When tanks roll, currencies stampede. How deep into your pocket can Vlad Putin reach ?

Where as I agree "Putin" has surrounded himself with people that either fear him, or are indeed are halfwits, he (Putin) one way or another (my belief he has certainly seen how Energy can and has been a very strong card to play) has allowed himself to believe "all peoples want to have Russia to lead" and has come up very short with the results we see in Ukraine. On the 9th of May he has to display to be a winner, so he will try to show that he has archived success in Ukraine. How that will "play" remains to be seen. The fact that he or his "Half-wits" keep using the threat of a Nuclear attack is IMHO a sign that things are getting "tough". The sanction's which have been imposed are "biting"
"he has certainly seen how Energy can and has been a very strong card to play" W #21
I've wondered whether Russia sought export of fossil fuel, because the Russian economy didn't have much else to offer (except vodka),
and then only after the fact realized the potential to leverage energy commerce for coercive purpose, - OR -
Russia deliberately insinuated itself into the Western economy, anticipating the opportunity to extract advantage to Russia by threatening to shut the export down.

Either way, whatever the political power advantage to Russia it'll be brief. But the wariness of the West to do business with Russia will be more durable.
Tomorrow is the 9th May. It marks the period of the U.S.S.R. so called triumph over the Nazi Germany, a parade is held in Moscow each year. It's where the Kremlin announces to the world their great achievements Russia has made. But this year will be different because with the Ukraine still not defeated and the resistance movement in the Ukraine still fighting back Putin Army's they will have to come up with either a total declaration of War on Ukraine or announce the use an Nuclear weapons.
If he does go Nuclear then the West will not be able as now to "brush it off".
With the Sanctions now starting to bite, the Russia population is beginning to realise and gain meaning to this invasion and further the People of Russia beginning to take stock of not only the growing number of casualties, but the cost of their living starting to rise, it remains to be seen how long Putin can "hold the reins".
"where the Kremlin announces to the world their great achievements Russia has made." W #23
W2 !! !! [Hope you don't mind the legacy nick-pseud]
Way to twist the knife on Vladimir!
I don't mean to in any way be seen as making light of the horrific carnage Vlady has inflicted on the good people of Ukraine. BUT
not difficult to imagine Putin had grand fantasies of fresh victories demonstrating Russian superlative greatness. - snicker -

It'll take far more to set all this right than disappointing Putin's parade fantasies. BUT !
It's a start.
"With the Sanctions now starting to bite, the Russia population is beginning to realise and gain meaning to this invasion and further the People of Russia beginning to take stock of not only the growing number of casualties, but the cost of their living starting to rise, it remains to be seen how long Putin can "hold the reins"." W #23
I gather Putin has the propaganda angle covered. Not that Putin can cure with words the adversity of Russia's economy hitting the skids, or the adversity it imposes on the lives of Russians day to day.

The typical deflection is to blame it on hostile external malevolence, proving the greatness of mother Russia and the tenacity of the Russian people. Hog warsh.

I get the impression the West is NOT formulating a propaganda off-ramp for Putin, for him to bow out of Ukraine gracefully. Too bad. I sincerely believe it may be among their best options.
You present Putin here as victim. Sear
I do with haste correct any impression I may have given, as to Putin being a Victim.
As to his metal or physical state, I would venture he is some one who has been deluded into thinking he not only has a wealth of Mental ability's plus a supreme knowledge of Military knowledge and it's deployment.
Further I now read that a clandestine conscription of reservist's is under way in Russia.
I would further venture, that is because his Army's in the Ukraine are not running out of manpower, but also a growing number of those Solders fighting there are becoming totally disillusioned as to what not only they are being asked to do but why.
In my opinion two things may follow. The first is that those "back home" who may or may not be asked to serve, (as I have read in the news item) have started "back off and turn away" and indeed again it's reported that Temporary offices to enable conscripts to sign up have been fire bombed. Further we have at this time no reports as to Desertion of Soldiers fighting in Ukraine. So as time "ticks by" on what in the eye's of the supreme leader Putin, was to be a "lighting War" the War now looks as though it will continue with the growing possibility of "others" from outside Ukraine "re-enforcing" the Ukrainian side.
The Major news of Sweden and Finland wanting "in" to the NATO defence force but already a growing number of countries have given assurances they would come to the aid of both countries should Putin total lose his mind and attack.


Russia claims total control of Ukraine's Mariupol: 'complete liberation'

Fox News 7 hours ago

Days ago the AP reported Ukraine troops surrendering to Russia in Mariupol. Good luck boys.

