Election 2024


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Since both Biden and Trump have announced their candidacies and begun running ads seems like we need a dedicated thread so posts on this topic don't get lost

Trump Using Photos From His Own Presidency To Argue Life Is Worse Under Biden

Clever like a Fox?
Trump may still get some publicity, he is a former president, and the current Republican front-runner.
Trump is getting even more free publicity, more attention by doctoring his own campaign material? What can the fourth estate do? Not report, or report. The media are falling for it again.
S2 #1
Here we go again ?

t #2
The figure I heard reported (casually dropped) regarding Trump's outrages, timed to the news cycle so he was omnipresent from his announcement to the inauguration (& beyond) was a $Billion $dollars.
That by Trump making statements alarming enough to warrant reporting obtained for Trump approximately $one $Billion worth of free publicity.
I'm certain Secretary Clinton had a campaign budget. I'm not sure it was a significant fraction of a $Billion. Surely name recognition helps. And though Trump did lose the 2016 vote, he won the election.

I'd like to believe Trump is a substantially spent political force. BUT !!
As long as Trump continues to grab free publicity headlines with alarming fiction, we may not be able to count Trump out.
Playing to the most bigoted part of his base

Trump 2024: Bring Back the ‘Muslim Ban’ — and Expand It

If he wins again, Trump wants to bring back one of the most vile parts of his first stint in office

DONALD TRUMP FOR months has been telling people close to him that he plans to bring back his infamous “Muslim ban” if he’s reelected in 2024, according to two sources with direct knowledge of the matter.

“Gotta bring it back,” Trump has said of the policy, according to the two sources, who added he regularly calls the idea “beautiful.”

Banning Muslims from entering the United States is a longstanding obsession of Trump’s. In December 2015, during the GOP presidential primary, he called for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.” He took a step toward that vision just a few days after taking office, when he signed an executive order banning the entry of citizens from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen, and Iraq for 90 days.

The ban caused chaos and confusion at U.S. airports and ports of entry, and led to a diplomatic fallout with Iraq, where the U.S. still had thousands of troops deployed. Federal courts blocked the initial order, but in 2018 the Supreme Court narrowly approved a subsequent revision of the ban — which included the addition of largely non-Muslim countries such as North Korea and Venezuela to the list of countries subject to tighter restrictions. President Joe Biden reversed the executive order in one of his first executive orders after taking office.

But the former president appears to be unsatisfied with merely reinstating the ban as it existed during his presidency. More recently, Trump has privately discussed adding more countries, including Afghanistan, to the list of majority-Muslim countries whose citizens he’s seeking to ban from the United States.

The hints of Trump’s interest in a reinvigorated travel ban are noticeable in his recent speeches, although they haven’t received much public scrutiny.

“I will restore my travel ban to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of our country,” Trump said in a late-April appearance in New Hampshire. “We were very tough on that. We don’t want our buildings blown up. We don’t want to have problems.”

“My wonderful travel ban, it was so wonderful,” he lamented during a March appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference as he promised mass deportations if reelected.

The ban was not wonderful.

“It’s honestly kind of pathetic that this is his idea of the sort of success he wants to replicate. There are literally no grounds on which any of the three versions of the travel ban were successes by anyone’s definition — they were incoherent policy messes that also ruined countless families’ lives,” argues Dara Lind, a senior fellow at the American Immigration Council. “The legal immigration system is still struggling to get back on its feet after 2017-2020 (partly because of Covid but also because it’s really hard to keep a functioning policy system when policy keeps changing on a dime). This sure wouldn’t help. And if the theory here is that he’s going to be able to get the courts in 2025 to sign on to something the courts in 2017 wouldn’t … well, I sure hope
he’s wrong.”

Trump has also touted other hardline anti-immigration policies while campaigning. On Wednesday, he appeared in a video message to supporters to blast the expiration of Title 42, a Covid-era emergency provision which allowed the U.S. to ....

S2 #4
dump Trump !

"First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me." pastor Martin Niemöller commenting on the Nazi eugenics program purging the population of undesirables, to result in Hitler's aryan population.

