"God" is portrayed as omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent and short of cash." Crane #178
There's abundant room for debating whether either is or can ever be manifest within the omniverse."Omniscience and omnipotence are mutually exclusive attributes." #180
"Omniscience" applies to what is known. Spectra are defined by their termini. On the knowledge spectrum absolute ignorance occupies the low or zero end of the spectrum.
Omniscience terminates the spectrum at the opposite end, metaphorically the infinity end of the spectrum, though it may merely function as virtual infinity.
"Omnipotence" applies to ability to do. It too is a vast spectrum, but a different spectrum, arguably zero intersection in Venn diagram.
Note: the quoted author, "Crane" has been posting for decades, at last check still at it with Danilchenko.
None the less the Crane quotation from #178 is intended as satire of religion, not necessarily an indictment of god. It's about how god is portrayed, not necessarily that the portrayals are accurate.
om·nis·cient (ŏm-nĭshənt) adj. Having total knowledge; knowing everything: an omniscient deity; the omniscient narrator. *