Election 2024

"You should buy stock in a business that's so good that even an idiot can run it, because sooner or later one will." Warren Buffett, CEO Berkshire Hathaway

& political corollary
"A legislative action titled “The Ultimate Cancel Act” was brought to the Florida legislature by Sen. Blaise Ingoglia, R-Hernando, in February 2023 proposing to eliminate any political party that has previously supported slavery. When considered from a historical perspective, this legislation targets the Florida Democratic Party.

Pretty good lead paragraph.
"Democracy is founded upon individuals’ right to show preference and vote for their representatives freely. If parties are limited in the electoral arena, then democracy and the electoral foundation of the country would be hindered. Not only is this bill unfounded, but it is also an undemocratic attempt to disenfranchise a portion of Florida’s voters.

Pretty good summary.

It leaves me wondering whether Republicans lead by Trump / MTG / Santos / DeSantis are in competition with one another to extend the fringe. Six sigma not fringy enough? Try seven !
In any case distracting voter attention from 2023 issues back to when Democrats supported slavery displaces voter attention to contemporary issues. Coincidence?

- nope -
You don't say


One DICK-tator to another
BK #25
Looks silly in context of social standards of integrity. BUT !!
Such standards don't apply to the MAGAs.
Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something. -- Plato

The deepening radicalization of Donald J. Trump

Watch how the former president’s positions and rhetoric have grown more confrontational and extreme as he seeks a second term​

By Isaac Arnsdorf, Josh Dawsey, and Adriana Usero


In the immediate aftermath of Jan. 6, 2021, President Donald Trump stayed mostly silent, and when he finally delivered his farewell address to the nation, he disavowed the attack on the U.S. Capitol as something that “all Americans were horrified by” and “can never be tolerated.”

Now, as Trump seeks to return to the White House, he speaks of Jan. 6 as “a beautiful day.” He says there was no reason for police to shoot the rioter attempting to break into the House chamber, and he denies there was any danger to his vice president, Mike Pence, who was hiding from a pro-Trump mob chanting for him to be hanged. He has promised to pardon many rioters if he becomes president again.

On this and a host of subjects, from sexual assault to foreign and domestic policy, Trump’s positions have become even more extreme, his tone more confrontational, his accounts less tethered to reality, according to ...

The trend is for candidates to swing wide in the primary,
and narrow their appeal in the general election, BECAUSE :

~40% of the electorate reliably votes Democrat, ~40% of the electorate reliably votes Republican
leaving election outcomes to be determined by the remaining ~20% of the electorate, the so-called "swing vote". Arnsdorf & etc #27 show Trump swinging wide in the primary.

It remains a puzzle.
Do Trump voters actually trust Trump?
If so, why? Trump has proved himself untrustworthy countless times.
If not, why in the %$#@ do they vote for him ?! How can they vote for a candidate they don't trust? “Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.” Dorothy

Nikki Haley’s desperation will endanger trans kids

Michael Arceneaux

In pursuit of support of her fledgling presidential campaign, Nikki Haley makes a disgusting claim about trans youth.

The dangers associated with another Donald Trump administration are clear and plentiful, but he’s not the only dumb, hateful, and desperate Republican presidential contender to worry over.

When asked to define “woke” during a CNN town hall event in Iowa held on Sunday, Nikki Haley offered a definition that targeted trans children.

“There’s a lot of things. I mean, you want to start with biological boys playing in girl sports. That’s one thing,” Haley, a former South Carolina governor and ambassador to the United Nations now seeking the Republican presidential nomination, said to host Jake Tapper.

“The fact that we have gender pronoun classes in the military now, I mean, all of these things that are pushing what a small minority want on the majority of Americans, it’s too much. It’s too much.”

As Haley sees it, “The women’s issue of our time” is “the idea that ...


"... we have gender pronoun classes in the military ..." Nikki Haley​

For centuries the U.S. military has served as a social safety net, a means of employing at near subsistence level the otherwise unemployable.
This may be a valuable next step in elevating appreciation for our U.S. military volunteers above lip-service levels.

