Could this strategy shut down Putin's aggression at Ukraine?

It's been reported that Russia has lost 5 general officers in Ukraine so far. Sear
Not so sure as to those who have been "terminated" are not the one's who gave Putin assurances the invasion would be over in a couple of days. IMHO he "Putin" is not only getting rid of the "Yes Generals" but warning others of what happens as to bad advice.
What does concern is Putin continued reference as Nuclear weapons being used. That I think tells more of state of his mind, which is fear of what could happen.
We may never know how much farther humanity would have evolved if those born with superior DNA survived to proliferate, but didn't.
Though I have never read it, I consider it axiomatic that adversity is the engine of evolution.
Warfare is a horrendous adversity, and for the casualties of war, breeding ends.

Both sides suffer attrition. But Putin has painted himself into a losing corner here. A one kiloton nuclear bang in a desolate nowhere would surely be regrettable, but not a cataclysmic danger.
But Russia gaining a strategic advantage with nukes in Ukraine doesn't seem offer rational probability of success.
So if Vlady goes nuclear, it would be for some other reason, likely to vent his frustration at his own manifold failure. If that, a total nuclear exchange (TNE) would seem to be the likely if not inevitable outcome.

I'm not smart enough to figure out the detailed dynamics on evolution of this. But I retain rudimentary understanding of the concept of the end of the human race. Unfortunately, that decision remains in the hands of Vlad Putin.
It's been reported today, by U.S. and UK. intelligence personal that Putin is not being told of the on going problems his invasion forces has met or is meeting.
Further nor is his advisers telling of the growing problems his Government and people are facing due to the Sanctions which have been imposed. However France is still allowing some major companies to continue to function in Russia. The French President is still talking to Putin about peace in Ukraine although baring in mind the French Presidential elections take place in May, so he could be trying to show he the President still has "Power". :eek:
W #23 !
Just when I'd hoped the news couldn't get any worse.
Not only is that scenario grim. That scenario is plausible.

"I see that Russia is now demanding that all oil and gas purchases from Russia are paid for in Rouble this has caused the value of the Rouble to increase rapidly (it had dropped to being almost worthless). Germany is complaining but Russia is saying "you either pay for it in Rouble or we wont deliver" Germany is putting plans for rationing into place" pk #15
I am of a growing impression that, events in Ukraine, will "spill over into the world at large". He now reaches for a very strong Alcohol drink, so see you.
One of my favorite definitions of "friend": One mind, two bodies.

Your #25 seems to reflect U.S. President Biden's thinking. Thus: you and Biden friends?
Any body that's a friend of the U.S. president is a friend to all of us.
Well said and written sear.
As a personal thought. When your President stated, the need for a Regime change in Russia, he was in fact speaking for normal sane persons who will hopefully "rise up" in this world. Putin "mimics" Hitler, in so many ways, and when we see that normal ordinary people suffer as they are it could or might make people rise up and bring about a "cleansing".
But one point should be made, about the Patriotism and fighting spirit of the Ukraine people, who took on a force that was planned to take Ukraine in a matter of days and failed. (y)
I suspect one of the very few locations that doesn't revere the heroic Ukrainian troops & citizens is Russia.

OK by me!
Totally agree. But again posting as one that saw and experienced the real effects of "War" has on ordinary people, it may just "jog" Humans out of a state that after these Wars take place and the "ordinary people suffer" there comes the so called normalisation period. People start to forget and start settle, and the War that has been experienced becomes not only History, but generally forgotten.
What happened in the 1930's and 1940's is in effect happening again. But, those who remember the Horrors that took place are the old so have little or no power anymore. I note that even in Russia which suffered, slowly the population aged and those born sometime after had no real experience of what War does. So they become a customised to the new "good" life. Then along comes a so called Leader, with a passion to "turn back the clock" and view in this case what the U.S.S.R. controlled, before people began to have choice as to how they were "Governed".
"What happened in the 1930's and 1940's is in effect happening again." W #29
You might have encountered this one before W. The following from sear's notes:

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” George Santayana / The Life of Reason (1905)
which may have inspired: destined to repeat it
“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it”. attributed variously

"turn back the clock" W
What an inspiration you are W! I think that just a fabulous middle name, and would look magnificent on Vlad "turn back the clock" Putin's shabby little grave marker next Wednesday.

"Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind." JFK
Having just read my News Paper this morning, it appears that although Putin, has banned Instagram and Facebook, and the Russian Tech. people have tried to "copy" with their own version, it's not working. So far over 70,000 Computer scientists have left Russia and a further 100,000 are aiming to leave. Plus those in Russia who were using Facebook and Instagram have switched to other Western news programs "seeing" News that is banned in Russia. IMHO this means that a growing number of Russian people are still being kept updated as to the real truth on what is happening in Ukraine.
So, Russia with it's failure to gain the Capital in Ukraine is now switching to East and South of the country with one assumes gaining more territory. The Russian Army's is struggling to show any gains, before any peacefully settlement. It now remains to be seen if the Army's of Ukraine can continue with the success's they have had so far.
I watched a program in which was Putin broadcasting to his nation regard on how "well" things were going in the Invasion (sorry sortie in Ukraine). He told his "listeners" "we have achieved most of of the aims and continue to advance".
What does strike me is that he knows how things are going but can't in anyway tell the truth. Which could mean there is a hope that this Invasion will soon come to an end.
However if countries like Germany were too really mean what they keep saying "we will sanction Russian Oil, Coal, and most important Gas", this invasion would come to an end. But that's what N.A.T.O was I,M.H.O. supposed to be set up for, so it tends to show failure, so one wonders for the future.
"What does strike me is that he knows how things are going but can't in anyway tell the truth." W #31
That surely would explain it. BUT !!
It's not the only explanation. A few weeks ago I caught more than one report (probably the same story reported by two different reporting agencies) that Putin may be being lied to about the actual events in Putin's war on Ukraine, lied to by his own Russian team.

If true, it raises probing questions with alarming potential answers. More complicated still, and perhaps most likely, they're all lying, even if also to one another.

If the latter, if Putin's front-line commanders are lying to Putin for reason of the Russian military commander's own, there are some details they can't cover up. The two that come to mind:
- Russia has not yet captured Kyev.
- And reportedly there are thousands of Russian battlefield fatalities. It's difficult to fake a Russian soldier's return to his family after he's dead.
"I am having problems even understanding the on going actions and statements from Putin. Could it be he has isolated myself not only from his own people but his "sane mind"" W #32
I'd struggle to find a definition of "sane" that would apply to Putin's invasion / occupation / attempted conquest of Ukraine.
I realize Eastern Ukraine (nearest the Russian border) was more Russia friendly than Western Ukraine (Kyev, and bordering NATO, more friendly / receptive to Western peace & prosperity).

U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) appeared this morning on (television network) FOX on the weekly news / interview 1 hour per week broadcast series. McConnell declared the U.S.' wants Ukraine to win, to force Russia out of Ukraine.
It seems while Putin's primary objective was 100% conquest and Russian assimilation of Ukraine, Putin might be content to settle for capturing and holding the important coastal regions of Ukraine, contiguous with the portion of Ukraine that bordered Russia.
That of course could leave Ukraine either partially or fully land-locked, depending where the new border was to be drawn. I'd like to believe Ukraine can and will succeed in fully maintaining the borders that existed before the day Russian troops breached Ukraine's sovereign border.
Putin may be being lied to about the actual events in Putin's war on Ukraine, lied to by his own Russian team. Sear.
That is a very plausible possibility. But surely he is an intelligent person, that the question has to be asked "why has the War continued". But another thought and it gained some possibility in my mind as to the latest "news" he has threatened Sweden as to joining NATO. Now I venture a thought. What if knowing he is losing, he has decide to call the buff as to using Nuclear weapons, as in "dare me" as to the West.
Is the West strong enough to "face him done". I further read that the family's of those killed are beginning to "stir" is it again possible he is beginning to realise that he must make a stand and possibly get the Russian people to accept he was right and the West is "chancing their collective arms".

Of course.
Thus we know the lies if any are more subtle than: - Russia won a smashing successful victory in the first 3 days of the War, and Russian military troops are toasting to their own success in Kyev standing on the corpses the conquered.
Obviously not plausible, thus obviously not the lie being told.
But on lesser scale a subordinate commander leading an attack on a Russian military target expected by Russia to be a push-over, that turns out not to be, like Kyev for example (still under Ukraine control), might make excuses he may hope would help cover up his own battlefield incompetence.

One of the more interesting examples of lies from the battlefield during WWII were British double-agents lying to the Nazi military. The Nazis sent bombs and missiles over the U.K. and then relied upon spies on the ground to report where their attack weapons landed.
The "spies" knew if they outright lied, the Nazis would learn about it, and no longer accept that spy's reports. So what the U.K. double-agents learned to do was to report actual Nazi "battle damage assessment" (BDA), but report it out of chronological sequence.
The result was, during the course of the war, the evidence more or less matched what the Nazis expected, BUT !! The Nazi military couldn't figure out why their attacks were consistently unpredictably off course, undermining, sabotaging Nazi war-fighting strategy. Nazis couldn't figure out why they weren't hitting their targets.

