Could this strategy shut down Putin's aggression at Ukraine?

It's surely not the first time ruthless tactics have been tried. It appears to be yet one more grave miscalculation by Putin. I understand how switching to more ruthless, more blood spilling tactics might be expected by Putin to help claw his way to victory. But if I read Ukraine right, this will only steel Ukraine's resolve.
That means it may not only make matters worse for Russia on the battlefield in the short term. In Ukraine's border region with Russia it can sour relations there. That can lead to hostilities, even border skirmishes. Putin has a tiger by the tail, and he's not smart enough to get himself out of it gracefully. Putin's best move at this moment may be to declare victory and go home. Otherwise, more bloodshed now, retreat later.
Putin has a tiger by the tail, and he's not smart enough to get himself out of it gracefully. Rampage
I think that sums up the on going problem. He has totally miss-understood, not only the people of Ukraine, but and may more important that the "civilised" world will not allow him to get away with what he has done. I read this morning the Economy of Russia is falling and that their government is having use a growing amount to keep the Country "working". So it appears the Sanctions are beginning to "bite" , my only concern is that after the dust starts to settle some countries will start to ease those sanctions. Plus, we still need to "watch" China because the leaders are watching and waiting as to a result and then will again IMHO be just as big a threat as Russia is now.
[quote "It appears to be yet one more grave miscalculation by Putin." R #41 [/quote]
"Grave" miscalculation. Thanks for the gallows humor R #41.

W #42
I've gotten mixed reports about Russia's economy. For a brief while the Russian ruble value had dropped below one U.S. penny. BUT !!
Then Russia said they'll continue to supply the West with fossil fuel, BUT ! the West will have to pay for it in Russian rubles, and according to that report the value of the Russian ruble bounced back. Not sure how far back.

I agree about China. And while China could be a huge issue, I'm somewhat confident China's leadership intend to act in China's own best interest. And long term, China is better off siding with the West, rather than a brutal rogue like Russia, no matter how close Russia and China may be ideologically.
When viewing current affairs, from our humble status, one often gets the impression, (well I do) that some how the world in general is made up of "Working persons-those that claim and don't work, and those that would be helped by putting them into a Mental institute" i.e. our present leaders.
Growing old does certainly focus the mind at times and you find yourself saying "I have seen this all before". So when Hitler made the pack with Stalin, fast forward and we find yet again Germany has "coupled" up to Russia with regards Energy, and never looked forward to see what could happen, (as in fact it has) and so Stalin and Hitler "ride again".
Putin had a sort twisted dream of the U.S.S.R. "rides again". Which in turn (as History has shown) Power, in some hands is all about following a twisted mind, and yet "People" once again suffer. To be frank I am lost to understand, Putin will lose but counting the cost afterwards by allowing "One so called Man" has again bought this cost on the World. Sorry for rambling but it beats the crap out of me.
Sorry for rambling but it beats the crap out of me.
"Ramble". It might look like that. The problem is, you've attempted to apply rational analysis to the most extreme actions of madmen. A noble effort on your part sir, but think it through. Is it even possible to make rational sense of the irrational criminal mind?
Sadly the worst is yet to come. Evidence of Russian troop movements and reinforcements indicate Russia is planning to focus their carnage on Eastern Ukraine, more of which is farm land. That's a potential disadvantage to the Ukrainian defenders, for they will have less cover and concealment to employ against Russian troops.
"Ramble". It might look like that. The problem is, you've attempted to apply rational analysis to the most extreme actions of madmen. Rampage
Thank you Rampage, you have made me feel almost Human again. More later.
Well you guys, the problem is, Putin started out this mess a madman. He's still a madman, BUT !!
Now he's an angry madman, doubling down as if committing atrocities will get him closer to his objective. Putin needs a change of clothes. I think a simple pine box would be most becoming to him.
Today, I read a very interesting article about the opposition to Putin in Russia. It appears even though he is "manufacturing" news as to the War in Ukraine a growing number are questioning his "so called power". He is 70yrs old and the article went on as to say he will not see much longer.
The other point is that the possible use of Chemical weapons, and how the West would react. But when this War is over it will not only be Russia that will suffer also Germany appears to be digging it's own deep hole by not advancing closing off it's dependence on Russian Gas.
I along with several billion of my closest friends love the fantasy of a "white knight" palace coup d'état in the Kremlin. Unfortunately I suspect a snowball has a better chance in Hades.
"also Germany appears to be digging it's own deep hole by not advancing closing off it's dependence on Russian Gas." W #48
a) - bummer -
b) I wish Germany was just playing coy, so as not to infuriate Putin, while Germany completes its implementation of finding adequate alternate sources of fuel. I realize of course that doesn't appear to be the case. I'm sympathetic. Germany is about as industrialized as the U.S.
President Biden has offered to help Germany make up the shortfall with U.S. supplied fuel. Problem is the U.S. supply Biden offered is a tiny fraction of what Germany needs to maintain their economy. I sure do miss Angela about now.
I sure do miss Angela about now. Sear
Not sure that could be an answer, in that Angela did "cosy up to Putin" even after the first invasion of the Crimea back 2015. She also seems to have been "blinkered" in signing treaty's which have given Putin huge income which Germany still refuses to shut down for Germany reliance on Russian Gas.
As History has written when Germany in the shape of Hitler tried to conquer Europe, after the War finished and the truth about the crimes Germany's leaders imposed on Europe (US Soldiers murdered while prisoners of war ) plus the millions of slave Labours slaughtered by the S.S. and the Gestapo, the officers were taken on by Germany industry at the time.
Further , it appears that Putin's Army's have lost over 30% of the troops sent to "conquer" Ukraine and is having problems making up the numbers Killed or wounded. Seems to show when Putin decided to invade he believed his generals when they told him "over in a matter of Days".
Late news, it appears Putin has forbidden leaders from entering Ukraine and more important has made statements as the West supplying arms to the Ukrainians under a threat of "more serious actions taken by Russia". Not sure what that means other then a threat to the West.
I'm not certain of these details. But iirc:
- Merkel was born and raised in East Germany
- To evade East German / Soviet government Cold War recruitment, Merkel deflected recruitment attempts by pretending to be too girly-headed.
- Then she got a doctorate in subatomic physics.
- Then she became unified Germany's chancellor.

