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RFK Jr. Isn’t So Sure About 9/11: ‘Strange Things Happened’

Kennedy told journalist Peter Bergen that he doesn’t know if he believes the government’s explanation that al-Qaeda was responsible for the attacks

You can put the Canadian one down to plain stupidity (i.e., failure to properly vet the guy). The US one, not so much.
"The US one, not so much." S2 #363
The seven deadly sins, also known as the capital vices or cardinal sins, is a grouping and classification of vices within Christian teachings. According to the standard list, they are:
- pride
- greed
- wrath
- envy
- lust
- gluttony
- sloth
source: Wikipedia / Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license

So Menendez should quit the senate, and campaign for "vice" president? Point being, Senator Menendez didn't need the money.

& btw:
The Hill

These are the Republicans who voted against the GOP funding bill​

Nick Robertson
Fri, September 29, 2023 at 3:27 PM EDT

Nearly two dozen House Republicans voted against a short-term government funding bill
on Friday, part of the ongoing feud between the Speaker and his party’s conservative wing.

These are the 21 Republicans who voted against the measure:

Dan Bishop (N.C.)

Lauren Boebert (Colo.)

Ken Buck (Colo.)
Buck lashed out against GOP leadership in a CNN interview Thursday night. “For this entire year, House Republicans leadership has known about the September 30 budget deadline. There is no reason why we couldn’t have a fully funded government by now. The American people are rightly frustrated,” he said on X.

Tim Burchett (Tenn.)

Eric Burlison (Mo.)

Michael Cloud (Texas)
Cloud called attempts at a continuing resolution part of “political games” in a statement released just before the vote. “We have known this day was coming. Yet here we are in late September, with some in leadership using shutdown politics as a mean of pushing a Continuing Resolution,” he said. “While such political games may have been successful in the past, it will not work this time. We have to keep our word. It is time to do what we said we would do.”

Eli Crane (Ariz.)

Matt Gaetz (Fla.)
Gaetz specifically objected to funds for the Department of Justice and support for the war in Ukraine as reasons not to support the vote in a RealClearPolitics op-ed Friday. He has been one of the most vocal Republicans against McCarthy’s funding attempts and has floated threats to oust McCarthy from his Speakership.

Paul Gosar (Ariz.)

Marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga.)
Greene lamented Congress’s odd work hours and limited fall schedule in a lengthy statement on X before the vote, saying a more rigorous workweek would lead to a funded government. “Imagine if Congress started to function like a successful business instead of a failing government playing the same games no matter which party is in charge,” she said. “Things have to change.”

Wesley Hunt (Texas)

Nancy Mace (S.C.)

Mary Miller (Ill.)
Miller cited a need for immediate action in voting no on the funding measure, instead of delaying a full budget. “I voted no on the ‘CR’ continuing resolution because I will not be part of the process to kick government funding down the road until the holidays, when Senate and House ‘insiders’ will agree to ram through some massive omnibus with Ukraine funding behind closed doors,” she said on X.

Cory Mills (Fla.) Mills argued that passing a continuing resolution is akin to going back on the promises the GOP made to constituents earlier this year. “I will not support DC status quo of a CR, Minibus, or Omnibus in lieu of us doing our jobs,” he said on X. “We need vast cuts, key reforms, and an economic strategy to tackle the GDP/ Nat Debt ratio. That’s why I voted NO on the CR/ ACT. I am open to working together and stay day & night to get the job done.”

Alex Mooney (W.Va.)

Barry Moore (Ala.)
Moore called on his colleagues to work overtime to get a full budget passed instead of a short-term measure. “It has been 26 years since Congress passed all 12 appropriations bills. In order to impact policy and cut spending, we need to follow the statute and reject the status quo,” he said on X. “I am committed to staying in Washington as long as it takes and working with my colleagues across the conference to advance the 12 appropriations bills that curtail our out-of-control spending and help American families fight Biden’s 17 percent inflation tax.”

Troy Nehls (Texas)

Andy Ogles (Tenn.)

Matt Rosendale (Mont.)

Keith Self (Texas).

For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill.

shutdown update: 23/09/30 Sat

US House of Representatives approves temporary budget to avoid shutdown​

Roman Petrenko — Saturday, 30 September 2023

The US House of Representatives has approved a budget to fund government agencies for 45 days without aid to Ukraine.

On Saturday, the House's Republicans and Democrats concluded an agreement to fund the government and avoid a shutdown.
The document does not contain any aid for Ukraine.
The bill will allow the government to work for another 45 days.
335 representatives voted in favour against 91.
The document must now be approved by the US Senate.

Source: Sky News
Fox News

House GOP members seek to expel Gaetz amid renewed threat to vacate House Speaker McCarthy​

Danielle Wallace, Jacqui Heinrich, Chad Pergram
Sun, October 1, 2023 at 12:01 PM EDT
s #368
Gaetz may be the worst vertebrate ever, but what is the protocol for his expulsion? Isn't Gaetz an elected Representative? Does the House and or the Senate have the authority to overrule the district that elected him?

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy ousted from leadership role in historic vote. Here's what to know.​

Enough Republicans joined Matt Gaetz’s effort in a pair of floor votes.​

Christopher Wilson / Senior Writer / Updated Tue, October 3, 2023
Rep. ’s efforts to oust Speaker of the House
were successful Tuesday as the GOP civil war continues to rage in Congress. It was the first time in U.S. history that a House speaker was voted out of the position.