"He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself." Thomas Paine, U.S. Founder

I take it as a source of personal embarrassment that a voting plurality of my countrymen support this pseudo-American. Trump says "America first" , and "The only crime that I've committed is to fearlessly defend our nation from those who seek to destroy it." Trump 23/04/09 on FOX Easter Sunday
But doesn't the American principle of equality under law apply here?
Trump says "America first" ...
The origins of that phrase are "interesting" to say the least - hint Trump didn't come up with it



And Hitler / Nazis didn't originate eugenics.
U.S.A ! U.S.A ! U.S.A ! U.S.A ! World Leading Innovation - Inspiring Hitler and Trump alike !

S2 #6
What sincerely shames me about Trump including "America First" is: what priority do Trump voters think other U.S. presidents had / have? In substance, what Trump accomplished with this slogan, apart from attracting the votes of dim-wits, plant finger in the eye to our allies, trading, & treaty partners (by telling them all they're second).
From 2016 - if you're wondering why I posted this here it's because of the last part of the article:

Rising xenophobia stoked by the presidential campaign, he suggested, may soon make things worse for people who happen to look a little other-ish.

“What might prevent an epidemic of paranoia? It is hard not to recognize in this incident, the ethos of [Donald] Trump’s voting base,” he wrote.

In this true parable of 2016 I see another worrisome lesson, albeit one also possibly relevant to Trump’s appeal: That in America today, the only thing more terrifying than foreigners is…math.

And, as the article linked in #4 above says, Trump is beating the anti-immigration drum again.
... whatever doesn’t weird you out, should freak you out.

Evil Mermaids, Demons, and Donald: This Pro-Trump Conference Got Real Weird

Both Pastors for Trump and Re-Awaken America took over Trump’s Miami property this past weekend. It was strange — and terrifying

TRUMP PROPHESIES. “DEMONIC” Democrats. Totalitarian threats. And predictions of combat with mermaids(?!). The Trump Doral was a hive of far-right and religious extremism this past weekend. And whatever doesn’t weird you out, should freak you out.

Trump’s Miami property played host to a one-two punch of reunions for Pastors For Trump — the charismatic evangelical body hyping up the Trump ‘24 campaign as a gift from the Lord — and the Re-Awaken America tour, the traveling MAGA circus that platforms retired Gen. Mike Flynn and an unhinged band of shofar-bleaters, conspiracy theorists, and zealots who relate their visions of the spirit world.

Both of these groups have previously operated with tacit support from Donald Trump, but this was the first time that either group had staged their hijinks at a property owned by the former president, or appeared jointly. Trump himself called into the ReAwaken proceedings to laud Flynn and give his well wishes to the throngs of his admirers at Doral.

Pastors for Trump kicked off the proceedings in a Doral ballroom on Friday night. The group’s Tulsa-based leader, Jackson Lahmeyer, painted the nation’s politics in dark, biblical terms, asserting the devil has seized control of one-half our two-party system. “This is one of the worst points our nation has ever faced,” Lahmeyer said, condemning what he called “gender confusion” and “moral confusion.”

“Satan, right now has an entire political party in this nation doing his bidding — for free,” Lahmeyer told the crowd, referring to the Democratic party, whose president, in truth, is an observant Catholic. “The battle that we are in is one that is between good and evil,” Lahemeyer added before leading the assembly in a prayer. “Our nation knows a God who rescues his people, when we find ourselves in trouble. We lift up President Donald Trump, and we ask that You would give him divine wisdom.”

When pastor Craig Hagin, another Oklahoma preacher, took the podium, he felt he needed to “dispel a few rumors” that he blamed on the “mainstream media” in light of the group’s over-the-top devotion to the 45th president. “I want to go on the record that at Pastors for Trump, we do not worship Donald Trump,” he said. “We only worship Jesus Christ.”
Soon a “prophetic” voice took the stage. Stacy Whited is Christian nationalist media personality whose podcast is called “The Prophetic Report.” Whited delivered hope to the Trump insisting that 45 is ....

