"Public" "Service"? Or manufacturing incentive for one of the worst evils on Earth to continue in October, 2022 ?? & into 2023 ??


Staff member
https://www.pbs.org/ is the URL for PBS: Public Broadcasting Service.
PBS produced and broadcast a special 90 minute Frontline: Putin's Attack On Ukraine - Documenting War Crimes
In this broadcast PBS outlines Ukraine's prosecutorial case against Russia. It also outlined the evolving standards in international law regarding war crimes committed under the command of a head of State.

It is a "public" "service" as PBS' name designates, to inform the public about foreign affairs events that may be relevant to how citizens vote less than two weeks after the broadcast.

What are the moral and ethical ramifications of making public the fact that Putin and his highest ranking commanders in Ukraine are marked men?
Ukraine has already made substantial progress documenting forensic evidence, and tying it to specific Russian military units, and their commanders.
Does this information provide incentive to Putin and his military commanders to continue the carnage, even after any rational plan for Russian victory has been thwarted?

In general there are principles in journalism about honoring confidentiality agreements. Aren't such standards based on the more fundamental principle of do no harm?
Has PBS committed a breach here, by publicizing information which may potentially prolong the War in Ukraine?
absolutely NOT. the american people need to know about the vile acts committed by putin's army, especially now. mccarthy is saying that if the republicans take the house and senate, they will limit or stop aid to ukraine. there's more that he wants to do that relates to us at home, but i think people should know that he would basically allow ukrainians to be tortured, raped and killed instead of helping them save their country and their lives.
been here before and I really dont wish to labour the point but here briefly is why you dont get to criticise "Putin's vile acts"

Navy Seal pardoned of war crimes by Trump described by colleagues as 'freaking evil'​

topic question:
"Has PBS committed a breach here, by publicizing information which may potentially prolong the War in Ukraine?"
absolutely NOT. the american people need to know about the vile acts committed by putin's army, especially now. mccarthy is saying that if the republicans take the house and senate, they will limit or stop aid to ukraine. there's more that he wants to do that relates to us at home, but i think people should know that he would basically allow ukrainians to be tortured, raped and killed instead of helping them save their country and their lives.
a) Kudos b #2. I agree with you and Brandeis: "Sunlight is the best disinfectant". Louis D. Brandeis BUT !!

b) All that could be accomplished without disclosing the details about Ukraine gathering forensic evidence incriminating the specific Russian commanders by name.
been here before and I really dont wish to labour the point but here briefly is why you dont get to criticise "Putin's vile acts"

Navy Seal pardoned of war crimes by Trump described by colleagues as 'freaking evil'​

Senior U.S. military officers criticized Trump for this, warning Trump it undermined their authority, etc.
Trump ignored them.

I don't see an obvious connection between that, one of Trump's countless anti-institutional divergences, and PBS reporting from the War front.
Senior U.S. military officers criticized Trump for this, warning Trump it undermined their authority, etc.
Trump ignored them.

I am fairly sure that much the same could be said of senior Russian military officers criticising Putin (at least as loudly as they dare)
I am fairly sure that much the same could be said of senior Russian military officers criticising Putin (at least as loudly as they dare)
I wonder.
Part of my reason for doubt, the U.S. military officer corp. seems quite independent of political parties. You mm know Trump was wrong to pardon that SEAL.

Considering how long Putin's been in office, I'm guessing most of Putin's senior officers are either hand-picked by Putin, or generally meet with Putin's approval. I imagine (based on tea leaf reading) Putin has tried to surround himself with "yes men". If the Kremlin's officer corp were less partisan they might have warned Putin before it was too late to not invade Ukraine, or at least better prepare for it.
been here before and I really dont wish to labour the point but here briefly is why you dont get to criticise "Putin's vile acts"

Navy Seal pardoned of war crimes by Trump described by colleagues as 'freaking evil'​

oh, but i DO get to criticize them, just like i criticize MY country's vile acts, or any others, when i see that they've been proven to have happened. i don't play whataboutery, if you're guilty of such a thing, you should pay for it, no matter who you are or where you live.
topic question:
"Has PBS committed a breach here, by publicizing information which may potentially prolong the War in Ukraine?"

a) Kudos b #2. I agree with you and Brandeis: "Sunlight is the best disinfectant". Louis D. Brandeis BUT !!

b) All that could be accomplished without disclosing the details about Ukraine gathering forensic evidence incriminating the specific Russian commanders by name.

Senior U.S. military officers criticized Trump for this, warning Trump it undermined their authority, etc.
Trump ignored them.

I don't see an obvious connection between that, one of Trump's countless anti-institutional divergences, and PBS reporting from the War front.
i don't agree on the names. the russian populace has a great deal more ability to see world news than many believe, THEY need to know the names.
i don't agree on the names. the russian populace has a great deal more ability to see world news than many believe, THEY need to know the names.
Problem is, I doubt m/any Russians watch PBS in general. And I suspect virtually none will see that specific Frontline broadcast. Surely not enough to sway Russian public opinion. And even if it did, for what? So enlightened Russian voters could vote Putin out? Putin won't live forever. But no matter what else, I do NOT believe Putin will leave office because he lost an election, and certainly not because Putin lost an election because PBS included forensic detail in their documentary.

b #9
I don't have certain inside information. But I gather the very best most honest counsel to a dictator can be misinterpreted as disloyalty. Not impossible to image, by the time they're proved right, it's too late (for them).