trump has some courtroom experience of his own.
Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.
- inspired by Proverbs 17:28
"Nobody knows where [Haitians in Springfield] come from. I'm angry about young American girls being raped and sodomized and murdered by savage criminal aliens." ~ Trump
"Nobody knows ..." ~ Trump #1,013

"You're going to have such great healthcare at a tiny fraction of the cost." candidate Trump 16/10/25 from campaign podium

Nobody knew that healthcare could be so complicated.” President Trump
"Everyone is agreeing that I won the debate with Kamala." ~ Trump

You do have to wonder if he actually believes things like this or if he's just saying them because his sycophants will believe anything he says.
"You do have to wonder if he actually believes things like this or if he's just saying them because his sycophants will believe anything he says." 1,015
Yes. I've long wondered.
We get indications:

Trump acknowledges losing the 2020 election 'by a whisker'​

The former president admitted during a podcast appearance that he did not win the election against Biden, while saying later that it "was a fraud."

"... his sycophants will believe anything he says." S2 #1,015
Believe him?
Disbelieve him but don't care?
There's more than one possible explanation.
Either way, Trump's electoral support seems amazingly durable.
"There's a lot of suburban women that are like, 'Listen, abortion is it. If I can't have an abortion in this country whenever I want, I will vote for anybody else.' Okay, it's a little crazy by the way, but -- especially for women that are like past 50. I'm thinking to myself, 'I don't think that's an issue for you.'" ~ Bernie Morena, running for the U.S. Senate in Ohio

How many times must we relearn this eternal lesson: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

"He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself." Thomas Paine
First they came for ... #1,019

"First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out- because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me." pastor Martin Niemöller
"Ignorance is a breeding ground for prejudice." Wilson