NBC's ousting of Ronna McDaniel reinforces status as anti-Trump, pro-Biden network​

Rachel Maddow, Chuck Todd led the revolt against NBC bosses over hiring the ex-RNC chair​

By Joseph A. Wulfsohn Fox News / March 27, 2024 5:00am EDT

NBC News' dramatic decision to hire and then immediately fire former RNC chair Ronna McDaniel in the span of five days shows just how far left the media juggernaut has drifted in recent years, particularly as the 2024 presidential election steadily approaches.

"Brief tenure".

Sam Bankman-Fried Sentenced to 25 Years in Prison in FTX Fraud Trial

CEO of collapsed cryptocurrency exchange admits, "My useless life is probably over" prior to sentencing

Sam Bankman-Fried has been sentenced to 25 years in prison after being found guilty of fraud charges in connection to his collapsed cryptocurrency exchange FTX.

Bankman-Fried was charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, securities fraud, money laundering, and violations of campaign finance law in December 2022. The then-30-year-old allegedly defrauded millions of investors through FTX crypto schemes, including using customer investments in the amount of $8 million to ....

"Bankman-Fried Sentenced to 25 Years" #64
I'm not very good at reading tea leaves.
But I sense this may in some small way foreshadow Trump's fate.

$economics, too complicated
"There were 8 economic depressions while the U.S. was on the gold standard, and none after the U.S. went off the gold standard." economist Dr. Stephanie Kelton

A global disaster unfolds on a bridge over a river in Baltimore

When it opened 47 years and six days ago on “a spectacularly clear” March morning, the steel-arched Francis Scott Key Bridge was hailed as an engineering wonder offering “some of the most spectacular vistas in Maryland.”

“You could almost see forever,” read an editorial in The Evening Sun newspaper, noting the breathtaking sights of ...


The Baltimore bridge collapse victims were all immigrants. Here’s why we can’t ignore that.

Story Here (and no, it's not anti immigrant)

Baltimore disaster may be the largest-ever marine insurance payout, Lloyd’s boss says


Baltimore port crisis: World’s largest container ship company, MSC, dumps diverted cargo problem on U.S. companies


The Baltimore bridge collapse was ‘completely preventable’, says Donald Broughton


Have to say I was less than impressed by Broughton's statements

"A global disaster unfolds on a bridge over a river in Baltimore" #66​

Trans-oceanic consequences to be sure.

For commuters that relied on that span, consequences will result.
For European exporters, they'll need to use a different U.S. port.

It's a big deal.
Some assert it will take years to recover, based upon the years it took to build it in the first place.

"The Baltimore bridge collapse victims were all immigrants. Here’s why we can’t ignore that." #66​

There are jobs most native born U.S. citizens wish not to do.
Harvesting our crops is an obvious example. Roadway maintenance apparently another.

It may be perceived as a "problem". Probably better to recognize it as a "consequence", the result of a society, a national economy that's so prosperous, out of a population of hundreds of millions, there aren't enough workers to accept such undesirable labor.


Regarding recovery:
private sector to the rescue.
In previous similar collapses, bids were collected with payment plus $bonus for beating the deadline.
" - but we shall see" #68
How many legal charges are there against this dude? 94? And he's already sewn up the Rep. nom.?
How many convictions can Trump sustain, and retain his presidential candidacy?

Anyway, the underlying point of #68 is acknowledged. Trump presents himself as a superlative businessman.
When is that going to start?
Germaine to our @CV rest stop on the infotainment superhighway:

NY Post

FCC to vote to restore landmark net neutrality rules, reversing Trump move​

Reuters / Wed, April 3, 2024 at 1:38 PM EDT

FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel and protesters

FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel and protesters
The Federal Communications Commission will vote to reinstate landmark net neutrality rules and assume new regulatory oversight of broadband internet that was rescinded under former President Donald Trump, the agency’s chair said.
The FCC told advocates on Tuesday of the plan to vote on the final rule at its April 25 meeting.
The commission voted 3-2 in October on the proposal to reinstate open internet rules adopted in 2015 and re-establish the commission’s authority over broadband internet.

Net neutrality refers to the principle that internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites.
FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel confirmed the planned commission vote in an interview with Reuters.

“The pandemic made clear that broadband is an essential service, that every one of us — no matter who we are or where we live — needs it to have a fair shot at success in the digital age,” she said.

An essential service requires oversight and in this case we are just putting back in place the rules that have already been court-approved that ensures that broadband access is fast, open and fair.”
Reinstating the rules has been a priority for President Biden, who signed a July 2021 executive order encouraging the FCC to reinstate net neutrality rules adopted under Democratic President Barack Obama.
Democrats were stymied for nearly three years because they did not take majority control of the five-member FCC until October.

The New Republic

RFK Jr. Adviser Makes Shocking Admission about Campaign’s True Goal​

Hafiz Rashid / Mon, April 8, 2024 at 2:41 PM EDT
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been described as a spoiler candidate for president by supporters of Joe Biden, and even by Kennedy himself. But the Kennedy campaign’s New York director is taking it a step further.
In a meeting with Republicans in the Empire State, Rita Palma said that “our mutual enemy is Biden.”

RFK has met all the eligibility requirements for the loony bin.
He's also an anti-vaxer.

Arizona Supreme Court Revives Total Abortion Ban

The conservative court upheld the state’s 1864 ban on the procedure, wiping out nearly all access in the pivotal 2024 swing state

The Arizona Supreme Court has revived an 1864 criminal ban on abortion.

The Civil War-era law, which predated Arizona statehood by almost a half a century, prohibits abortion at any stage of pregnancy, for any reason other than when “necessary” to save the pregnant person’s life. The ban carries a penalty of up to five years in prison for abortion providers.

“[P]hysicians are now on notice that all abortions, except those necessary to save a woman’s life, are illegal,” the court’s opinion read.

The ban — which is set to take effect 14 days after Tuesday’s ruling, on April 23 — will replace Arizona’s 2022 law which banned most abortions after 15 weeks gestation. (That law contained a single exception, for “medical emergencies”; providers who violated it could be charged with a felony and lose their medical licenses.)

The legal case, originally brought in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2022 Dobbs decision, sought to determine which ban — 1864 or 2022 — would take precedence after the court struck down federal protections for abortion.

In December 2022, the Arizona Court of Appeals upheld the 15-week ban. But ...

One of the more stunning things about this is not merely that they're doing this, but that they're doing this imagining themselves to be magnificent, champions of what they feebly imagine to be "right". Disgraceful.
I'm skeptical about the religious myths of the Heaven / Hell dichotomy, but for their sake I hope it's true. Leave the longjohns home, you won't need them.
"Trump did this." #77
And it seems Trump will get many votes, not despite this but because of it. It's merely the price "someone else" has to pay. They can't be "pro-life" without being anti-mother.

In the previous millennium I saw a vid of bereaved "pro-life" parents that lost their only daughter to a back alley abortion. After her funeral they switched to pro-choice. - sad -
"They're pro-birth." S2 #79
That would explain it. BUT,
It's not the only possible explanation. And
it's not necessarily the most likely explanation.

After all, they are imposing their will on strangers in life-changing ways.
Saddam seems to have enjoyed that.
Kim Jong x seems to enjoy it.
The anti-choicers might wish us to believe that's incidental. BUT
can we rule it out?
Is it not possible simply exercising authority, imposing their will on others isn't a significant component of their motive?

We can quibble about their motive.
There's no room for quibble about their conduct, their methods, their objectives, and the consequences of their actions, including Roe / Dobbs.