U.S. Presidential Candidates Harris vs Trump Debate 8 or 9:PM/ET Tuesday September 10, 2024


Staff member
This is not the first presidential candidate debate for this election cycle.
Previously Trump debated, and trounced President & presidential candidate Biden.

Biden's embarrassing loss was less due to Trump skill, more to do with Biden simply not seeming equal to the challenge. SO !

Biden's out!
Harris is in!

ABC-TV scheduled to host this Tuesday from 9 PM/ET to 11 PM.
Other networks including CBS & NBC have scheduled additional coverage starting at 8 PM/ET.

Former President Trump may not seem keenly attuned to subtlety. But his debate prep. team may have warned Trump
of the perils of "beating up a girl". So Trump's task here may be:
- to win, BUT
- to not look like a bully when / if he does.

History will be made during these two prime-time broadcast hours.

I'm ABC-TV: click me for more info.
ABC-TV scheduled to host this Tuesday from 9 PM/ET to 11 PM.
Other networks including CBS & NBC have scheduled additional coverage starting at 8 PM/ET.

I'm ABC-TV: click me for more info.
Yes s #1, broadcast network debate host ABC-TV is also scheduled for 3 hours of broadcast tomorrow night.
Elements to look for:

Candidate Trump [R-NY / FL] has acquired credibility doubt, rendered conspicuous and consequential since Trump entered the presidential arena.
This raises the issue of fact-check.

Some suggest ABC-TV is the venue, but it's Candidate Harris [D-CA] that's responsible for fact-checking her opponent. BUT !!
It Trump's falsehood rate continues on Tuesday as it has been for the past decade, Harris detecting and disclosing the details of Trump's errors
would take Harris off message, leave her little if any time to present her own message to the electorate.

Should ABC-TV's moderators fact-check? Will they?

Policy Position Flip-Flopping:

Harris was opposed to natural gas hydraulic fracturing (aka "fracking") before, now she supports it.

Trump has multiple positions on women's healthcare, U.S. / Mexico border security, and more.

How can the voter witnessing tomorrow night's debate be confident the policy position each candidate takes tomorrow
will be the same on election day 2024, or inauguration day 2025, or during the mid-terms in 2026?