"God" is portrayed as omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent and short of cash." Crane #178

"Omniscience and omnipotence are mutually exclusive attributes." #180
There's abundant room for debating whether either is or can ever be manifest within the omniverse.

"Omniscience" applies to what is known. Spectra are defined by their termini. On the knowledge spectrum absolute ignorance occupies the low or zero end of the spectrum.
Omniscience terminates the spectrum at the opposite end, metaphorically the infinity end of the spectrum, though it may merely function as virtual infinity.

"Omnipotence" applies to ability to do. It too is a vast spectrum, but a different spectrum, arguably zero intersection in Venn diagram.

Note: the quoted author, "Crane" has been posting for decades, at last check still at it with Danilchenko.
None the less the Crane quotation from #178 is intended as satire of religion, not necessarily an indictment of god. It's about how god is portrayed, not necessarily that the portrayals are accurate.

om·nis·cient (ŏm-nĭshənt)
Having total knowledge; knowing everything: an omniscient deity; the omniscient narrator. *

om·nip·o·tent (ŏm-nĭpə-tənt)
Having unlimited or universal power, authority, or force; all-powerful. *
* The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.

The DOJ is planning to sue RealPage Inc., a software company used by landlords across the country, according to two people with knowledge of the matter.

DOJ staff recently recommended a civil lawsuit against RealPage that would accuse the company of selling software that enables landlords to illegally share confidential pricing information in order to collude on setting rents. The recommendation escalates the investigation to the antitrust division’s leadership, including Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter. Also on the table for a complaint is the landlords’ ability to use the software to match vacancy rates, essentially restricting supply, at competing buildings in the same rental market, said the people, who were granted anonymity to discuss a confidential investigation.

The Biden administration has made cracking down on anti-competitive activity a cornerstone of its domestic economic agenda, and antitrust enforcers at the DOJ and Federal Trade Commission are key to that goal. High housing costs are a particular priority for the administration, with President Joe Biden in his State of the Union Address in March calling out rental prices, saying, “For millions of renters, we’re cracking down on big landlords who break antitrust laws by price-fixing and driving up rents.” Later that month the president was in Nevada, discussing actions to fight “rent gouging among corporate landlords.”

The Justice Department has also prioritized so-called algorithmic price-fixing, with multiple officials, including Kanter, saying the use of software to fix prices does not provide cover for illegal collusion.

Full story at link

It seems an attempt has been made on Trump, report live at 7PM/ET.
Little useful info. available but Trump at podium was seen reaching his right hand up to the right side of his head before dropping to the dais. Minutes later a streak of what appeared to be blood approximately from mouth to ear.


Trump is SHOT in the side of the head and left with blood strewn across his face in horrifying assassination attempt​

"Nobody has been this disappointed by 2 inches since Stormy." meme

"I’ve just learned about his illness. Let’s hope it’s nothing trivial." bloke

Trump may wish to update his campaign slogan. How about: Vote for the felon with the hole in his head.
The question is how a man with a rifle managed to climb onto a rooftop a mere 200 yards away from Trump without the Secret Service taking the shooter down. Especially since there were people in the crowd yelling and pointing.
The question is how a man with a rifle managed to climb onto a rooftop a mere 200 yards away from Trump without the Secret Service taking the shooter down. Especially since there were people in the crowd yelling and pointing.
It's way early.
But so far, the closer we look, the less sense it makes.
An effed up false flag?
Certainly at very least a detail that must be investigated. BUT !
Seems to me, please correct / clarify:
a) If it's a lone wolf, &
b) if he's ~20, & only voted once,
not vividly clear to me he qualifies for any flag.

Some slim indication he's registered Republican. Nope, not sure why.
Other info. suggest his conduct, affiliations are more Democrat.

He shot Trump in the head, a bit beyond the usual political discourse.
BTW, we already know what Trump thinks about the idea

Why would this, in a convicted felon, be considered acceptable for a presidential candidate?
not vividly clear to me he qualifies for any flag.
Sure, that's what "false flag" is.
My intended point is:
a) "false flag" in this context is a shade metaphorical, as the shooter's flag, and his target both wave the stars & stripes, same flag. So a "false flag" explanation would apply to party affiliation, not national citizenship.
b) At this point in the investigation the shooter's actual loyalty is in question. There's dispute about the $15 dollar Dem. donation. Some say it was him, others that it was made by someone else, that has the same name.