I appreciate, admire, value her wisdom. I agree, Merkel may have contributed to Germany's current dangerous dependency on Russian energy. But all the more reason if she got Germany into it, she could get Germany out of it. I can't even name today's German chancellor. But I don't see abundant evidence he's up to the challenge.
"Seems to show when Putin decided to invade he believed his generals when they told him "over in a matter of Days"." W #51
That would explain it, for certain. BUT !!
That's not the model Putin's pursuing. Putin is pursuing the dictator model. And in that model, the military leaders under Putin's dictatorial command may be less viewed as advisors (the Western model), and instead servants, or slaves (the dictator model).
"it appears that Putin's Army's have lost over 30% of the troops" W #51
And a great big boat.
"Late news, it appears Putin has forbidden leaders from entering Ukraine" W #52
Might be a good time for a G7 summit in Kiev. Putin has no authority to block Western leaders from anywhere but Russia.
"and more important has made statements as the West supplying arms to the Ukrainians under a threat of "more serious actions taken by Russia"." W
Russia embarrasses itself. Russia said it wasn't Ukraine launched missiles that sank the boat, but a fire onboard. BUT !! There will now be severe repercussions against Ukraine for sinking his boat.

The good news is, at least Putin now realizes he's in real trouble.
"Not sure what that means other then a threat to the West." W
One of the things resulting from Putin being declared a war criminal ...
remember the G-8 economic meetings? That was the G-7, the group of 7 global economic power-houses, meeting to coordinate their efforts. Russia had not earned any place at that table, but to make Vlad happy, the G-7 allowed Putin into the room.
But with war criminal status, Russia will be excluded from such participation, as long as Putin is in charge in Russia. Putin has made a mess. And it may take a Navalny to get Russia out of it.
As up date, Putin has "forbidden UK Politicians from entering Russia" . Not that many would want to go anyway. Also the Leader in Ukraine has forbidden the Germany Leaders from entering Ukraine. IMHO Germany has not shown the same opposition to the Invasion of Ukraine as have generally have the west. Whether it's because of Germany's reliance on the Energy she has become dependent on, or Merkel while Chancellor formed a close working relationship to Putin, remains to be seen.
One should remember back during the last World War the then German Leader Hitler, also form a "working relationship with Stalin" against the West and may be that "bond " still lingers in the German minds" difficult to say. " appreciate, admire, value her wisdom. (Merkel) Sear. I think one has to live in Europe to really understand what most outside Germany and who live in Europe really think of her. Yes she made Germany strong, but we must always remember it was the US, and the UK that freed Europe, France was "erased" quite quickly at the beginning.
To say "History is repeating it's self" is not entirely true, but there are similarity's.
Putin, as Hitler did allowed a form of "Emperor" Statas to blind them. But like all Emperors or Dictators they believe they have been singled out to lead.
The real problem in my mind is simple "what comes next" will the Russian people rid themselves of the likes of Putin, but then as Germany had to (after murdering Millions) Russia in todays world will have to make amends or face permeant isolation, and further China is watching very carefully "what happens next" because China has been "stretching her power" to a number of countries with IMHO the same view as Putin's Russia has.
But it's the latest "proclamation" from Putin, that is worrying, when he now says "The West must stop supplying Weapons to Ukraine, or face serious consequences" We await the reaction from the Leaders of the West.
