Photos, vids, etc ....


"Every man needs a decent coffee maker" #1,520
NOW I know what I want for Christmas!

"... we don't have S. Africans telling us what to do" Canada
Took me tooo looong to figure this out, it's an Elon Musk reference. Wake up sears! Change your calendar bud-A !
There's certainly room to grumble. BUT !

This is an ideal time to ruthlessly impose upon ourselves the Serenity Prayer with unflinching determination:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

the courage to change the things I can,

and the wisdom to know the difference."
Not to deny the alarming political rhetoric before Trump stole the election (see what I did there?) BUT !
Fretting ourselves into a frazzled frenzy over the inevitable is not merely pointless, it's self-destructive.

Can we rule out the possibility we may not merely survive this catastrophe, but may even marginally benefit, by some typically disregarded criteria?
"Optimistic to the point of idiocy" Molly Ivins
Let's not over-do it Molly. But
trudging off to our own grave with postural collapse and zombie-like gait is premature.

"Please post a bit more positive, beautiful or informative content on this page." ~ Elon Musk post on X

- dag nabbit -

My reflexive response to this is dismissive contempt, not based on content, but on source. BUT !

As a Current Events BBS administrator I a little bit like this Musk quotation.
When around Y2K I began as a current events forum moderator my Administrator, Loretta at Loretta's Lounge suggested I post at the (her) Welcome forum.
I soon developed my own welcome slogan: "Visit often. Post a lot."

There's plenty to criticize Musk about. I'm not sure this one makes my list. BUT !!

Thanks for posting it S2, a dandy way to start 2025. May not rise to a New Year's Resolution, but I'll hope apply this constructively.

"I think Panama should invade the US and take control of the Mississippi River ..." #1,522
Donald !
Get it?
"Finland is teaching children in school how to recognize fake news ..." #1,526
"I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of society but the people themselves, and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion." Thomas Jefferson
I'm all for protecting children, where appropriate. BUT !
It's no substitute for educating them to protect themselves. On this one the Reps. are wrong, and the Fins are right.
recent American history of bigotry: #1,528

More civil rights, anti-bigotry progress may have been made in the past century than in the entire millennium before it.

There's still a very long way to go before true equality is achieved.

There's room for gloom even in today's headlines. But the trend over the past half-century looks encouraging.
The only question now is at what point in President Musk's administration will he order the US to default on its debt.
The tax policy Trump advocates:


"The estimated price for everything he's [Trump's] proposing would exceed some $9 $Trillion $dollars. Are you comfortable adding $9 $Trillion $dollars to the national debt?" NBC-TV Meet The Press moderator Kristen Welker

"We intend to insure that we don't have a $4 $Trillion $dollar tax increase on the American People by December 31 of this year [2025]. ... I believe there will also be a robust conversation about whether we can find offsets to achieve reductions in spending that would help offset some of that." Senate Majority Leader Thune

Thune replaces McConnell in this senate leadership role. Due to narrow Republican majority margins in House & Senate, Speaker Johnson, & Majority Leader Thune are in vulnerable leadership positions.

"... the US to default on its debt."
It's a feeble glimmer of hope. But Thune conducted this interview as we would expect a responsible U.S. public servant to respond.
Thune was diplomatic about Trump, while maintaining an impression of fiscal responsibility.

"When you think about it ....." S2 #1,534

"Why will they never abandon him? Because he gives them permission to be the worst version of themselves." NC meme
Is Trump a leader, or a follower? 🐼

"List of Convicted Republican Pedophiles" #1,535
Looks like a relatively comprehensive list. Do you suppose a similar list of Democrats would be any shorter?
"look what happened to Al Franken over what was a relatively harmless joke." 1,537
Thank you S 2.

A reminder:
Former comedian turned United States Senator Al Franken made a sight-gag of gesturing to suggest groping an adult female's chest, while she was sleeping. BUT !
She was active U.S. military, and wearing a flak vest.


It was an obvious sight gag, as a flak vest is far too thick to obtain tactile sensation through, & Franken conspicuously mugging for the camera, thus the sight gag.

Senator Franken deferred to appearance, perhaps without thinking through his options.
Franken could have man'splained, but instead recklessly forfeited his senate seat.

Poor taste?
Let's go with yes.
Reason to terminate a political career? Wouldn't it at least make sense to ask the sleeping troop that question?