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    H E A D L I N E S : 2 0 2 2 & 2 0 2 3

    Borg - here's one for you. Fox News reports Joy Behar suggests charging Alec Baldwin in 'Rust' shooting was political: He's 'a target for Republicans' Did Baldwin suggest that? If not, why not?
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    Ethics in U.S. / international relations

    "Grim bidness if Putin turns out to be the saint here, and Zelenskyy the monster." sear Off your meds sear? Russian troops massed on Ukraine's border. They've been busting up Ukraine the best they can for nearly a year. Don't lose any sleep about Zelenskyy.
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    Quotations from previous posters:

    "A lot of muslims live in Ukraine. Some practice cannabalism." post 9 Like Catholics taking communion?
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    SEC Counsel Berkowitz (CFTC) Resigns

    Why did Berkowitz resign? From the detail here I don't know if Berkowitz resigned to avoid prosecution, or to free himself to participate in a money grab.
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    Government is a protection racket.

    Some movies depict prisons with limited library access. Prison wardens may throttle such access as a means of control. Highly restricted Internet access? With greater privilege greater control? Or perhaps prison cells with computer terminals with access to the prison library? I'd like to hear...
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    Well done GOP

    From the introductory post - "OBGYNs in Louisiana are refusing to see patients before 12 weeks of pregnancy because miscarriages are very common during that period and doctors afraid of being investigated and prosecuted for abortion if a patient miscarries." introductory graphic Human...
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    Companies Already Investing in Tech to Scan Employees’ Brains

    Borg, this topic is alarming enough as is. We can expect this and similar technology to evolve. Where will it lead? In the U.S. healthcare is provided by employers. And healthcare may already include body scans, X-rays for broken bones, brain scans for cancer, etc. The change here is not that...
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    H E A D L I N E S : 2 0 2 2 & 2 0 2 3

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican Kevin McCarthy was elected House speaker on a historic post-midnight 15th ballot early Saturday, overcoming holdouts from his own ranks and floor tensions that boiled over after a chaotic week that tested the new GOP majority’s ability to govern. “My father always...
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    Well done GOP

    The Republican failures at selecting a house speaker to replace Pelosi make them look incompetent. Ironically, the ideological radicalization motivating it may work to Democrat advantage. When the Republican house speaker is a few votes short, and he can't get the votes he needs from his own...
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    The Limitations of Government in a "democracy"? Prohibit guns? Drugs?

    sear, I don't know. I'm not sure they know, or how they'd know.
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    Cops behaving badly ...

    If there aren't enough resources to provide each policeman a body-cam, police command could simply warn his patrolmen, any policeman receiving a plausible accusation of police brutality will be required to wear one of the police body-cams available. Shouldn't every COP wear one when interacting...
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    H E A D L I N E S : 2 0 2 2 & 2 0 2 3

    sear, Ukraine's military lacks that kind of offensive capability. The West resists providing the weapons for it for fear of causing runaway escalation from Russia. Ukrainians aren't stupid. They have only limited means.
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    Quotable Quotes

    In Ukraine, I saw the greatest threat to the Russian world isn’t the west – it’s Putin Timothy Garton Ash The Kremlin’s imperial war has made its own culture and language a common enemy for people across its former empire This thought came to me recently when I was in the Ukrainian city of...
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    H E A D L I N E S : 2 0 2 2 & 2 0 2 3

    When will Russia's military exit Ukraine? Autumn 2023?
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    The Limitations of Government in a "democracy"? Prohibit guns? Drugs?

    The symptom, the result of gun restrictions reaches government attention when detected by investigating crime. Personal use drug possession whether for medicinal or recreational use is different. What Illinois sales to out of state residents reveals is the economic profile. It can't be 100%...
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    H E A D L I N E S : 2 0 2 2 & 2 0 2 3

    Putin cancels annual year-end news conference: Kremlin The break in tradition comes as Russia’s war in Ukraine falters and its economy struggles under the weight of sanctions. Russian President Vladimir Putin will not hold a year-end news conference this year, the Kremlin has said, suspending...
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    No joke: Supreme Court case could take a big bite out of the First Amendment

    The court system often is where humor goes to die. For those seeking to use satire or parody of corporations, jokes often run into trademark or other lawsuits and result in a little more than “ha, ha, thump.” The same bad audience could await the defendant in Jack Daniel’s Properties Inc. v...
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    Giving Thanks

    Happy Thanksgiving.
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    Could this strategy shut down Putin's aggression at Ukraine?

    Russia stands to lose its biggest tech company, which would throw a wrench in President Putin's plans to foster Russian-grown alternatives for Western technology. Yandex, often referred to as Russia's Google, is the country's largest internet business best known for its search browser and...