Hamas War In Israel and Gaza

"anti- Netanyahu." t #21
True, we can support Israel's sovereign self-defense as a principle, without endorsing Netanyahu's bloodthirsty tactics.
The protests make that clear.
"Wipe out Hamas? Unlikely." t #21
I haven't seen a clear description of how the current Israeli strategy.
I've posted this before:
"The center of gravity is the civilian population. And if you drive them into the arms of the enemy you replace a tactical victory with a strategic defeat."

United States Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin commenting the first week of December, 2023 From Simi Valley, CA on Israel's War on Hamas
WWII didn't wipe out the Nazis. It reduced them to a pimple on the rear of trudgelodytes, civilization.

Bebe ! "The whole world is watching."
"Omar Baddar, Jamil Dakwar, Aryeh Neier" #23
Can't quite tell who's who here.
Some genocides are more clear than others.
I suspect for example Netanyahu wants enough Palestinian survivors so they'll spread the word.
Not sure.
I'm not there.
And the complicating factor: Netanyahu has a fig-leaf, Hamas reportedly operates from within civilian infrastructure, schools & hospitals reportedly.
Leaving me to wonder:
how different might life in and around Israel be today if "Never Again" were not merely a slogan for Israeli Jews,
but a practical standard for human rights throughout the region?