Well done GOP

Police are prosecuting abortion seekers using their digital data — and Facebook and Google help them do it

"In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty is in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed, and in the next place, oblige it to control itself." James Madison
We're half way there Jimmy.
"The policy of the American government is to leave their citizens free, neither restraining nor aiding them in their pursuits." Thomas Jefferson
You've done fairly well T.J., despite your best efforts, we've run amok.

S2 #20
I don't mean to seem dismissive of the adversity these authoritarians are inflicting upon these women in need.
I hope I do not compound their difficulties if I mention the hypocrisy of these Republican authoritarian hypocrites.
They say they favor smaller, more efficient, less authoritarian, less intrusive government. BUT !!
For what they perceive as social ills, these pseudo-con / pseudo-libertarians lurch desperately for big government authoritarian "solutions".

One of the intriguing facets of this Republican hypocrisy is, they're masking candor, as any hypocrisy does. If they want an authoritarian dictatorship, why not openly say so? Hasn't Tucker Carlson already done so, inquiring why the U.S. should support Ukraine, and oppose Russia?
And it's unethical and immoral and legal, sort of.
I gather the reversal of Roe was 5:4.

a) Wouldn't the balance on the court be 5:4 w/ majority Democrats? Majority Leader McConnell (R-KY) refused to give Merrick Garland a nomination hearing. "Advise and consent" is the Constitutional wording. Obviously not holding any hearing cannot be either. Why has the DOJ not grabbed that one and ironed it?

b) How many of those currently on SCOTUS swore under oath that Roe was settled law, and that they wouldn't overturn it? Doesn't their SCOTUS vote to overturn Roe constitute perjury? And if they're guilty of perjury, how can they retain their office in the highest court in the land? And if such perjury disqualifies them from the office, must it not also disqualify that ruling?

I genuinely don't understand it. These criminals have already made a mockery of law and governance, and now they're attempting to enshrine their "improvements" for perpetuity. U.S. patriots have more to fear from Republicans than they (we) do from al Qaida, ISIL, and Russia combined.

The reality is this two majority party system where each side is rank and file in step with their leaders no longer works for the American people! Both sides serve only themselves and special interests!

The GOP serve mainly the wealthy elite and corporations and the Dems cater to the liberal "woke" with their hearts perhaps in the right place, but completely out of touch with the majority of average, everyday citizens.

There is very little true bipartisan cooperation and real advancement and change is hindered when attached amendments are included in bills as what equates to bribes to buy a representative's vote for the legislation, oftentimes when that amendment has little or nothing to do with the legislation proposed!
The GOP serve mainly the wealthy elite and corporations and the Dems cater to the liberal "woke" with their hearts perhaps in the right place, but completely out of touch with the majority of average, everyday citizens.
For most of my life big bidness & the GOP seemed to be inseparable. Not sure the whole article is worth a read, but here's a headline that suggests their honeymoon is over. How Big Business Fell Out of Love with the GOP
The GOP serve mainly the wealthy elite and corporations
My perspective: the GOP is in turmoil. Who is the head of the GOP, the leader? McConnell? Is he out of the hospital yet? Trump? Is his court date set yet? The GOP is a mess.

Problem is decades ago they were actually interested in governance, even if a little different than Democrats.
Republicans these days seem more like anarchists, not sincere about responsible governance. I'm not trying to pretend their only endeavor this century was the Jan 6 insurrection. But what laudable accomplishment can they cite? Seems to me they think their job is to obstruct Democrats, the good People of the United States of America be damned.
There is very little true bipartisan cooperation and real advancement
Generations ago, even at their most contentious there was a tradition that partisanship ended at water's edge. But I've read increasing Republican objection even from grass roots about U.S. aid to Ukraine. Certainly U.S. support for Ukraine is expensive, $Billions. Do they think battling Russia in Utah instead of Ukraine is any better?

Note that this judge has also ruled to restrict access to birth control (and don't forget that it actually took a US Supreme Court ruling to legalize birth control nationwide (even for married couples)).
- Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. - paraphrase of Lord Acton

"All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that power is a magnet to the corruptible. Such people have a tendency to become drunk on violence, a condition to which they are quickly addicted." Frank Herbert

"Note that this judge has also ruled to restrict access to birth control (and don't forget that it actually took a US Supreme Court ruling to legalize birth control nationwide (even for married couples))." S2 #25
It appears to me "pro-life" is a fig-leaf, and the reward for many of these power-hungry Republicans is simply the thrill of imposing their sadistic will on defenseless others.
Tucson Republican state Sen. Justine Wadsack said last month that she “barely” meets with lobbyists after she faced criticism from gun control lobbyists who she refused to meet, but a copy of her legislative calendar shows the freshmen lawmaker meets regularly with lobbyists and special interest groups.

“I don’t meet with activists. I barely meet with lobbyists. I am not required to meet with either. I don’t meet with haters either. I meet with the people from my district,” Wadsack said in response to criticism on Twitter.

A public records request by the Arizona Mirror revealed that the majority of Wadsacks’ meetings were with lobbyists, many of whom do not reside in her legislative district. Wadsack’s calendar listed four meetings with voters from her district, and more than 30 meetings with lobbyists and special interest groups.

Since January, Wadsack has ....

Seems to me the pseudo-con transmogrification of the GOP has changed the Republican party more than gender reassignment surgery they oppose changes the patient.
It's called "The Law of Unintended Consequences"

William F. Buckley Jr., a consummate debater (I paraphrase) give your debate opponent enough slack of the rope, and he'll hang himself with it.
If it hasn't happened already I believe President Obama will be judged by history to have been a substantially above average U.S. president.