"because his Army's in the Ukraine are not running out of manpower, but also" Wolf

You mean: because his Army's in the Ukraine are not only running out of manpower, but also

Finland and Sweden - some reports say Russia is already fighting back, cutting back trade, etc. Putin has created a mess he can't handle.
The sanctions the West use against Russia about the Ukraine have the expected economic result.
"Russia is already fighting back, cutting back trade, etc. Putin has created a mess he can't handle." titan
But there's more involved than economics.

The Associated Press
Mon, May 23, 2022
After 3 months of war, life in Russia has profoundly changed

When Vladimir Putin announced the invasion of Ukraine, war seemed far away from Russian territory. Yet within days the conflict came home — not with cruise missiles and mortars but in the form of unprecedented and unexpectedly extensive volleys of sanctions by Western governments and economic punishment by corporations.
Three months after the Feb. 24 invasion, many ordinary Russians are reeling from those blows to their livelihoods and emotions. Moscow’s vast shopping malls have turned into eerie expanses of shuttered storefronts once occupied by Western retailers.
McDonald’s — whose opening in Russia in 1990 was a cultural phenomenon, a shiny modern convenience coming to a dreary country ground down by limited choices — pulled out of Russia entirely in response to its invasion of Ukraine. IKEA, the epitome of affordable modern comforts, suspended operations. Tens of thousands of once-secure jobs are now suddenly in question in a very short time.
Major industrial players including oil giants BP and Shell and automaker Renault walked away, despite their huge investments in Russia. Shell has estimated it will lose about $5 billion by trying to unload its Russian assets.
While the multinationals were leaving, thousands of Russians who had the economic means to do so were also fleeing, frightened by harsh new government moves connected to the war that they saw as a plunge into full totalitarianism. Some young men may have also fled in fear that the Kremlin would impose a mandatory draft to feed its war machine.

Biden may be hoping Putin will see this, and change his mind, withdraw from Ukraine, and set things back to normal.

But Putin is stubborn. And Putin wants at least some of Eastern Ukraine to solidify Crimea access.

Perhaps even more fundamental, Putin is familiar with the Cold War, and isn't alarmed by the prospects the West have already imposed.
The net result is, Putin may not only hope to keep significant portions of Eastern Ukraine, but simply accept the hardships of Western sanctions as their new reality.

The result of that might seem to be a weakened Russia. But the reality is, a wild animal can be most dangerous when cornered.
News today, the EU has Banned 2/3 Russia of imported oil . However when it comes into force, remains to be seen.
Further Germany is still inputting Russia Gas which is est. the cost of which is termed at Billions of Marks a day.
What does very much annoy me is that it seems only "Yesterday" we were "fighting to get the Russians to end the term Eastern Germany when the Russians control a large part of Germany.
Equally, France and Germany are "Negotiating" with Putin to come to a settlement with Ukraine as to end the War. The problem with this approach is that Ukraine will have to "SURRENDER " a large area which at this time is controlled by Russia. If this happens it will only be a matter of time before Putin, starts again. There can be no Peace while Russia uses the Military to invade and seemly conquer.
You present Putin here as victim. Sear
Not as a Victim, as such, more he has as posted "deluded himself". IMHO he has become so convenience that over a period of time Western Europe has become dependent on the Energy he has provided at very reasonable rates, they have not seen him slowly make them in fact "weak" so he has then again deluded himself to think "they will not retaliate, if I show power and invade Ukraine". It's reported that his inner circle assumed the Ukrainian force's would be "swept away" due to (again assumed) the power of the Russians when they advanced and invaded Ukraine. Now he has but two choices. The first give up and retreat (no way could he do that and stay in power) or as will happen due to his threat to cut supplies of Gas and Oil to Europe, plus the seemly unwillingness of Germany and Hungary to take steps banning his Energy, wait until he has taken a enough Land to be declared " A winner".
However what I was reading today is that even the Land he has taken the people are forming Resistance groups who are slowly causing Assassinations, and bombing key area's and generally making what was once quite area's into danger zones for his troupes.
We shall see.
I'm puzzled by the EU embargo threat against Russian fuel. Seems at best ill-conceived to me. Surely they want to spite Putin.
But at the cost of the German economy?

I'm not echoing you for affect W #29. But in the context of Putin, COVID, monkey pox, global warming, the highest $inflation in decades, and simple old age, I find apathy a powerful relief.

The pop psychology slogan is: be the change you want to see. If this is the world these kids want, gosh help them, for they are at perilous risk of success.