As Rampage posted, "He who has the Tiger by the tail, must never let go"
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Because both the E.U., and N.A.T.O. are multi-national I'm hoping something approximating a useful response to Russia's military insanity will ensue. If so, perhaps in whole or part due to the extremists at both ends of the spectrum tending to cancel one another out, leaving it to the sensible, rational middle to hold sway.

But I agree with you and Titan. Putin has designed for himself an overpowering stink-bomb. And it's likely to dog Putin until he dies.
And it's likely to dog Putin until he dies. Sear
Or until he realises he has failed and says "what the hell" and pushes the button.
I am seriously beginning to come to the conclusion that the world is going to reach a point sometime soon, where sane persons will no longer be listened too.
If we view the world in general Putin is just one of a growing number that have been either convinced or suddenly have realise "They are the One".
Personal and although I am sad as to my Kin, am growing personal glad "I have near had my day".
The growing number of Russian Military personal who have lost their lives in Ukraine IMHO shows that the Army's of Russia are ill equipped to fight a growing resistance in Ukraine.
Although it's reported that Putin is receiving large revenues from the countries like Germany and France (due to Gas imports) this must come to an end because Germany in particular is under growing pressure to cut it's dependence on Russia Gas and Oil.
But to my mind what will happen when this Invasion "runs out of steam" is a very important question. Russia will have either pull back or fight in future a resistance moment which has already show it can "Resist". There will be change in World
politics, and hopefully the West will make Russia pay.
Seems to me the Ruskies fell for their own propaganda. They had no sensible reason to believe they'd have won the 3 day victory they counted on.
I saw a U.S. military officer interviewed on TV, regarding the Russian ship Ukraine sank. The U.S. military officer indicated that U.S. vessels have been attacked before, but due to crew discipline and effective emergency procedures saved their ship, prevented her from sinking.
The U.S. military officer concluded from this that the Russian crew wasn't fully prepared.
That seems to mirror Russia's ground troop status.

I suspect Putin might relinquish his ambitions on capturing / conquering all of Ukraine. But I'm guessing Putin would at least to capture a land-bridge to Crimea. Wouldn't surprise me if that's included in Putin's end game, though Putin may not yet be ready to settle for that.

As far as making Russia pay, I'd like to see Russia pay 100%+ of Ukraine's reparations.
Due to sanctions Russia may not be flush with cash. BUT !! Russia's got plenty of fossil fuel. And that can come in plenty handy in Ukraine for the first decade or so of reconstruction.
News today is that Putin has told his "Military staff" the aim is to take over the Southern area of Ukraine. So, as the war continues Putin due to a huge loss of Soldiers and equipment is scaling down what he hopes to capture in part because the Ukrainian forces have stopped him and in part because on the 9th May a calibration is held in Moscow and he needs to show he has gained something in this war.
But where as the U.S and the UK plus majority of Europe has imposed sanctions and keep them, Germany has not and is cutting back on sending arms to Ukraine because it says "we risk starting World War 3. The real concern is if Putin is not given a "bloody Nose" he will later try it somewhere else, already as posted he has warned Finland and Sweden if they join N.A.T.O their turn is next.