“Rudy’s defense is that he was a bad lawyer”

Anyone believe he'll actually keep his mouth shut?

Giuliani agrees to cease election fraud accusations against Freeman, Moss

Rudy Giuliani agreed to cease accusations of election fraud against Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, the two former Georgia election workers who won a $148 million judgment after a judge found the former New York City mayor guilty of defaming the two women.

On Tuesday, Giuliani "agreed to never again accuse either [Ruby] Freeman or [Shaye] Moss of engaging in any wrongdoing in connection with ....

I know I've said this before but shortly after 911 I was at a major industry conference where he was the keynote speaker. All I can say is that he was very impressive. And there was also a private dinner for some very senior executives and lawyers (even the location was hush hush because they didn't want the press bothering people) and I spoke to a couple of attendees after the fact and they said he was just as impressive there. But for some reason he went completely off the rails.
"... he went completely off the rails." #23
Rudolph William Louis "he went completely off the rails" Giuliani
Quite fitting for his grave marker (if they give him one).

Was it worth it Mr. Mayor? Is what you accomplished worth the sacrifice you've made of your own reputation? What is your proudest achievement in your political involvement with Trump?