Photos, vids, etc ....

Youngest ever world judo champion (man or woman)" S2 #540
Before I saw the vid I imagined her kicking Putin's butt. I don't know what art Putin practices, but iirc press reports have called it "judo". Not sure.

Is Judoka your art too S2?

Care to share any thoughts on the advantages of the soft arts over the hard arts, or vice versa?
Putin practices (or at least practiced) judo.
Is Judoka your art too S2?
Judo is my sport [a judoka is a judo student, the sport is judo] tho I haven't been on the mats for a very long time. Work and an accumulation of injuries saw to that (I joke that it's easier to tell you what I haven't injured than what I have - that said some of those injuries (rotator cuff for example) are from skiing (no question that I do have to find a mountain with softer snow).

Have to say that my parents enrolled me in the local judo club when I was about 11 - I was a scrawny little kid and my parents thought it would be good for me. Safe to say that they had no idea what they started.

But back to Ms Biloded - she's impressive as hell (not to mention drop dead gorgeous).
"softer snow" S2
"softer trees" Sonny Bono
my parents enrolled me in the local judo club when I was about 11 - I was a scrawny little kid and my parents thought it would be good for me.
Kudos to your parents! (Kudos for judo?) [ps: I got beat up at school. My parents sent me to a different school. Lookit where we each ended up. Your parents get the gold star.]

I think it would be good for virtually everybody. Some think teaching bullies and trouble-makers martial arts is bad, because they'll abuse the skill.
But I think the discipline it imparts may help brutes and weaklings alike. By and large I don't favor championing ignorance. Why make an exception for martial art?

grumble / comment -
I didn't learn much technique from the 6 minute vid. It looked like a leggy kid getting the better of other shorter-limbed opponents. I'm not trying to tinkle on her parade. But I wouldn't deny the physical differences, which may impart advantage.

There are some arts one can practice alone, with a heavy-bag, or full-length mirror. Perhaps not as much with a soft art, which seems to benefit from an opponent. Though I did notice the knuckles on some of the female competitors suggested they'd been working a heavy-bag a while.
JFK said “a rising tide lifts all boats.”
Tinkle-down economics impersonated this utilitarian principle, but in plutocratic Republican form. The following two graphics ridicule / satirize the Republican idea and implementation.
My objection to the first is, it lowers the critics of Republicans to Republican level, by applying the ridiculous Republican standard of flagrant falsification. If in fact the Reagan team is laughing convulsively for precisely the reason captioned, I withdraw my objection. I suspect they're laughing about something else.


The following graphic may not be much better. But at least this famous noir image conveys genuine desperation, despite the agenda caption.

I'm sure it's just a coincidence that right around the same time that the GOP has been ramping up rhetoric about the LGBTQ community being "child groomers", and crossdressers being "child predators", and trans healthcare being an "assault on children", is now looking to seek the power to perform state sanctioned murder on "child predators".


S2 #548
We're falling for DeSantis' trap. It's working as well for him as it does for Trump.

DeSantis is getting free publicity. And it's working. You and I are discussing it here.

The obvious dilemma:
- discuss the outrage, and his free publicity scam is successful
- decline to discuss, and ... ??
"Keep your friends close, your enemies even closer." Sun Tzu, author of The Art Of War, 6th century BCE
I'm certainly not above keeping an eye on this dirt-ball. BUT !!
In so doing, are we not doing as he intends us to do? What's the harm? Isn't that how Trump got into office?

What do you think S2? How should we, you, me, the United States of America handle this Trump / MTG / DeSantis free publicity formula?
a) Hooorahhh !
b) This manic-depressive cycle of Trump's flagrant misconduct, and impotent government flirting rhetorically with imposing justice is too much for me to tolerate.

I welcome the sentiment. But all that has, and has not transpired, I won't believe it until after Trump is permanently attired in broad horizontal stripes.

S2 #555

I like old movies. I think they should make more of them.
A "sparsely" attended Trump rally:


Judging by the two at the extreme right of the picture, looks like Trump has the Secret Service vote sewn up. All you need is a few hundred million more, and you'll have a landslide !
"Firearms will not be allowed at a speaking event by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis" [... Orem, Utah] S2 #558
Gun control is not suited to school children in U.S. government schools. BUT !!
Gun control is ideal for protecting politicians that deny our school children such protection.