Damned clever those Brits, don't you know.

Anyway, whatever else is true we know Russia's glamorous battle fantasies were so non-reality based, Russia has had to both substantially revise, and scale back their territorial ambitions. It seems Russia has already (for the moment at least) abandoned hope of conquering the entire nation of Ukraine. I don't have inside info. on what Putin is prepared to settle for, but I hope he settles for zero, and possibly (if the People of Crimea prefer), that as Ukraine routs Russia from the battlefield, Russia is sent packing from Crimea as well. I suspect reclaiming Crimea isn't an option. But while we're dreaming, I thought I'd mention it.
"So far over 70,000 Computer scientists have left Russia and a further 100,000 are aiming to leave." W #31
Putin may be draining the talent from Russia. And knowing Putin, he may continue to apply Cold War (20th Century) "solutions" to address 21st Century problems. BUT !! You and I both know that may very well mean the "Iron Curtain" goes back up, possibly even rebuilding the Berlin "Wall" (fence).

That might work well for Putin if the West isolates Russia too severely, economically, and politically. There's talk for example of removing Russia from the U.N. Security Council, probably a good idea I suspect. I'd at least like to hear the idea debated, pro & con.
But Putin draining talent from Russia could cascade. Ex pat Russians reporting back to their professional colleagues still in Russia how fabulous life is in the West might merely accelerate the Russian talent stampede for the exits. The net result: the collective IQ of Russia drops. Russia's talent pool drops, reducing still further Russia's capacity to compete successfully in the globalized 3rd millennium economy. In an already handicapped Western sanctioned environment Putin himself may have already dealt Russia a blow that could take decades, potentially generations to recover from.
I think you Sear, have general summed up the situation at present. But what if as this "grinds on" a growing number in Russia start to question. Back may be 10 or 20 years ago, it's possible the the Leaders including Putin would have got away with it, but now the Russian people have for the last few years enjoyed a new way. Just may be we don't see the possible coming of a change, just hope when Putin realises he is "going down" he does not decide "what the hell I go we all go".
This evening's news reports Russia is so critically short of troops (Way To Go Ukraine !!!) Russia is calling back to active duty recently retired military, and recruiting from outside Russia.

Also reported: Putin's putting in command the commander that butchered so hideously in Syria, the report calling him "the worst of the worst". Also reported, that Russia seems to be changing tactics, planning what if implemented may be a long, slow bloodbath that could drag on for months.
Russia is calling back to active duty recently retired military, and recruiting from outside Russia. Sear.
Now that is very interesting. Simply because it could be a way that the Ukraine Government, could start to allow "others" to join the fight.
As for the new so called Commander, he had a reputation when leading the Russian invasion of Syria of "Butchering" civilians, so it appears as this War continues, Putin is now turning not to Military Victory but suppression. One detail he may have over looked, waging war in the Middle East, is totally different to waging War in Europe.
One wonders how long before Ukraine and it's fight for freedom will continue before the West finally makes up it's mind to "call Putin's Bluff".
Wolf is right sear. Voice Of America reports:
"With its plans thwarted for a quick takeover of Ukraine, Russia has named a new commander for its continuing assault on eastern Ukraine, a military leader U.S. officials say has a record of brutality against civilians in Syria and other war zones.
U.S. officials Sunday identified the new Russian military commander for Ukraine as Gen. Alexander Dvornikov, 60, one of Russia's most experienced officers.
The U.S. officials said Dvornikov was sent to Syria in 2015 to buttress the failing forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and led Russian troops there for a year. He was named as Hero of the Russian Federation for his role in Syria and is currently commander of Russia’s southern military district.
But under his command in Syria, Moscow’s forces were widely accused of bombing civilian neighborhoods and hospitals to try to stop rebels from ousting al-Assad."
"With its plans thwarted for a quick takeover of Ukraine, Russia has named a new commander for its continuing assault on eastern Ukraine, a military leader U.S. officials say has a record of brutality against civilians in Syria and other war zones.

Totally agree Rampage. What does bring to mind is the way Russia is using tactics which would if we look back in History compare with what used to happen two or three Hundred years ago, when "suppression" of the population was a winner, even before defeat on the Battle field.