
Tired of Turkey? Then it's time for "The Cthurkey"


And if you're looking for something a little different:

Holy crud you guys, ghastly amusing.

t #1,
While before refrigeration celebrating the harvest was about as sincere as it gets. No need to leave milk & cookies out for a morbidly obese home invader.
Thanksgiving's commercial persona is rather more a Potemkin village, Norman Rockwell on the outside, canned gelatin on the inside. Your point I suspect.

S2 #2
a) yikes
b) Get the cat OFF THE TABLE !

"something a little different:" #2
A vertebrate mollusk?

Have a totally rockin' Thanksgiving.
I wonder what she sets alight to celebrate Columbus Day, & how many matches she uses.
Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire. Gustav Mahler
Not sure what to make of the red nail polish. Too much Thunderbird?

I've long wondered whether both annihilation, and assimilation were sub-optimal for aboriginal Americans adjusting to the trans-oceanic population influx.
I conclude peaceful coexistence of the two dis-similar cultures would not be practical / viable. Too bad. I suspect it is a great loss we can never recover from.