Trump 'repeatedly' discussed choosing Marjorie Taylor Greene as his 2024 running mate


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Trump 'repeatedly' discussed choosing Marjorie Taylor Greene as his 2024 running mate
  • Donald Trump has "repeatedly" discussed choosing Marjorie Taylor Greene as his running mate, a journalist said.
  • He's been discussing it since February, NYT magazine reporter Robert Draper told the Daily Beast.
  • Trump is considering Greene because of her unflagging loyalty to him, Draper said.
Former President Donald Trump has "repeatedly" discussed choosing Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene as his 2024 running mate, The New York Times Magazine journalist Robert Draper told the Daily Beast.

Speaking on this week's episode of the Daily Beast's "The New Abnormal" podcast, Draper claimed the discussions have been ongoing for months.

Draper, the author of "Weapons of Mass Delusion: When the Republican Party Lost Its Mind," told the podcast that Trump has toyed with the idea of selecting Greene to join his ticket since February of this year.

"It's been discussed repeatedly," he said, per the Daily Beast. "Now, to be fair, I mean, how many of these conversations has Trump had with other people?"

Draper said that Greene is being considered by Trump because she has been "unflaggingly loyal" to him throughout. "What is Trump concerned about most of all in a VP after the Mike Pence experience? Loyalty?" he added.

Trump has previously said he wouldn't pick former Vice President Mike Pence as his running mate again because he "committed political suicide" when he refused to intervene in the election certification process.

The former president needs somebody who will...

s2 #1
Perhaps you share my earnest hope that when they rake in their 3% of the vote, they do so from separate federal prison facilities each serving extended sentences for felony convictions. BUT !!

Is either of this pair actually certifiably sane?
They each seem to me to be living in a twilight zone reality that's deeply rooted in either pure delusion, or spectacular creativity. What wobbles the diagnosis is a parallel but seemingly separate ability to mimic normalcy, albeit for brief periods, on a limited number of topics.

Aren't they both crazy ?!
S2 #4
Not sure you caught it, but last Sunday's ABC-TV This Week with substitute host Johnathan Carl was broadcast from Arizona. Mr. Carl said:

"Every major Republican running for Statewide [Arizona] office here has refused to accept the results of the 2020 presidential election."

BUT !!
Toward the end of the ~hour long broadcast he offered a glimmer of hope, a battle for sanity within the Arizona GOP.

Not sure you saw this S2. I've not yet read it. But CBS Late Show w/ Stephen Colbert interviewed her. She's impressively articulate, and is a Pulitzer prize winning author.


In the interview she called this ~500 page work a "character study". It would be nice to believe the sun is fast setting on Trump's public life. But my previous 37 predictions of that have each proved to be "premature" (wrong).
The constitution's article 2 section 4 says -
"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."
That has obvious bearing on Trump. Does it apply if Trump is re-elected to the presidency after he's convicted? After conviction, would it be a removal from office?
Would it be legal for Trump to hold the office and title of U.S. president, and run his administration from a federal prison cell?
Congress could pass a law on that one way or another I suppose, not likely though.
That means SCOTUS would have to rule on it. And considering how eager the 5:4 majority was to reverse Roe, I suppose stranger things have happened than President Trump serving as president, and serving time as well.
Trying to give me nightmares t #7?
Mid-term vote less than 2 weeks away. Poll data shows Republicans gaining ground. A Republican leadership windfall may pave the way for Trump in the next presidential election, emboldening him to choose Greene, or a running mate even more radical if he can find one.
"Mid-term vote less than 2 weeks away. Poll data shows Republicans gaining ground." t #9
Minority Leader McConnell (R-KY) makes rhetorical hay by asserting Democrats are in the majority. However the "majority" the Dems hold in the senate couldn't be thinner. Thus a single Dem vote can foil the plans of the administration. Manchen.
"i don't actually expect trump to live that long." b #10
What a delightful way for you to brighten my morning. I wouldn't mind if Trump sees another decade and a half, provided the view is entirely from prison.