Photos, vids, etc ....


Well-known member
Funny, she doesn't look blonde.

[I know I'm on thin ice w/ that one. BUT !! Anyone that doesn't truly believe blonde hair on a woman doesn't lower IQ, hasn't seen what happens to a room full of men when an attractive blonde woman walks in. On average each man loses 10 points, at least.]
This seems to me to be one of the more memorable images of our early Autumn. It's quirky, & impactful, and perhaps even a shade artistically appealing.

Reminds me when I parked Dad's Oldsmobile at "lover's leap" with Anabeth Gleestrop riding shotgun. What a frig in RACK !!
Anyway, I asked her if she wanted to get into the back seat (a slightly roomier bench). She said no.
A few minutes later, I asked again,
and again,
and again ... .
Finally in exasperation I asked her: "Why don't you want to get into the back seat Anabeth?

She explained: "Because I want to stay up front with you sear!"

Did I mention she's a blonde too?

But, what a rack !!
With the number of posts I've seen elsewhere about attendance at the Columbus Day parades, I just wanted to say that, while there are a lot of Italians who are deserving of praise, Columbus isn't one of them


And the reality is significantly worse than that

Coard: Five facts proving Columbus was one of history's worst monsters​

NO WONDER we celebrate Columbus Day!

s2 #7
I'm more of a miss-torian than a historian. Didn't Columbus never reach mainland America? The island/s he reached had what's mentioned in #7?
Columbus was a man of his time his actions though abhorrent to us would have been normal in his day (centuries later European Americans were hardly treating their Black slaves any better).
m #9
Quite right.
What renders the contrast so vivid is the affects of the application of the principle of democracy. Even under benevolent despotism equality under law is unknown to applied cultural norms. Mill, Bentham, et al.

None the less m, I've read, and can understand why Black children in Harrisburg might have near as much problem with attending Thomas Jefferson High School as school children in Haifa would, attending Adolf Hitler high.
Not only have we come a very long way. We've come a very long way in my lifetime. I'm not saying it's enough. I believe it will never be. But there were defacto remnants of Jim Crow in the South while I was growing up in the North.
I hope things are a little better off now.

After Lee's surrender to Grant at Appomattox April 9, 1865 both Confederate and Union troops rode trains to return to their homes. But due to the persistent racism of the day, victorious Negro Union troops were required to ride in the back of the train, while defeated White Confederate troops rode in front. Escaped slave / abolitionist / journalist / influential lecturer Frederick Douglass responded:

"We Negroes love our country. We fought for it. We ask only that we be treated as well as those that fought against it." Fredric Douglass

3/5 of a person
Columbus was a man of his time his actions though abhorrent to us would have been normal in his day (centuries later European Americans were hardly treating their Black slaves any better).

Columbus apologists saying "judge him by the standards of his time." Ok, lets do that. Of all people on earth, Isabella of Castille was so horrified by his behavior that she had him dragged back to Spain in shackles and stripped of all titles and assets.​
this isn't me praising Isabella, she was an absolutely horrible person. I'm just pointing out that one of the most genocidal villains in European history considered Columbus monstrous enough to strip him of all his wealth and prestige.​


In 1500 A.D., Christopher Columbus was arrested and placed in jail due the brutal treatment of the indigenous population, the denial or rights to those of Spanish descent, and the tyrannical manner in which he ruled over the island of Hispaniola; which is now known as the Dominican Republic and Haiti. After many complaints were made by religious leaders and wealthy colonists, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella sent a royal commissioner, Admiral Don Francisco de Bobadilla, to investigate. Columbus was summarily arrested and placed in jail during the investigation. Bobadilla then sent him back to Spain, where he was tried by the King and Queen.​

So no, Columbus was a total monster even by the standards of his time.

Here is a question, Mark: is there ANY monstrosity or crime against humanity that you won't excuse? Because that seems to be your modus operandi -- apologia for evil. Whether with putin's genocide (where you claim that we can't criticize it because America also did bad things) or Columbus's crimes (where you claim it was just the norm of the time), what you do time and time again is excuse utter evil.

When I saw you do it for the first time, you did it with putin's genocide, twice in two different ways -- once "it's not bad enough to be called genocide", and then when showed you that it is, you came back with "but we also did bad things". And now Columbus.

Initially I just wrote it off to partisan delusion. But you've done it again, on a different topic, and now we have a pattern forming. Three different apologiae for genocide.
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Mark: is there ANY monstrosity or crime against humanity that you won't excuse?

is there any thing which you wont misrepresent?

But again if I might quote JC

"You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye". -

How is the way that Columbus treated natives worse than the way your adopted country men treated Africans?
almost within living memory Black Americans could be beaten flogged raped and killed at will by white people a situation that persisted long after slavery was officially abolished.
How is the way that Columbus treated natives worse than the way your adopted country men treated Africans?
almost within living memory Black Americans could be beaten flogged raped and killed at will by white people a situation that persisted long after slavery was officially abolished.
Whataboutism is alive and well.
"Initially I just wrote it off to partisan delusion. But you've done it again, on a different topic, and now we have a pattern forming. Three different apologiae for genocide." D #11
I got the opposite impression D #11, that mm declined to condemn Russia in Ukraine because of the U.K.'s imperialist past. Have I misinterpreted here?
is there any thing which you wont misrepresent?
I didn't misrepresent anything.
How is the way that Columbus treated natives worse than the way your adopted country men treated Africans?
See? once again you are excusing genocide.

Any decent human being would say that BOTH are horrible, regardless of "the times".

But you aren't a decent human being. You are a genocide apologist, and your goal is to prevent the moral issue from being raised at all.

Shiftless: Columbus was evil!
Mark: No, he was just a man of his time.
Victor: No he wasn't, even by the standards of his time he was evil.
Mark: Uhhh, well, USA was evil too!​

You are a genocide apologist, Mark.

I hope that helps.
I got the opposite impression D #11, that mm declined to condemn Russia in Ukraine because of the U.K.'s imperialist past. Have I misinterpreted here?
No, that's what he did -- but it's genocide apologia either way.

Scenario 1:

- Look! Genocide!​
- No, it's just mass murder, not enough to be "genocide"​

Scenario 2:

- Look! genocide!​
- No, it was just the norm of the times.​

Scenario 3:

- Look! Genocide!​
- Shut up, we did evil too!​

No matter which way you turn, Mark is intent on preventing the discussion of any genocide other than what was perpetrated by US and UK. Anyone else, be is Spain or russia, he finds a way to dismiss -- whether substantively (as insignificant or contextual) or procedurally (as something he doesn't feel should be discussed).

But it all comes down to finding ways to dismiss accusations of evildoing and genocide (again, except for what US and UK did).

The specific approach (substantive or procedural) is just a choice of tactics. The end goal is always shutting down discussion about genocide.
Comparing it. Not excusing it. Right?
No, excusing -- because Mark is trying to use that as a COUNTER, to shut down discussion.

He did the same about russia: don't talk about russian genocide because we did bad things too!

No, he isn't merely comparing. This is a tactic to shut down discussion.
Industrial scale carnage is grim no matter what else. It can't make it any more palatable for it to be near nation-wide carnage in your own homeland.
But whatever else may be true about mm, until this, I've never known mm to do such thing. That's neither conviction, nor exoneration. But I'd be careful about extrapolating from a single data point.

On a personal note, this new Russian missile initiative begun Monday reportedly continues. Looks to me like another Putin tantrum. Killing civilians to make a not valid point? mm aside, this is the stuff of which despair is made.