Supreme Court Of The United States Of America: SCOTUSOA


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Supreme Court Of The United States Of America: SCOTUSOA

Headline from Monday October 7, 2024:

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday let stand a decision barring emergency abortions that violate the law in Texas, which has one of the country’s strictest abortion bans.

This is conspicuous SCOTUSOA judicial activism, legislation from the bench. Why?

It is SCOTUS' obligation to provide judicial rulings consistent with the United States Constitution. This is the sworn duty of every member of the U.S. Supreme Court.

The enumerated Constitutional requirement of United States governments to maintain the standards of civilization, including life-saving medical care from the U.S. citizen / patient's physician, in the 3rd Millennium as it was in the 2nd.

B.O. R. ARTICLE #9: Ratified December 15, 1791
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

This standard of saving the patient's life which the Roberts court has now overturned, was the de facto standard for millennia. There is no Constitutional provision which allows government to criminalize this most fundamental standard of patient healthcare.

Demonstrably for the Roberts court, there are priorities higher than the United States Constitution, and human life. Those alternate priorities apparently include authoritarian government conspiring to mass homicide at national scale.

So what?
If you care for the United States Constitution, if you care for the ethical rule of law, if you care about preserving the fundamentals of civilization within the United States of America, vote Democrat this November. - or -
leave time in your schedule for a few extra funerals.

Thomas and Alito sound eager to push for execution despite prosecutor’s objection​


"Even Oklahoma’s Republican attorney general thinks death row prisoner Richard Glossip should get a new trial. You might think that automatically means he wouldn’t be executed, but it’s not that simple with this Supreme Court." from the above MSN link

Some in the U.S. have viewed familiar Middle East bloodshed as proof that "they" simply don't value human life the way those in the U.S. do. Human carnage is the modus operandi for ISIL, al Qaida, Houthi, & now SCOTUS.
"Choose your enemy well, for he is who you will become." old Hebrew adage

Bill Maher said - of course there's a double-standard. There are two sexes.
For 5 ignorant men on the Roberts court to leverage their own troglodytic indifference to women, to threaten the healthcare of millions of Americans is yet another stain of sociopathy from which the GOP may never recover.
Extend common human decency even to pregnant women. Vote Harris / Walz this November, or earlier. Be a hero to women you may never meet.