Cops behaving badly ...

Thank you for posting this S2. Yet one more confounding, chronic deficiency within our "checks & balances".
"... a culture of corruption ... Hanceville's police department" ABC News #281

Lord Acton inspired a familiar paraphrase:
- Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. -

"It is not that power corrupts but that power is a magnet to the corruptible." Frank Herbert

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If knowledge is power, and power corrupts, and corruption is crime, and crime doesn’t pay, does knowledge in the end, leave you broke?

If a deity with encyclopedic knowledge can be omnipotent, but an omniscient deity cannot, then "knowledge is power" is a truism with a limit. Omniscience is disempowering. We're more powerful if we don't know what we'll do next?
"... controlled and regulated Police Academies. I have gone through 3." KS #283
A relatively small % of global population has graduated police academy.
Were yours successive? Or 101 x 3 ?

Do you have the ACLU on speed-dial?
"you aren't what we want in our force." KS @283
This may be a more fundamental issue.
But if it is as presented here, the 2nd Trump administration probably not the best time to hope to remedy it.

This was in Sacramento County. The victim, Brandell Sampson was awarded $217k for this incident because he wasn't even the right person the police were after

One correction - it should say "one of the reasons"

No idea if the cops in question were penalized for their actions.
George Floyd, murdered by police officer Chauvin:

Why Elon Musk and Ben Shapiro want Trump to pardon George Floyd’s murderer​

The video depicting Floyd’s murder hasn’t changed in five years. But the Republican Party has.
Now Shapiro claims that Chauvin’s trial was a farce and that his “conviction represents the defining achievement of the Woke movement in American politics. The country cannot turn the page on that dark, divisive, and racist era without righting this terrible wrong.” Other conservative commentators and politicians have also come to Chauvin’s defense, but Shapiro’s plea achieved particular significance after it was amplified by Elon Musk, Trump’s unofficial co-president and his largest campaign donor.

Will Chauvin be free to celebrate St. Patrick's Day festivities at the pub of his preference?
Didn't take long to spring the Jan.6 insurrectionists.

That article is behind a paywall, this one isn't