Gaetz, the outspoken Florida Republican who’s dealt with a barrage of scandals since being elected in 2016, has been a consistent antagonist of McCarthy. On Monday night, Gaetz announced he would be filing a “motion to vacate” that, if successful, would remove McCarthy from his post.

McCarthy and his allies could have handled Gaetz’s motion in a few ways, but they chose to hold a vote to “table” it on Tuesday afternoon. If it had been successful, it would have killed Gaetz’s motion and allowed McCarthy to retain his speakership. It failed, with 11 Republicans defecting.

The turmoil the GOP is in right now has been characterized as a "civil war".

Not sure where it's headed. "The adult in the room" has been Democrat these days. Speaker McCarthy's removal would not have been accomplished without the support of hundreds of Democrats.
Later that afternoon a final vote passed, ending McCarthy’s speakership. Eight Republicans joined with 208 Democrats in support of the measure. To close out the proceedings, Rep. of Arkansas, who was presiding over the House, said, "The office of Speaker of the House of the United States House of Representatives is hereby declared vacant."

a) Perhaps the Democrats are aware, removing McCarthy means replacing McCarthy with ... ? The Dems think they can do better with a different Republican as speaker?

b) Superficially the appearance of these 208 Democrats supporting the measure is, the Dems. are supporting the lunatic fringe 8 Republicans, and punishing the moderate speaker that used power of bipartisan legislation to avert a government shutdown.

Did the 208 Democrats supporting the measure have more sinister motive? As the 2024 election draws closer, the Republican party in disarray? A benefit to Democrats?
> Point:
The New Republic

Kevin McCarthy Got What He Deserved​

Alex Shephard / Tue, October 3, 2023 at 4:53 PM EDT

If there’s one thing to say about Kevin McCarthy’s ouster as speaker of the House by a 216–210 vote, it’s this: This week’s chaos was inevitable from the moment he made untenable concessions to the far-right members of his caucus to loosely grab hold of the gavel in the first place. If there’s a second thing to say about it, it’s that he had it coming. There can be no mistake about it. Kevin McCarthy deserves this. He brought it all upon himself.

> Counterpoint:
A flurry of corroborating reports presented a government shutdown as inevitable. But at the metaphorical "last minute" the surprise headline: shutdown averted. Criticism, condemnation is easy. Has Speaker McCarthy not earned praise for avoiding shutdown? And this is how he's rewarded?

Fulfilling the obligations of the office of house speaker is never easy. But in this tumultuous Republican party environment there are additional challenges. Thus the record brief tenure of Speaker McCarthy.

None the less it seems likely Democrats risk paying a very burdensome penalty for their >96% contribution to McCarthy's ouster.

Leaving the speakership vacant is a penalty by itself, limiting what the house can accomplish.
Considering the petty vengeful partisan rivalry in DC, the Democrats can expect retaliation, if Republicans find the opportunity.
And on to Israel - truth or speculation?





Boxes of documents even accompanied Trump on foreign travel

"And on to Israel - truth or speculation?" ...

"Boxes of documents even accompanied Trump on foreign travel" S2 #372
Too many unanswered questions here. I'd like to believe it won't matter, but that would depend on the outcome of the current charges pending in the four courts Trump now faces.

"Sen. Bob Menendez Charged With Acting as a Foreign Agent" #374​

If the details reported are substantially correct, it seems Menendez is guilty.

Bob! What were you thinkin'?!

Throw the bum out. And take Santos with you!
Steve Scalise drops out of speaker's race as House GOP faces leadership crisis

BREAKING: Steve Scalise drops his bid for speaker leaving Republicans without a nominee
After 18 years he's finally confessed - he received a 20 year sentence but that's going to run concurrently with his current 28 year sentence so it doesn't mean much

Van der Sloot’s graphic confession of Natalee Holloway’s killing

  • Joran van der Sloot admitted to killing Natalee Holloway in Aruba in 2005
  • He admitted to hitting her with a cinder block, pushing her body out to sea
  • Dave Holloway: "He is evil personified"
" but that's going to run concurrently with his current 28 year sentence so it doesn't mean much " S2 #377
Seemingly inconsequential to the murderer, BUT !!

While it doesn't bring Natalee back, it may help provide closure for the bereaved.

Not quite clear to me what the murder's motive is to confess, though I glean the slightest of hints it may be coincident with Holloway's religious conversion.

I know this is way out of line. Please don't mistake it for advocacy. I present the following merely as a point to ponder, potentially momentous for other young women in similar circumstance.

Reports indicate she kissed her murderer, but then rejected further advances.
Obvious question: what might she have done to remain alive?
- Refused to walk w/ him on the beach (at night?)?
- Walked w/ him but not kissed him?
- Consented to his aggressions?
The only thing that might stop someone like Van der Sloot would have been to screw him. And given what we know of his history that might not have been enough.

Refusing to walk with him might have kept her alive - of course that's assuming he didn't wait for her outside.
S2 #379

What I had in mind in #378,
what's the best insight we can share with girls, young women that age, and or potentially in similar situation. When hormones rage, sound judgment can be compromised. We either equip them with the coping skills to stay alive, or leave time in our schedules to attend their funerals.

Pick one.
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