Nikki Haley’s desperation will endanger trans kids

They're collateral casualties of Haley's lunge for power. Either Haley is so preoccupied by her own unbridled ambition she doesn't know of this harm she threatens, - OR -
Haley does know, but does not care.
Pick one.

Haley! Looky here:
"Honor means sacrificing yourself for the benefit of others. Dishonor means sacrificing others for the benefit of yourself." Lanny Davis, Special Counsel to President Clinton
BUT: Democrats haven't cornered the market on valuable ethical insight.
“Adversity doesn’t test your character, it reveals it.” U.S. President Bush (the elder)

So There’s a Trump-DeSantis Dick and Balls Fight Going On Right Now

By Caleb Howe

Just days after it was reported that Donald Trump was planning to touch on Gov. Ron DeSantis’s penis soon, one of the ex-president’s surrogates said to NBC News that the governor needs “a set of balls.” And the DeSantis campaign replied about the “perverted” nature of the Trump camp’s “obsession.”

To be clear, this is all part of a primary race to determine which Republican will receive the party’s nomination to be leader of the free world.

The dick fight (Note: you can read “dick” with either slang meaning and it still works here) started with a Rolling Stone article just over a week ago, in which it was reported that Trump’s campaign is, as Mediaite’s Sarah Rumpf put it, “scheming ways to sink to even lower and stupider depths as the GOP presidential primary battle heats up — by mocking the size of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ manhood.”

The details are worse than you think.

On Friday, NBC News published an article with Round Two inside it, which Axios reporter Alex Thompson highlighted on Twitter.

DeSantis super PAC head and former state chair of the Trump campaign in Nevada Adam Laxalt was quoted, ahead of a political event this weekend which will host several Republican candidates, saying that “I was a two-time Trump chair. I don’t see a path for him to win Nevada in a general election. Those voters are not coming back.”

NBC’s Natasha Korecki and Henry J. Gomez got a response from current senior adviser to the Trump campaign Chris LaCivita: “Not surprised Ron DeSantis is looking for a set of balls.”

The event this weekend, which like several recent primary events will be ....

I was born in '54.
... makes me an old man. So:
I'm a bit skeptical about entrusting my electoral ballot to the U.S. postal service, not known for infallibility. So:
I've been voting in person. BUT:
I've read news accounts of voting lines being hours long, and even recall an account that it was illegal to provide water to those that had been waiting for hours in direct sunlight.

Perhaps mine is purely a naïve delusion, but I'd like to believe there was a time in U.S. history, perhaps while I was alive, when if a party's platform wasn't appealing enough to attract electoral support, the platform would be adjusted until that support was forthcoming. BUT !
It seems today rather than Republicans making their message appeal to the plurality / majority, they just try and block the votes of those that would vote against it.

I think that's very bad.
PS #36

Gerrymandering is not a one party disgrace. I understand, when conducted constructively by sincere non-partisans, organizing congressional districts by function might make sense. BUT !!

"sincere non-partisan" if it exists at all is the exception, not the rule. SO !!

Would it be fairer to simply use an orthogonal grid standard to define the borders of every congressional district in the U.S.? Is there a reason we don't already do that?
It seems today rather than Republicans making their message appeal to the plurality / majority, they just try and block the votes of those that would vote against it.
Yep - they complain that young voters don't support them. And that minorities don't support them. So the solution is to prevent those groups from voting.
"Tax cuts accounted for only about 25% of the deficit." U.S. Vice President Richard Cheney, Sept. 14, '03

S2 #38
OK, so you're not wild about the graph-paper approach to congressional districting.

The term gerrymandering is named after American politician Elbridge Gerry, Vice President of the United States at the time of his death, who, as governor of Massachusetts in 1812, signed a bill that created a partisan district in the Boston area that was compared to the shape of a mythological salamander. The term has negative connotations, and gerrymandering is almost always considered a corruption of the democratic process. The resulting district is known as a gerrymander. The word is also a verb for the process.

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