Shiftless, the drift in Trump's standards may seem typical to his followers. Considering the $5,000,000 verdict against Trump, and the long prison sentences for his proud boys, Trump's actions may be desperation. Or age. There's much concern over Biden's age. But there's less than a presidential term between them.
"Or age. There's much concern over Biden's age. But there's less than a presidential term between them." t #10
t #10 !
I did not know that !
I "did the math".
Biden born November 20, 1942
Trump born June 14, 1946
That's about 3 1/2 years apart. "Less than a presidential term". Thanks t #10.
"And, unlike Trump, Biden is mentally astute." S2 #11
If they're both nominated, there's usually a debate scheduled. In 2020 Trump tried the bull in the china shop approach. Didn't work.
Trump seems the more robust physical specimen to me, more so than 4 years might explain.
I gather Biden's vision may be degrading. The dark sunglasses he sometimes wears suggests something amiss. Biden's geisha gait raises questions. I get the impression that's an open secret, that it's known why Biden walks like that, but I haven't figured it out.

Apples : oranges?
Not quite. Biden is burdened with the truth. Trump isn't. Thus Trump can say whatever pops into his head, the easier task. Superficial observation may make Trump look more alert, an illusion.
S2 #13

It's hardly a comprehensive physical comparison, but the gait of each tells a story.

I also detect what appears to me to be evidence of cognitive degradation in each of these presidential candidates / presidents. Can't the United States of America do better than this?
I suspect anyone smart enough, talented enough, skilled enough to do this job correctly is smart enough not seek the office.

Well isn't that just "special".
There’s no middle ground with the GQP


The party of "fuck you, I got mine," is prone to attracting the people who have in fact NOT gotten anything, but believe the empty party promises that they WILL get something... hopefully at the expense of "The Others." You can't have a rational debate with somebody who has an internalized policy of greed and oppression. There's ... just no ground there to work from.
"Democrats want to avoid a default on our debt.
Republicans do not." Jo #16
Not quite sure how to quantify how wrong that is.

Republicans are threatening to default. BUT their threat is ulterior. Republicans like the idea of balanced budgets *. But they use it as a premise to cut spending they don't like.
Probably more accurate to say Republicans are willing to threaten default.

Not clear to me why Biden / Democrats haven't told Republicans:
YES, we welcome Republicans to the task of presenting a balanced budget for congress to vote into law. But crisis negotiations at gunpoint is not the right way to accomplish this.

I know of no other nation that has a debt ceiling. The Dems if ever again in majority control of legislative & exec would be fools to not get rid of the U.S. federal debt ceiling entirely.

* iirc the most recent presidential administration to run consecutive "balanced budgets" (albeit by fudging Social Security revenues) was the Clinton (D-AR) administration. Republicans may talk a great game. But they only seem interested in fiscal responsibility during Democrat administrations.
We knew it was coming ...

Ron DeSantis Officially Launches Bid to Turn Entire Nation Into Florida

The governor filed his 2024 paperwork with the Federal Election Commission on Wednesday afternoon, ahead of an announcement interview with Elon Musk

RON DESANTIS IS officially running for president.

The Florida governor filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission to run for president on Wednesday afternoon, setting the stage for an ugly showdown between Donald Trump and the 44-year-old culture warrior who wants to replace him as the GOP’s figurehead. DeSantis is expected to ...

Continued here
Don't want to start a new thread but this is worth reading

A MAGA War on Democracy

Nadin Brzezinski

We are seeing something distressing for any democracy. This is the rise of authoritarians and a post-truth belief in facts. In this environment, facts are not facts; they are what we want them to be. Depending on your perspective, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is the worst or best practitioner. That he denies a changing society or that we have a history beyond white history is part of the soup. But it also creates a new mythic space where experts or facts do not define history. It is summarized by what the state believes is relevant. This space is defined by his war on facts and the big lie.

Granted, the big lie is far more a province of Donald Trump, but the far right has embraced it. Ergo, DeSantis has as well. Furthermore, it is an excellent tool to ...

Mentally unsound but still the favorite; I guess the voters are even less mentally sound.


Can't let this pass without making the observation that people who respond to a poll on Fox are likely to be far more conservative than the average American.